Chapter 5 - Blackmail

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When Lucas entered the building he asked the secretary for the men’s room. His strategy was always to have a look around before meeting with his potential associates. He often discovered reasons he should not do business with certain companies because of their internal workings. Same as always, he found his way through the firm’s corridor leading to the conference room. Voices came from the room and Lucas stood still, trying to hear what they were discussing. Maybe they were discussing him and the upcoming appointment. He wanted to know what they thought of him as a businessman. “Don't you dare come closer, Adam. If it wasn't for you calling my grandmother today, I wouldn't be here.” The woman was angry. Her voice sounded familiar but Lucas didn’t think much of it. “Lina, baby, please let me explain. I know I was wrong, but I swear it was just once. I regret it big time. Please give me a chance to make it up to you.” “Make it up to me? How can you make it up to me for cheating, huh? Do you think I am an id.iot? you, Adam!” Lina? Adam? They must be Angelina’s granddaughter and her husband. Wow! So that jerk cheated on the lady. Lucas smiled, not paying attention to the rest of the conversation. “Let’s get this over with and I’ll give you the divorce papers to sign. I won’t stay with you a minute longer. Not after you cheated on me.” Although Lucas didn’t care to listen to the rest of their argument, the word divorce grabbed his attention. “Fiery female. She got it from her grandmother,” he thought, smiling again. He was now curious to see their expressions, so he took a few steps closer and looked through the open door. The sight of a woman bending to check the power supply took his breath away. Her round butt in green trousers clearly defined. Lucas's breath caught in his chest. The woman was hot! He was about to enter the room when the secretary caught up with him. “Sir, why didn’t you tell me you had an appointment with my bosses? Your secretary asked me about you. He described your appearance and I came looking for you. Mrs Stamos will reprimand me for allowing you to wander freely on our premises,” the upset woman explained, and without waiting for a reply knocked on the door, announcing his arrival. Angelina’s granddaughter turned to face him and he tried hard not to show his surprise. The woman from the previous night stood right before him and she was even more beautiful and sexy than he remembered. Their eyes met and Lina paled and lost her balance. Her husband tried to catch her but she pushed his hand away violently. “Is that why you got drunk and slept with me last night? Your husband cheated on you?” Placing his hands in his pockets he asked, giving her a deadly look and a wicked smile. The woman looked at him, dumbfounded. She half opened her mouth but no sound came out. Her hand gripped the scarf she wore and she seemed to have difficulty breathing. “What are you talking about? Who slept with you?” Adam asked confused, his eyes wandering from Lucas to a ghostly pale Lina. Lucas didn’t bother to answer him, so he turned to his wife. “Lina, baby, what is he talking about? How could you have slept with him last night? You stayed with Sally, right?” Adam started trembling and ran his fingers through his hair nervously. Again, no reply from Lina. She just stood there like a statue, as if the matter didn’t concern her. She seemed completely lost. Lucas walked over and took a seat, crossing his legs leisurely. Tapping his fingers on the conference table, he stared at Lina, with an icy glare. “Well. you should have thought about that before cheating on her, Mr. Forester,” he told Adam, looking at him for the first time. “You are the reason your wife got wasted and hit on me last night. So, yes, she had s.ex with me if that’s what you are asking,” he said casually as if nothing happened. “Lucas, is she…” George started but Lucas stopped him midway with a move of his hand. “Stay out of it, George.” His sharp reply froze his assistant who remained a silent witness. “Lina? What the hell is he talking about?” Adam turned to his wife, his face contorted with anger. Lucas leaned back, crossing his arms in front of his chest, enjoying the mess he had created. Lina gave him a hateful look and then turned to her husband. “What is it, Adam? Does my cheating hurt? Why? It was a one-night thing. You shouldn’t pay attention to it,” she said icily, her gaze full of anger and stubbornness. “Lina what the…” Adam stopped with a guilty look on his face. “What Adam? Do I have to explain myself to you? Do you honestly believe that you have a right to make a scene in front of this as.shole?” Lina turned and looked at Lucas, blazing flames dancing in her eyes. “And you! Are you enjoying yourself? Did you have enough fun? Now get the hell out of my office.” Lucas didn’t expect her reaction and was caught off guard. For a moment he remained silent, drawn in by her fierceness, his eyes not leaving hers. “But we have business to talk about,” he replied coolly. “Haven’t you learned not to mix businesses with pleasure?” “What the are you talking about, jerk?” Adam attacked but Lucas was ready. In a swift move, he got up and Adam tumbled to the floor, chair and all. “It’s not my fault you fu.cked up with your wife, Mr. Forester. I am the victim here. She used me to vent her anger towards you,” Lucas said coolly. “Why don’t you shut up?” Lina attacked him. “What? Aren’t I the victim?” Lucas challenged her. For some reason he enjoyed seeing her angry like that. It reminded him of her fierceness the previous night and that turned him on. He could already feel his stiffening and that irritated him. Why was he reacting like that towards that damn woman? She was a nobody. “Get out of here,” Adam growled. “We won’t work with you after what you did. Get out before I call the police.” “Oh, but you will. Unless you want your law firm to go bankrupt, you will work with me and you will do exactly as I say.” Lucas’s arrogant tone made both Lina and Adam look at him in confusion. “What on earth are you talking about? Don’t you think this is too much? Even if my husband and I have our differences, it’s none of your business. You just happened last night and you are of no value to me. We don’t need you, or your money,” Lina attacked and Adam agreed with her. “Don’t think you are off the hook, Adam. You are the one responsible for this whole mess,” Lina accused him. “Feisty,” Lucas commented and took another seat. “I had no intention of interfering, but after I found out what happened between you two, I think you should compensate me for using me.” “And how do you propose I do that?” The hostility was clear in Lina’s voice. “Simple. You will divorce Adam and marry me instead.” “What? Are you out of your mind?” Lina didn’t care if anyone was listening and yelled at him. “I am not listening to anything more. This is bulls.hit.” Shaking her head, she headed to the door. “Oh, but you will. Unless you want me to destroy your law firm and withdraw my finances from your grandmother’s hotel. That would destroy both you and your grandmother.” “What are you talking about?” Adam asked angrily, finding his voice. “You can choose between your wife and your company Mr. Forester. You betrayed her, meaning you don’t love her that much. So, why the angry reaction?” Lucas asked coldly. Adam hesitated, and Lucas saw the pain in Lina’s watery eyes. He felt a pinch in his heart but remained composed, watching her reaction closely. She refused to cry. “So if I divorce Lina, the company will remain unharmed?” Adam whispered and Lucas felt sick at the sight of him. “I can’t believe you just said that, Adam. Is that all I am worth to you? Don’t forget that I own more shares than you. What makes you think I will leave the company to you when we divorce? Because there is no “if.” We are getting a divorce, that’s final. And it has nothing to do with that man’s craziness. God! What am I dealing with today?’’ Lina said furiously. “Lina, I didn’t mean…” “You sure did,” Lucas interfered. “What if I told you that you should leave the law firm to your wife and I will pay you twice what the firm is worth?” he asked Adam and the latter’s eyes shone with greed. Lina, who had been watching her husband’s reaction, felt sick and placed her hands on the conference table to steady herself. “Mr. Forester, I understand we have a deal. Now leave me alone with your wife,” Lucas ordered and Lina watched in horror as her husband obeyed the man’s request. “He left! He left me here and left,” Lina whispered, feeling her heart shatter into tiny pieces. “Now, back to business.” Lucas’s husky voice brought her back to reality. “As you can see, your husband has already agreed to divorce you. We will get married immediately after your divorce. The wedding will take place here and we will move to Rhodes right after that.” “Have you lost your mind? I have a daughter. I can’t and I won’t marry you,” Lina protested. “You will unless you want to see your grandmother bankrupt and in the streets,” he threatened. “Why do you insist? You barely know me.” Lina tried to reason with him. “My mother wants me to get married and I don’t like the women she sets me up with. At least with you, I know I will have a good time in bed. It’s your punishment for treating me like a hired escort.” Lucas replied, coc.king his eyebrow with a devilish look, leaving Lina with her mouth wide open.
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