Chapter 4 - Revelations

2148 Words
Lina was still at Sally’s house when her phone rang. Wiping her teary eyes, she breathed deeply, cleared her voice and took the call. “Hey, granny. How are you?” She chirped, trying to sound normal. “Kalimera omorfia mou.” (Good morning my beauty.) Her grandmother’s voice came from the other side of the line. “Where are you? Are you getting ready for the meeting today?” The old lady’s question found Lina unprepared. “Well, mmm….” “Lina, don’t tell me you forgot about it! Lucas agreed to talk to you about collaboration because I asked him to. He doesn’t need to change the law firm he is working with. He is doing it because he wants to please me.” Old Angelina Stamos’s voice sounded cold and professional. Despite her eighty years, she still had that kind of tone that gave her opponent goosebumps. “No, yiayia. I didn’t forget. Adam will be there, though. Is my presence so necessary?” Lina tried to escape. “I don’t give a if your husband attends, child. You are my granddaughter, Angelina Stamos! And I expect you to act that way and not embarrass me. Do you understand?” Her grandmother’s firm tone shook Lina. “Yes, grandmother. I will see to it,” she replied obediently. “As for your husband and what he did to upset you, we will talk about it some other time. It’s not so important now. A minor misunderstanding that you can solve anytime,” the old lady said, ending the call. “What?... Yiayia…” “That fuc.ker. He is the one behind my grandmother’s call,” Lina yelled, throwing her phone on the bed and running her fingers through her hair angrily. “Hey, hey… Lina! Calm down and tell me what just happened.” Sally walked over to her friend, touching her shoulder. “Adam must have called my grandmother without telling her what happened. He knows I won’t deny her request. And now I must attend the bloody meeting and face my as.shole husband the whole time,” Lina explained, huffing. “Why didn’t you explain it to your grandmother, Lina?” Sally was confused. “She didn’t give me a chance, Sally. And she is too old to hear something like this over the phone. I don’t want something bad to happen to her because of me,” Lina said. “Besides, I haven’t told my parents yet.” “What are you going to do?” “I don’t know. I don’t have time to go home and change. Plus, I don’t want to be in the same space as Adam unless it’s necessary.” “Hey, we are the same height and weight. Before I got pregnant I mean. Why don’t you try one of my work suits? I am sure it will fit perfectly. And it will give us time to make you presentable. Now get your back in the bathroom and wash your hair. It stinks,” Sally pinched her nose and pushed Lina back into the bathroom. Lina leaned her head back to wash her hair in the bathtub when Sally entered the room and took over. She massaged Lina’s head and the latter closed her eyes, allowing the tears to flow with the water drops. She prayed to find the courage she needed to make it the day through without giving Adam the pleasure of seeing how much he had hurt her. As if a weight lifted from her chest, Lina exhaled and felt lighter. Had God heard her prayers? “Let’s get your hair dry and then see what you can wear,” Sally said and they left the bathroom. She allowed Sally to dry her hair and style it in a sleek ponytail that emphasised Lina’s high cheekbones and slender swan neck. Her beautiful almond-shaped eyes looked brighter with the eye shadow Sally used. It embodied the deep green of a forest, ideal for capturing everyone’s attention. Her light makeup brightened her face and light gloss made her full red lips inviting. Sally opened her wardrobe and took out a couple of blazer sets. She chose a long-sleeved work pants set. It was her favourite green blazer set with a notched lapel collar, padded shoulders and an elastic waist. Its one-button blazer was classic and stylish. Sally matched it with a cream silk tank top and used a long satin scarf of the same colour with green print to cover Lina’s bite marks. Lina got dressed and then looked at the full-length mirror in Sally’s room. “That is…” “Amazing.” Sally continued with a happy smile on her face. “You look amazing, sweetheart. That’s the style you should wear from now on. Let’s see what happens when you enter the room and face that creep of a husband of yours. Oh, wait. We need earrings.” Sally rushed to one of her drawers and opened a small box taking out a pair of elegant leaf-shaped gold earrings. “That will do for today,” she said excitedly, putting them in Lina’s ears. Lina looked at her reflection and admitted that she looked stunning. Sally had a reputation for her good taste in clothes and accessories. Matching the suit with a pair of high-heeled shoes, Lina was at the door, ready to go. “! I left my car at the bar last night,” she cursed and called a taxi service. “Easy there, girl. You are close to the office and the bar is on your way there, right? You will just take the taxi to your car and drive to the office. Don’t lose your cool, Lina. You are a tough nut to crack, baby, remember?” Sally caressed her friend’s cheek and Lina smiled at her. “You are a blessing in my life, Sally. I must have done something right to deserve a friend like you.” Lina kissed Sally goodbye and left the apartment smiling, despite the pain of betrayal that burned in her chest. The soft rain made Lina run to the taxi in her heels. She’d forgotten to take an umbrella. Good thing I have one in my car, she thought and gave the taxi driver the address. Her phone vibrated in her purse and she picked it up. Good morning, Mum. I am on my way to school. Is Aunt Sally okay?! Lina’s face turned crimson red. Amid all the craziness, she had forgotten about her baby girl. She dialled Sia’s number. “Hey, baby. Sorry for not calling you this morning. Something came up and I had to make a long-distance call. Aunt Sally is feeling better and I am on my way to work. How was your night?” Her voice, soft and with a hint of guilt, made her daughter giggle. “Mum, I am not a baby anymore. I can take care of myself, you know. There is no need to drag my grandmother over whenever you're absent in the evenings,” Sia protested, and Lina smiled at the thought of her daughter’s pouty face. “Yeah, yeah, sure. Have you reached school yet?” “Almost. Dad left early in the morning and I didn’t see him. Will I see you at lunch?” “I’m not sure, baby. I have a meeting and I don’t know how long it will take. Don’t wait for me. If anything changes, I will text you.” Lina said, sending a voice kiss to her daughter and ending the call. By the time she got into her car, Lina stared at the bar entrance, lost in thought. She would never forget that place. It would follow her in her dreams forever. It was all Adam’s fault, and she swore never to forgive him. She drove her car away and headed to the office, thoughts still swirling. The sound of a horn made her jump. She had run a red light without realising it. Lina stopped the car at the side of the road, her hands trembling in shock. The thought of her getting killed, or even worse, causing someone's death took her breath away. She opened the window and the chilly breeze hit her face, bringing her back to her senses. She remembered Sally’s words: “You are a tough nut to crack, baby.” Her eyes hardened. She looked in the mirror and what she saw reminded her of her Greek grandmother. Angelina Stamos was a strong and stubborn woman who achieved everything by herself and Lina had inherited her looks and stubbornness. Her Mediterranean spirit came to the surface and with another look in the mirror, the young woman started the car and drove off. Upon reaching the law firm, Lina locked herself in her office and prepared a divorce agreement. She signed the papers and kept them in the drawer for later. Searching the files on her laptop, she found the information needed regarding Velissarios Holdings. Her grandmother’s secretary had sent everything some time ago, and Lina took time to study and take notes for future reference. The only file she never opened was the one with Mr Velissarios' photos. He must be my grandmother’s age, she thought, shaking her head and dismissing the thought immediately. She ran through her notes one more time, admiring the man’s sharpness. Despite his old age, Lucas Velissarios had succeeded in all the investment sectors he had set his eyes on. He did better than anyone else in the same field of business. Grabbing her notes, Lina headed to the conference room. The door was open and the sight of the wall where Adam had pinned Emma made her stomach clench in pain and disgust. A sudden urge to vomit brought a bitter taste to her mouth and Lina breathed deeply trying to control her emotions. Entering the room, she headed to her usual seat and opened her laptop, ready to present their law firm to their future collaborator. A sound made her turn to look at the door and Adam entered the room. “Baby, you came,” he whispered, looking surprised and walking to her. “Don't you dare come closer, Adam. If it wasn't for you calling my grandmother today, I wouldn't be here. You will pay for this, trust me. She said gritting her teeth and looking back to her laptop, ignoring her husband. “Lina, baby, please let me explain. I know I was wrong, but I swear it was just one time. I regret it big time. Please give me a chance to make it up to you.” “Make it up to me? How can you make it up to me for cheating, huh? Do you think I am an id.iot? you, Adam! you and your wedding vows,” Lina replied coldly and turned towards the projector to make sure it worked. She bent over to check on the power supply, her round butt in those green trousers clearly defined. She turned to look at her husband and caught him giving her a lustful look that disgusted her even more. Adam kept his eyes on her and for a moment Lina was thankful she had followed Sally’s fashion advice. That would give the as.hole a taste of what he lost. “Lina…” “Shut up, Adam. If it’s not work related do not address me, do not talk to me. Let’s get this over with and I’ll give you the divorce papers to sign. I won’t stay with you a minute longer. Not after you cheated on me,” she stated coldly lowering her voice. She couldn’t afford to lose her temper and make a fool of herself at the law firm again. “Mrs Lina, your appointment has arrived.” The secretary knocked on the door and informed her. “Great! Let them in, Gina. Thank you.” Lina kept her back turned to Adam. “We are already here,” a hoarse male voice with a foreign accent replied and Lina turned to face the man. Lina turned to face her guest. Her eyes glued to the man’s face and she almost lost her balance. In a quick move, Adam stabilised her and she removed his hand violently, her eyes still on the man’s face. She stared without making a sound. “I’m Adam Forester, Lina’s husband. I guess you must be Mr. Vellissarios’s secretary.” Adam said reaching for a handshake. “You must be joking.” another man entered the room, holding some files. “This is Mr. Velissarios. Mr. Lucas Velissarios. I am his secretary, George.” The second man said. Lina’s eyes opened wider and she bit her lower lip, wishing the floor would open and swallow her, saving her from embarrassment.
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