Chapter 12

1292 Words
“To set what things right? Did you do something wrong?” Lucy asked Louis urgently, as her beautiful brown eyes were filled with curiosity. It was the first time that Louis found out she was actually such a cute girl. The memory-lost thing sounded like a ridiculous joke, but Louis trusted her instantly. Actually, from the moment they met this morning, he had realized there was something wrong with Lucy. She looked like a totally different person with a brighter smile and a softer heart. But the most important of all was that she didn’t avoid seeing him anymore. After that rejection, they never spoke to each other again and Lucy even refused to cast a glance at him. But when she hugged him so passionately this morning, Louis realized that the night of rejection had become the history. He was so sure at that moment that he still had feelings for her. And he was convinced that Lucy had feelings for him too. He asked Lucy out to find out the truth about that rejection. But Lucy told him she lost her memories, which meant it’s impossible for her to tell him why she rejected him that night. Still, Louis was happy to hear that her marriage with Aries didn’t work out well. It may sound kind of ignoble. But he’s so glad to know that he still got the chance to win Lucy back as long as he played the right card. He wanted to tell Lucy, “I’m sorry I messed up things between us by not telling you I loved you that night on your 18th birthday.” But that might frighten her, considering she must have forgotten they were mates. Thus, Louis just told her, “Nothing. I’m so glad you’re willing to tell me the memory-lost thing.” “Thank you for trusting me.” Lucy smiled shyly and dropped her question out of respect to Louis’s privacy. She’s now fond of Louis so much because most people would definitely distrust her on the memory lost thing. She smiled at him with gratitude in her eyes, “Without my old memories, I’m so lost now, Louis. Thank you so much for willing to be my friend and help me.” “How could I not help you? You’re the most precious princess of the Kingdom. You have the right to ask me anything.” Louis ignored the “friend” thing on purpose with a warm smile on his face. Lucy didn’t notice that. She blushed a little bit because of Louis’ bold compliment to her. But she quickly got to the theme as she had that intractable mission to fulfill. She lifted her head and stared into Louis’s eyes with sincerity, “Well, can you please tell me everything you know about Aries? I mean, I am married to him but I know nothing about him. It frightens me.” Lucy felt bad lying to Louis but it was for the right thing so she pulled herself through. Louis, on the contrary, frowned worriedly at her statement. It seemed unfair to Aries to have him, the man who was planning to steal his wife, to introduce him to his own wife. But Aries was indeed dangerous and Louis was willing to sacrifice everything to rescue Lucy from that horrible marriage with Aries. Not only because he wanted Lucy to be his own wife, but because he truly loved her and cared about her safety. “Of course, I’ll tell you everything I know about Aries. But before that, you need to come with me.” Louis said that, then led Lucy onto a side road which ran through those lush trees whose branches were still covered by the thick heavy snow of the last storm. Lucy followed him quickly and asked out of curiosity, “Where are we going?” “You’ll see,” Louis said that, lifting up these drooping branches for her carefully. After about 10 minutes’ walk, they reached the corner of the garden where lies a narrow water well which seemed to have been obsoleted for a long time. Lucy was confused by that well. She learned from the history book that people at this time had stopped fetching water from wells long time ago. She asked Louis curiously, “Why is there a well and why did you bring me here?” Louis looked at her and heaved a deep sigh before he spoke, “That’s not a well. That’s where Aries used to live.” Lily’s POV “Wait! What did you just say?” I widened my eyes in surprise at Louis’s words. I mean, how could Aries live in a well? Wasn’t he afraid of being drowned? Was there a bed in the well? Was that a special hobby of his? Why did he live there? How strange was he?! I looked at Louis with my eyes filled with astonishment and confusion. Louis explained nothing but gestured me to follow him to to the side of the well. “Look inside.” He instructed me while we standing beside the well. I did as he told and lowered my head from above the well. I noticed the well was empty as no water in it. The bottom of the well was not deserted or filled with mud or wild grass as I assumed. On the contrary, the bottom of it was smooth and dark as if paved with metals like iron or steel. A huge heavy chain was dangling from the mouth of the well to the bottom of it like a strange ladder which would take lots of effort to climb. I gulped at this unexpected scene, then lifted up my head to ask Louis, “So what you just told me is true. Aries used to live here?” Louis nodded his head, “Yes. He had been living in the well since the day he got here until about a month and a half ago. That’s when you decided to marry him and bring him to the castle.” Cora and I almost dropped our jaws to the floor at Louis’s answer. He means Aries lived in the well for 8 years, right? Cora was as astonished as I, How could that be possible? He’s a wolf. Doesn’t he need to run? I was astonished as well as confused. I asked Louis blankly, “Why did you put him in the well? Did he do something wrong?” I mean, Aries is doomed to be the evil Winter King. He must have done something extremely horrible to get treated like this. Louis answered me with hesitation, “I don’t know what he did before he was sent here, but we keep him under the well for reasons.” “Like what?” I desperately wanted to know what he did to get himself into this place. Louis didn’t answer me directly but bent over to grab that dangling chain into his hand, “Do you mind going down there with me?” he then asked me. So that chain was indeed a ladder or the only tool to be in and out that well, or might as well call it a dungeon. “O..Okay.” I was a little afraid of dark but I guess it would be fine with Louis and it was in the middle of the day. He’s a reliable person and I trusted him from my instinct. He gave me an encouraging smile at my answer, then reached out one of his arms to grab my waist. “Close your eyes if you’re afraid.” He said that to my ears, then held me and jumped into the well.
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