Chapter 3

1289 Words
Lily’s POV She said that and then disappeared from my head silently. The moment she left, I felt my body lighten and my mind became clearer. That young maid was staring at me with worries in her eyes all the time. Once she noticed I was back from my space-out status, she asked me for the second time hastily, “Your Highness, are you alright?” I rubbed my forehead to foce myself to accept the fact that now I am that famous Princess Lucy. And then I squeezed out an ugly smile before I looked towards her, “I’m alright. Don’t worry.” But the next moment, I saw the maid widen her eyes in horror as if she just saw something which blew her mind. Cora reminded me quickly, Don’t be so nice, Lily. The princess said herself. She was a bad person! You’ll frighten the poor maid by being so nice to her. “Oh, sorry. New here.” I apologized mentally and then tried my best to pull a porker face to the maid, “I mean, I’m fine. Don’t you dare to worry about me.” “O..Okay. I’m sorry, Your Highness.” The poor maid answered with her trembling tiny voice as if I was this big scary lion who was about to eat her up. I immediately felt sorry to her for being so mean. Cora stopped me from apologizing to her. Don’t, Lily. If you act nice abruptly, you’ll get suspicious. The princess said we can’t be found out swapped. “Sure.” I frowned miserably. It’s really difficult to pretend to be a totally different person. After that, I lifted up my head and looked around to find out where we were currently at. I noticed we were on a broad dirt road outside a huge castle. The weather was cold as deep winter. Apart from Anne, there was a young man standing behind me with a blank and distant facial expression. The strange thing was, he was just wearing a thin black shirt and a pair of summertime black trousers in this freezing cold weather. He was about 6' 1 tall and way too slender to be a qualified warrior. But he was definitely a cute male wolf. With his soft black hair and that pair of cute hazel eyes, he was able to make most of the shewolves scream. Every line on his face was chiseled delicately as if he was created by the Moon Goddess herself. I thought he must be Lucy’s guard or something like that, though it couldn’t explain why he’s wearing such thin clothes. The weirdest thing was his face somehow looked familiar to me, though I couldn’t recall where or when I met him. I wanted to check with him if he had once met me from somewhere else. But that would make things creepy as now I am the master of his, so I just kept my mouth shut and marched towards the castle. I remembered from the history book that Lucy was the only daughter and the precious princess of the Western Kingdom, which made me assume this huge castle must be her home. But I don’t know what her relationship with the Winter King was. And why did the Moon Goddess say I needed her identity to approach the bastard? I’ll check the princess’s memory. Please wait. Cora responded quickly then started to read the princess’s memory book which was stored in the corner of my mind. “Please be quick.” I sighed as I entered the front door of this huge castle with the maid and the poor guard following me. Some Omegas came up quickly to take the coat off my shoulders. I withheld my impulse to say thanks, then asked the young maid, Cora had just told me her name was Anne, to show me the way to my own bedroom. Anne widened her eyes again with both surprise and confusion. But I guess there were advantages of being mean. She didn’t ask a single word but quickly turned around to lead the way for me. I followed her upstairs and couldn’t help noticing that that cute guard was still following me. It was super weird. I know Lucy was indeed a princess, but she’s also a strong wolf. Why did she need a guard following her in her own home? I wanted to check with the guard, but it would be very inappropriate as now I am Lucy herself. So, I just swallowed my question and kept walking. I followed Anne all the way to the third floor and then stopped at a wooden door at the end of the hallway. The moment I saw that delicately carved wooden door, I knew behind it must be Lucy’s or my bedroom. I quickly nodded my head to Anne, gesturing her to leave. Anne did so with 100 percent compliance and disappeared from the hallway in the blink of an eye. But the guard was still standing directly behind me just as he was going to enter my bedroom with me. That was what I wouldn’t allow. Cora hadn’t found any information about him yet and it seemed like it would take a while. I couldn’t wait that long, so I turned around and asked him curiously, “Don’t you have other things to do?” He wore absolutely no expression on his face but turned his head to avoid eye contact with me, “Today I don’t, Your Highness.” His voice was slightly hoarse. I guess that’s because he’s freezing with those thin clothes. But I found that it was extremely sexy and made him even cuter than he is now. You’d better stop that. We are here to deal with that bastard, not to date wolves, remember? Cora lifted up her head from that thick book and rolled her eyes. I sighed, then suppressed my urge to admire his beauty. “Well, no matter what, you can’t come into my bedroom. That’s inappropriate for a princess and her guard.” I said that with a harsh tone, but secretly hoping I wasn’t letting him down. To my surprise, he didn’t obey as a guard should be, but furrowed his brows impatiently, “What guards? Is that another sick joke you’re playing on me?” Well. That’s strange. Why on earth did a guard dare to say that to a princess in such a disrespectful tone? “What are you talking about?” I asked him with a little annoyance. My parents raised me to be polite and decent. I hate people when they are acting rude, “Aren’t you my guard? If not, why did you follow me all the way here?” He stared at me with his brows twisted into a deep knot, then he spoke to me in a super annoying tone as if he was teasing me, “Well, I see. When you passed out at the road, you kicked your head and then lost all your memories of me.” That was indeed an excellent excuse for my current situation here. Pretending to be another person was way too hard. Thus, I just gave up retorting and followed his lead, “Yeah, I guess you’re right. I lost all my memories when I passed out. Just tell me who you are, and why are you following me all the way here?” He looked a little bit surprised this time. I guess he had now started to believe that I really lost my memories because of that syncope. “Well,” He hesitated for like a second before he dropped me that explosive answer, “I’m your husband.”
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