1068 Words
"Can you please do this Layla?" Daniel's cousin sister Grace said Layla lean back as she had the phone to her ear as she looked out the floor to ceiling window of her office, Grace asked her to walk for her on her first ever knew collection, the two met by chance in the university they were dormmates a soon they became close friends so close that Grace knows about her last life. "What do I get in return?" Layla asked "My never ending love" Grace said Layla chuckled out as she stood up and looked out to Royal City. "Fine how about an excuse to leave Royal City for awhile" Grace said "You had me at your never ending love" Layla said smiling "Yes, you would need to be here tomorrow though" Grace said "I understand, I'll be there" Layla said "Love you tons sissy" Grace said "Love you tons too" Layla said Layla hung up the phone as she turn back to the desk and dialed Erin's number. "Yes boss" Erin said "I'm leaving for a week watch the company" Layla said "Got it" Erin said Layla stood up gathering her things as Erin rush into the office. "Before leaving these need to be sign" Erin said Layla looked over the file as they began walking. "Make sure you tell the five managers about my leave and reschedule the end of the meeting to Saturday at noon" Layla said stopping She looked at the file and smirk. "We don't need to be working with her and make sure to tell the five as well" Layla said Erin looked at the file and it was Stacey Moore and raised her brow at her. "Lot of negative press from her three years ago, I need models with clean records, did you guys do a detail sweep on these models? I don't want any scandal will go into more on that at the meeting" Layla said She signed the papers and gave it to her. "Yes boss, you can count on me" Erin said Layla smiled and nodded her head as the elevator closed as she took her phone out and rolled her eyes as Tyler texted her. (So, little sister do you care to join your big brother for dinner tonight) (Wish but have to leave the city for work) (Would you like some company? I do need to branch out you know get my face out there) (I don't know what do you think the press will say) (Right, don't worry I can be will hidden) (Suit yourself) Layla got down from her car as she walked towards the villa. "Were leaving in twenty" Layla said "Yes ma'am" her driver said Layla went inside as the maids were straighten up she made her way up to the room and took her suite case out from the closet and began packing clothes for herself and she went to the restroom quickly was her body and stepping out and change into some comfortable high waisted jeans with a white silk button up sleeve shirt she put her hair up in a messy bun washed her face and put on a bit of powder, her eyebrows some mascara and some red lipstick. She walked out the bathroom and grab her black heels and changed her bag to the dark leather brown changing it out and went to the walk in closet and picked out her black ray bans as she took her luggage and walked out. ---------- "Do you really think he would want you?" Tyler asked smirking "I am his wife" Tyler chuckled out. "Wife? When are you going to understand you were just a replacement, tell me when he f***s you was he saying your name or Layla's?" Tyler raised his brow Tyler watched as she glared at him and clench her fist. "Look here Angie we both know it wasn't Ethan that started the fire but you, I may have been drunk that night but I saw everything. When did you snap? I think you snap when Lewis convince your son that Layla was his mother not you. But what I want to know is was it before or after he saw the picture of Layla and Lewis" Tyler asked "I will kill all of you again. Starting with that b***h" Angie glared at Tyler "Better hurry I mean, do you really think were the only two came back? If I were you I'd quit my job." Tyler said standing up He fixed his suite they were in a café, he fixed his smirking gaze at Angie as she was glaring at him. "Tyler!" Layla called out Tyler widen his smile as he turn. "Layla" Tyler said smiling as he walked to her. "I was just about to call you." Layla said "Well seems like you miss me" Tyler said as he smiled at her. "Don't be annoying now. Hello" Layla said She looked at the girl behind Tyler who was staring at her she gave her a smile. "I'm Layla Evans, Tyler's friend and you are?" Layla asked Angie looked at the smiling Layla no wonder her son and Lewis fell in love with her, her smile was innocent and pleasant to the eyes she had this graceful, elegant arura about her that even herself would never reach. "She's my dad's old assistant Angie ran into her here. Angie this is Layla" Tyler said smirking at her. "Oh, nice to met you Angie" Layla said Layla moved forward to her raising her hand, Angie stood and now that she was in front of the woman that her husband loved she couldn't compare to her she was plain as Layla screamed designer clothing and how her grey eyes shine her perfect face and teeth smiling at her. Angie wanted so much to kill her as jealousy was boiling in her heart and the way Tyler was mocking her with his stupid smirk, she wished she could kill him again yes she did it once maybe she can do it again. "Nice to meet you" Angie smiled as she blushed a bit "Aren't you the cutest" Layla said chuckling. Angie smile widen even more, as Layla moved her hand away from her, she looked Layla up and down Angie was about to speak again when she looked in between Tyler and Layla as Lewis was walking towards them.
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