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Layla yawned as she looked at the drawings in front of her, as she rub her forehead. "Were heading out now boss" Erin said "Okay" Layla said "Do you need anything before I go?" Erin asked "No thank you Erin" Layla said "Ok good night" Erin said "Night" Layla said Layla looked back down at the drawing as she stood up getting herself another coffee as she looked at the paper in front of her. "Something is missing" Layla said to herself She chew her lips as she looked at the dress on the paper, when she bump into something. "s**t" Layla said "Sorry" Layla looked up and saw Lewis in front of her, she frowned. "How did you" Layla said confused. "One of your manager Erin I believe said your in your office" Lewis said Layla looked at him, then she sigh out, as she side step him. "What I mean is why are you here Mr. Anderson?" Layla asked She put the paper down and grab some tissue dabbing her now stain coffee shirt, Lewis smiled as he lean on her desk. "I was around thought I check your building out. I heard your father will be opening soon" Lewis said "Yeah" Layla said She sigh out as she went towards her office closet and looked for another shirt to wear. "Blue, it brings out your eyes" Lewis said "Thanks but I like this one, now if you'll excuse me" Layla said She walked towards the bathroom, as she change her clothes. What is he doing here? She thought to herself sighing out again and feeling a bit frustrated she change and went out. "I see you haven't leave" Layla said "You know you shouldn't keep unwanted documents around for anybody to see" Lewis said "Well if you use them I would know it's you" Layla said "How can you prove it?" Lewis said smiling at her. "Cameras I'm not dumb there are hidden cameras around my office, so try me Mr. Anderson" Layla said Lewis smiled at her. "I was thinking me and you get something to eat" Lewis said Layla was putting her things away as she looked at him. "Seems like not only do I have to worry about one Anderson but two Anderson boys. And that would be a no to dinner, I have food waiting for me at home" Layla said "You mean take out" Lewis said "No, I mean home food that a wonderful guy made for me" Layla said Lewis looked at her but she was busy putting papers away, as he chuckled a bit. "A guy as in my brother?" Lewis asked "No, David was in town so I invited him over" Layla said "David?" Lewis said "Yes, handsome guy I was dancing with all night at the party." Layla said "Oh him" Lewis said "Yup" Layla said Layla walked towards the door, as Lewis followed behind her, he looked her up and down. "It's rude to stare" Layla said Lewis looked at her but she wasn't looking back at him but she was on her phone. "I'm not staring" Lewis said "Please" Layla said She showed him, her phone and it was of them walking with other camera around the building. "I like to make sure nobody is working late but me and saw you checking my ass out. God is that all you men is think about is s*x seriously" Layla said "Men or do you mean just me and my brother" Lewis asked "Yeah just the two of actually" Layla said She got in the elevator and pushed for the main floor. "David can stare but not me?" Lewis asked "Yes he can stare because I will be his future wife" Layla lied "What?" Lewi said Layla looked at him confused. "What is it with you and your brother are both bipolar or something?" Layla asked Lewis looked into her confused blue eyes, the blue eyes that would look at him with so much love the blue eyes that looked at him when she told him that she wished she never met him, he gulp as he saw her laying in a pool of blood he wanted so much to beat them up he wanted so badly to save her and their unborn baby. He regret it all his life even when he got back at the people, Stacey, Alfred, and his minions that were their that night all that killed her and their baby only person that was alive was him. He found out later that Tyler actually loved her and that their brotherhood was no more when Tyler found out what he did to Layla he thought he could finally have an ending when her father came to him but he didn't end his life no what he got was worst he burnt their home down with himself and his second wife and child inside, he was only saved when Tyler was on his drunken spree to tell him off that was the only time they met. "Hey are you okay?" Layla asked She looked at Lewis who was in a daze looking at her. "I never knew you were this beautiful" Lewis said Layla rolled her eyes. "Unbelievable seems like you and Tyler switch places" Layla said "What I can't be just as flirty as him, if I want to but only for the right person and you, Layla Evans are the right person" Lewis said "Seems like your drunk Mr. Anderson, if I remember correctly weren't you and your fiancé just looking for a home a month ago?" Layla said. "We broke up" Lewis said "I can see why, and here I thought you two were madly in love" Layla said rolling her eyes. "Yeah will I was a fool. I mean she has been cheating for a year now" Lewis said "Wow, and you expect me to be your rebound? Not interested Mr. Anderson besides I don't date men who were once engaged" Layla said "Then what do you prefer? A virgin male that never had any date with girls or their first kiss" Lewis asked "Of course, I want to experience that with someone that will be their first as well and you are not fit" Layla said "And this David guy is one?" Lewis said as he gritted his teeth. "Daniel, is that guy. Why because we both each other's first kiss so why not do those with him" Layla lied The driver open the door as she got in and looked at Lewis. "Good night Mr. Anderson" Layla said Lewis watched as Layla relaxed in the back of the ride as the diver closed the door and went towards the driver side getting in and leaving, his fist unclench as he released a breath. "You seem to become more feisty Layla gone with your shy side" Lewis said to himself.
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