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Jackson’s POV   I kept my eyes closed as I took that second bite of the sandwich. My mind in ecstasy as I thought about how Dakota had drooled on it while thinking about me. Yes, I knew she liked me.... and I liked her too, more than she would ever understand, but there were... complications, I guess you could call them.    I was abruptly pulled from my euphoric moment by Sierras’ bird like voice screeching out for Dakota. I opened my eyes and looked over to where she was sat not two seconds before, she was not longer there. I pushed myself out of my chair to go after her but as I got inside, I couldn’t see her anywhere. She could’ve been in the bathroom but I saw Stephanie and her gang going in and I definitely didn’t want to get caught looking in there. So, I decided to walk the hallways, looking into classrooms and out windows to see if I could find her. I know she likes the library. “I’ll try there, first”, I say to myself. “You’re an i***t” Kyan, my wolf, hissed at me. “Oh, piss off you moron, this is all your fault”, I growled at him in return then pushed him from my mind and continued my search.   For all of you wondering about my little alter ego, I’m a werewolf. And a brilliantly strong one at that. See, I was born the son of Xavier. The strongest Alpha that has ever lived, and Athera, the most beautiful Luna to walk the earth. I was raised, knowing what I am, and the day I turned 16 I morphed into my wolf form and my whole pack knew, that someday soon, I would take my fathers’ place as Alpha and become their leader.    But my wolf is a jerk. A pig headed, rude, nasty jerk. He makes stupid comments at inappropriate times and even likes to jump in and take over my body just to have a laugh. It’s annoying, but as much as I can’t stand him, I need him there. He’s a part of me.    It seemed like I had been wandering the halls for well, forever, when I heard Sierras voice coming towards me. “Dakota”, She shrieked at me as she turned and ran. Urging my legs to move, I followed closely behind her as she ran into the girls’ bathroom. I stopped, not wanting to go in, until Sierra held the door back and I saw her sitting there, her head hung, unconscious, covered in blood. “What are you standing there for you moron. Get to her now!”, Kyan roared at me.   I hurried forward and scooped her up, making sure that her head fell into me and rested on my chest. That’s when she said it. “Jackson”, she muttered as I walked out of the bathroom, her beaten body cradled in my arms. “I’m here,” I whispered before hurrying out of the building. I got her out to my car and laid her gently on the back seat. Sierra tried to get in beside her but I slammed the door and damn near growled in her face. “NO!” I said as I stepped into the drivers’ seat and started the car.    Sierra stood in the car park as I sped away. A look of shock and horror on her pale face. I drove like a crazy person, weaving through cars until I got to the hospital. I stopped the car and jumped out, scooping Dakota up in my arms before running into the emergency room. “Help, I need help” I bellowed as I entered the room. Everyone looked at me in shock.    That’s when the staff came and took her. They wouldn’t let me go with her. They thought it was me. They thought I had hurt her. “We would never” Kyan piped up as I sunk into a chair in the waiting room. “She’s our mate”.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Dakotas’ POV   I awoke to a rhythmic beeping sound. The light burned my eyes, as I opened them, it took me a minute to adjust to my surroundings. My eyes darted around the room, trying to figure out where I was.   “Honey?”, I heard my mothers’ sweet voice chirp as I looked across to see her sitting next to me. Her eyes were blood shot and tired. I could tell she had been crying.    “W-what happened?”, I asked carefully, realising the aches and pains coming from my chest. “Your friend attacked you”, she replied before blowing her nose on a tissue she had balled up tightly in her hand.    “N-no” I whispered, feeling the tears running hot from my eyes and settling beside my ears.    “It was Stephanie and her friends”, I choked out through my sobs. “They cornered me in the bathroom and beat me”, I said, wiping the tears and snot away with the back of my hand.    “Why would they do that honey?”, my mum asked, a look of shock mixed with guilt covering her face.   “I don’t know mum, because they hate me?”, I replied, finally getting a hold on my emotions. “Oh darling, I feel so horrible now. Jackson tried to tell us that it wasn’t him, but nobody knew what had happened and he was the one that brought you in, so the nurses told us that it must’ve been him. He tried to come in to see you but we wouldn’t let him, he seemed extremely upset”, Mum sounded disappointed in herself for her harsh judgement, but I felt more disappointed that her or Dad could think that Jackson would ever hurt me. He was so sincere and friendly, I trusted him with my life from the moment I laid eyes on him, he just had that kind of pull about him. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   Two days later I was finally well enough to be released from the hospital. I was still a little sore around the ribs, but it was bearable now. I couldn’t wait to get back to school and see my friends. Sierra and Alex had come to visit me, but I hadn’t seen Jackson since before everything happened. Alex told me that he was pretty upset about my parents and the nurses accusing him of hurting me, and that he hadn’t been at school since then.  ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------   “Mum I’m fine, I can dress myself.” I said as I pushed my mothers’ demanding hands away from my legs. Don’t get me wrong. My mum is amazing, and so is my dad. But they’ve both completely smothered and bubble wrapped me in the last couple of days that I just need to get away from them.    I stood up from the bed and got my balance before putting my pants on and then my shirt. The doctors said that I’ve healed faster than anyone they’ve had with similar injuries. I’m lucky, I guess. I hurriedly walked out of the hospital, my parents a couple paces behind me. I wanted to get home already, I needed to call him, to hear his voice, to thank him for helping me and to apologise for my parents’ behaviour towards him.    When we finally arrived home, after my Dad drove like a grandma all the way because “I don’t want the bumps to hurt you baby”, I rushed through the front door and went straight to my room. Pulling my phone from my pocket, I dialled Jackson’s number. (And yes, before you obsess too much, I know his number by heart). It rung once, twice... again and then, nothing. Did he hang up on me? I dial again, but just as before. Nothing. 
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