Chapter 4

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Lily’s POV Wait! What?! Husband?! What was he talking about?! Am I hearing this right?! I knew Lucy had just turned 18 about two months ago when she died. But the history book never mentioned she was married and had a husband. How could she get married so soon? And why didn’t the history book record it? Did the country allow them to get married at 16 or something? Or is this a sick joke he was playing with me to get me back? I saw the huge splendid wedding dress she tried. I guess Lucy is indeed married. Cora said that to me in my head as she went through Lucy’s memory quickly to find more solid proof. I just want to jump out of the window to come back to my real life. Because of that bloodthirsty Winter King, I never had time for a boyfriend before and I still even preserve my first kiss. But now you are telling me that I already had a husband and he obviously didn’t like me that much. How could I live with that?! Oh, No. Lily, the worst guess just came to me. Cora, who’s also never been in any relationship with boys, almost cried while saying this. And my mind exploded at that moment for the same reason. I stared at that slender “guard” and asked him with my trembling voice, “What’s your name? Tell me your name!” He narrowed his eyes as if surprised by my question and he should be. But then he moved his lips and gave me an extremely dreadful answer, “Aries. My name is Aries Winter, and I am the prince of the South Kingdom.” Cora and I both turned to solid stone figures the moment we heard his name. Aries Winter, the young prince of the South Kingdom, the tyrannous bloodthirsty Winter King of all the shifter’s kingdoms, the nightmare of the whole supernatural world and the most vicious devil ever! He’s here standing right in front of me and staring at me with confusion in his eyes like I’m the sick psychopath who slaughters people for no reason! Oh! My! How could it be?! How could that tyrant king be such a slender cute wolf and how could he be my husband?! What the hell? “You hate me that much, huh? You must play this twisted joke with me. Easy, I won’t enter your bedroom until you say so.” He said that, then turned around and left. I knew he must have misunderstood the shock in my eyes as revulsion or something else. But on second thought, he maybe not. When I was born, the whole supernatural world was already under the shadow of that atrocious King. All my bedtime stories were about how he peeled off the skin of wolves and boiled witches in the pots. Let alone I saw him in the warsfield slaughtering people by myself. He even strangled me to death with his bare hands. But in my memories, he was this powerful murderous King with black eyes and a scary black tattoo covering all over his face. That’s why I didn’t recognize him in the first place. Aries Winter, the name alone, was already the biggest nightmare of most people’s lives. How was I supposed to react when I saw him actually standing in front of me? It’s a good thing he chose to leave for the moment. Or else I might be scared to death or do something very irrational finding he is actually Lucy’s or my husband. How could we live with that? Cora cried over the cruel truth. I sighed, leaning back on the bedroom door weakly, “I had no clue, Cora. Not even a bit of a clue.” ** No matter what, my mission here with Aries must carry on. Like Lucy said, if I don’t stop him, the history will repeat itself and I’ll lose all my family and friends one more time. This was my only chance to stop that from happening. After Aries left, I stayed in my bedroom the whole afternoon to figure out what I should do but went nowhere. When night fell, the maid knocked on my door and reminded me to have dinner. I followed her to the dining room and saw the King and the Queen of the Western Kingdom. They are Princess Lucy’s parents, which means they’re my parents now. “Mother, father.” I approached the dining table and called them shyly. It’s really difficult to treat a couple of complete strangers as your real parents. Both the Queen and the King greeted me with a warm bear hug. I could feel they must really love Lucy. It made me feel bad that I took over her body. After the food was served, we started to eat quietly. But I could see Aries from nowhere and it’s weird, since Aries was Lucy’s or My Husband. “Emm, Mum, where’s Aries?” I asked curiously. The Queen stopped eating and looked at me with confusion in her eyes, “What happened to you, dear? Are you not feeling well?” Her attitude confused me more, “I’m alright, Mum. Just wondering where Aries is. Isn’t he supposed to be here to dine with me? I mean, he’s my husband.” Now the King dropped his fork and stared at me too. It seemed like I had just said something super inappropriate. I blushed and quickly turned my gaze back to my plate, “Never mind. Today’s food is so delicious, yummy!” The air around the dining table became more awkward as now all the maids standing beside the table were staring at me, too. I hope I never said that yummy thing! It must be so stupid! Luckily, the young maid Anne, who escorted me to my bedroom today, stepped forward from my back and then whispered to me, “Your Highness, a week ago, you forbad the prince from eating dinner.” I almost dropped my jaw at this information, “Me what?” “A week ago, Miss Anna got sick. Prince Aries sent her some flowers. But Your Highness got angry then punished him.” The maid answered me with a trembling voice, as if I might go mad at her words and beat her. Cora sighed in my head while continuing going through that huge memory book. Wow, this Lucy Frost was a total bit/ch to almost everyone. No wonder her maid poisoned her. I reset my jaw and gained back my composure, “Don’t you think I know that?” Anne quivered at my voice, “No, Your Highness.” I rolled my eyes to act like a mean bit/ch like Cora said, “No dinner for you today. Now go back to your room. I don’t want to see you until tomorrow.” Anne lowered her head then rushed out of the dining room quickly. The Queen and King smiled at me then continued their dinner as my behavior went back to “normal”. Oh, gosh! I really hate this trait of Lucy’s. My parents taught me to be a good caring person. Saying those things to the maid made me feel terrible. And what about Aries? He is Lucy’s husband but also a prince, right? Why did Lucy punish him like that? It’s almost like public humiliation. Because Lucy’s jealous! Aries’s been in love with Anna for a long time. She is the former Beta Roger’s daughter and Lucy’s best friend, by the way. And Lucy knows it. Cora finally found some information which was useful for us. It aroused my curiosity, “Why? They are not mates, right?” I blushed a little bit at the mate topic. No matter what Lucy or the Moon Goddess said, I refused to accept that bastard to be my mate. He was indeed cute, though. But he killed my family and strangled me to death. It’s a good thing that I can’t feel the mate bond with him right now in Lucy’s body. Or I might have to reject him first to carry on with my mission here. Cora replied, No. Her voice was puzzled, according to Lucy’s memory. It’s a one-way thing. Aries has had this huge crush on Anna since he was a child, but Anna had already found her mate. They aren’t married yet, but soon. “That’s strange.” I frowned, never expecting the brutal bastard to be such a faithful lover. It was a little bit annoying too. I mean, I was the one he was supposed to have a crush on, wasn’t I? I shook my head fiercely to swipe that creepy thought away, then continued my question, “Now that he’s still in love with Anna. Why did he marry Lucy? And did Lucy love him or something? She surely didn’t act like she did.” Cora answered me with frustration, I couldn’t find that answer. It seems like Lucy hid it on purpose. Maybe it’s for political reasons? The South and West need connections through their marriage. “In that way, the history wouldn’t omit it. They would record it as an important historical event. And the history book didn’t record too much about Aries, either. All we know is that Aries Winter used to be the prince of the South Kingdom. No one knows what he experienced or how he became the tyrant Winter King. I guess it’s our job to find out now.” Yeah, hope we’ll get it done. “Have some faith, Cora. We must try our best.” I sighed, then quickly wrapped up my dinner at this uncomfortable dining table.
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