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He’s so indescribably dreamy, even better in the sunlight. I’d never noticed last night, but he has bright, piercing white-blue eyes. The kind that when you look into them, you can see his soul shining back at you.   “Umm, Dakota.” I saw a hand waving in front of my face and my mind raced back to the reality in front of me. Jackson, the tall, dark and mysterious boy that I met last night was staring at me in confusion, a slight smile pressed on his lips. “S…Sorry what?”, I breathed, still a little out of it.   “I said I just started here today. My mum was home schooling me but I decided to try out real school. I just wanted to meet people my age, maybe make some friends”, he smiled. His unusually white teeth seemed off, making my throat tighten in fear, forced my heart to race.    Sierra cut in, saving me from trying to talk through my obvious mental meltdown. “Well I’m Sierra and this is Alex and apparently you two already know each other”. Sierra was always so good at reading me that I knew when she said “you two” and looked directly at me, that she would expect a detailed replay of how exactly Jackson and I had met. I wasn’t looking forward to her multitude of questions and prying that was going to ensue after lunch.   “Nice to meet you Sierra, Alex”, Jackson grinned, “Is it okay if I sit with you since Dakota and I already know each other?”. “Sure man, no problems. It’d be nice to have another guy with us honestly, these two are making me feel more like a girl every day”, Alex laughed before taking in the pouting look on Sierras’ face. She seemed upset that she would have to share him with more people.   “Actually, I think I might head in early. Mr Talbot is doing a pop quiz today and I want to have a minute to prepare for it”, I said hurriedly. Sierra and Alex both had looks of shock on their faces, knowing full well that I would already know the answers, as usual.   I didn’t wait for any of them to reply and stood from the table, giving Jackson a quick nod before making my way to class. Alex and Sierra knew me too well, I steamed through each question on the quiz and handed it in to Mr Talbot who told me I could pack up and head home if I wanted to, so that’s exactly what I did. No need to hang around waiting for Sierra to hound me with all her questions about Jackson.   The walk home was boring and the music I played from my phone did little to distract me from my extremely loud thoughts. Why did Jackson decide to start school now when we only had a year and bit left before going to university? Did he start so that he could get close to me? Does he like me or was he just being friendly? I didn’t want to admit the feelings I had been having since meeting him last night but it seemed that the more time I spent around him the more I felt like there was something that I should be afraid of but couldn’t bring myself to feel that way about him. When I finally arrived home, only once I was inside, did I remember that my parents weren’t going to be home until later and that I had invited Sierra and Alex around for a movie night. As much as I didn’t want Sierra asking me questions, I knew that I definitely didn’t want to be alone tonight. Ever since I was a kid, I hated that my parents were barely ever home, that I spent more time than I’d like to admit, at home alone.    Just as I was about message Sierra and ask if they were still coming, a message popped up on the screen. “Hey girl, I was totally looking forward to tonight but Alex asked me if I wanted to go out to that pizza place in town with him and you know how long I’ve been dying for him to ask me out. Rain check?”   My reply was short and sweet. “Sure, it’s all good, maybe next week or something as long as my parents don’t have anything planned”. Of course they wouldn’t. Nobody knew much about my parents, just that they were both in the medical field and really good at their jobs. Sierra had only met them a select few times, and even then, they left within fifteen minutes of her arrival at our house.   I sat down on the couch, wondering what I was going to do now that I had no plans. Maybe I could just eat dinner and then have an early night? The doorbell rang just as I was about to dial for takeout. Unaware of who could be here I went to answer the door with no hesitation. The view that I saw when I opened the door was completely unexpected. A devastatingly handsome Jackson stood in the doorway, a serious look dominating his usually friendly face. “Can I help you?”, I asked. When he didn’t move or reply I asked again, this time his face slightly changed. I watched as his pupils widened until there was not a speck of colour left in them. The look scared me but at the same time it didn’t, his behaviour made me more curious about him, if anything.   After a few minutes of silence, I decided that if he wasn’t going to answer me then I would just close the door and pretend he wasn’t there anymore. Apparently, that wasn’t what he wanted to happen. As I tried to push the door closed in his face, he slammed his hand against it, causing it to detest with a loud squeak. I couldn’t quite comprehend why he was acting this way and I didn’t have a chance to argue as he quickly strode towards me, grabbing my hips and swiftly pushing me into the hallway wall. My breath quickened and my palms became sweaty. Just the closeness of his breath from my mouth made me feel dizzy.    As I finally wrapped my mind around his strange behaviour, and was about to demand why he was acting so crazy he leaned in and pressed his lips to mine. I fully expected him to be rough and maybe even hurt me but instead his lips were seemingly calm, moving against mine in a way that made me feel like I was walking on air. One hand went to the small of my back and the other held the back of my neck, keeping my lips where he wanted them. His lips were warm and soft on mine, the taste of his breath was intoxicating to say the least. He continued to kiss me until I began gasping for air. As he moved so I could breath, his mouth made its way to the crook of my neck, sending sparks through my whole body and making the fact that I was breathless even worse. He kissed and nibbled there for a few seconds before moving back up to my lips.    I couldn’t believe that this was real. I felt like I would wake up and find out that this was all just a crazy dream. But I didn’t wake up and it wasn’t some overly vivid dream, this was really happening. 
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