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Jacksons desperate kisses soon slowed down and his lips became less urgent. After he finally pulled away, I felt like my legs could collapse beneath me at any moment. His eyes had returned to normal and that irresistible half smile pulled at the side of his lips, he looked impressed with himself. Well, that was for at least 5 seconds, before my open hand made contact with his cheek.    The loud slap that reverberated from the contact was surprising, I wanted to teach him a lesson, not make him hate me but the smile on his face had only gotten bigger when he pulled his head back to look at me. “Well, that’s not exactly the reaction I expected but I’ll take it. You’re cute when you’re angry”, he smiled once more.   The feeling of euphoria from the kiss was quickly wearing off with the amount of smugness Jackson was showing, I didn’t know if I could talk without crying. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath, steadying myself before finally speaking. “What the hell was that for?”, I asked, trying to calm myself down.   “Just wanted to know if it would feel how I imagined it”, he shrugged, still sporting a smile from ear to ear. “You’re really proud of yourself, aren’t you?”, I huffed, frustrated by his smugness.    “I truly am, see you tomorrow”, he laughed, turned, and left, closing the door behind him. I had never felt so confused by anyone so much in my life. He comes here, kisses me like that and then calmly leaves like nothing out of the ordinary happened.    I went to bed that night, unable to get Jackson out of my head, yet again. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   The next day at school was awkward to say the least. Sierra and Alex seemed to be swooning over each other so I guessed that Alex had probably realised he liked her too. They didn’t really take much notice of me until Jackson came to sit with us once again.    I watching him making his way over to us and couldn’t keep the erotic images of us together, out of my head. When he sat down beside me, he still had that huge grin on his face, bringing up the memories from his visit to my place last night. “Umm, Dakota, you’re drooling on your lunch”, Sierra laughed at me. I looked down at my lunch, blushing. “Yuck. I think my drool would probably make it taste better”, I joked, trying to break the tension I was feeling. Then, in a flash, my sandwich was whisked from in front of me and I turned to see Jackson holding the half I had just been daydream drooling on, and before I could react, he took a bite.    “Mm, that’s amazing”, He moaned, eyes closed, before taking a second bite.    I jumped out of my chair and rushed inside as fast as I could. My legs weren’t going fast enough so I began to run. “Dakota”, I heard Sierra yell as I crashed through the door and bolted to the nearest bathroom.    What. Just. Happened.  -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Here I am, staring at my reflection in the mirror, talking to myself. “He just sat and ate the sandwich with my drool on it, in front of my friends, like it was nothing. Does he like me? Is he just toying with my heart? Why would he do this to me?”    I don’t know how long I stood there staring at myself, tears running down my cheeks, but I knew that I would have remerge and face the music at some point of the day. Or could I just stay in here until the day was over, then make a run for it?   I heard loud talking outside the door and just as I slipped quickly into one of the stalls and locked it behind me, the bathroom door slammed open and a group of girls came in. There’s no mistaking those vain voices. I peered through the crack in the door.    “Oh my god, did you see Dakota Stephenson run inside like a crazy person? She looked like she was about to have a heart attack”, laughed one of the girls as I watched her fluff her hair in the mirror. “Jackson chased her in of course”, said another with a catty tone that made my blood boil from some reason. I didn’t like hearing these girls saying his name like he was a piece of meat.   “I’ve had my eyes on him since we were kids. If she even thinks about touching him, she won’t live to see her 18thbirthday, I can promise you that”, Stephanie snapped at the girls while modelling in front of the mirror before turning towards the door.    That’s when I made a huge mistake, I sniffed back a very large sob that half made its way out of my throat. I don’t know if it was because I was upset with myself or because of the anger I was feeling towards these bitchy girls, but I heard the exact moment that Stephanie turned around and came back in. Looking for whoever had made the noise.   I stepped down off the toilet lid and walked out casually, trying not to show the tears that were clawing their way from my eyes. I stepped up to the sink and turned the tap on before washing my hands. I silently tried to walk around them and slip out the door but I guess she had other plans.   “And just where do you think you’re going” She growled. I felt a sharp stinging from my scalp as I was pulled back inside by my pony tail. She used my hair to catapult me into the wall on the opposite side of the room and I hit the back of my head hard on the cold tiled wall, just before her and her friends stalked towards me like hungry lionesses on the prowl. She was stronger than I expected and the shock and adrenaline rushing through me made it impossible to move, so I closed my eyes, knowing all too well what was coming next.   After a few seconds I opened my eyes and looked up, realising that Stephanie was still there, looking down at me with violence shining in her eyes. She leaned down and grabbed a hold of my throat, spitting words like venom through her teeth. “You stay away from him, or you don’t know what I’ll do to you”. I watched in horror as she stood back up and straightened her dress. The last thing I saw was her foot coming towards my face. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   I woke up on the floor, curled in the foetal position. I didn’t know how long it had been, my head was throbbing, my sides ached and a searing heat was radiating through my lungs as I tried to breathe. BANG! “DAKOTA, are you in... crap”, I heard Sierra say as she burst in and saw me on the floor.  She tried to help me up but I couldn’t move, I was in too much pain to do anything. I gasped and let out a whimper as she wrapped her arm around my waist and tried to lift me.   “Sierra, I can’t, it hurts too much”, I cried out, tears welling in my eyes. “Just give me a minute and I’ll be fine”, I finished before leaning back against the wall. Then she left.   “Good, now I can just die in peace”, I thought as I closed my eyes once again, giving in to the pain and humiliation. The next thing I knew Sierra was back and I could hear someone with her. “Jackson” I mumbled as I felt my battered body being lifted from the cold floor. “I’m here” he said, his voice cutting me like butter. I felt my sore, aching body relax as I melted into his arms, letting my mind relax. 
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