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Layla frown a bit as she sat back crossing her arms. "Do you need anything Mr. Anderson?" Layla asked "Nothing, was just wondering what you are doing here alone thought I'd give you some company" Lewis said "I like being alone" Layla said "No one wants to be alone." Lewis said "Clearly you don't know me to know I like my peace" Layla said "How is the villa, I gave you?" Lewis said Layla frown deepen as she looked at him. "I'm sorry I don't remember you ever giving me a villa" Layla said "Sure I did that nice villa on the hill on Ocean Drive" Lewis said Layla smirk as she, grab her purse and took the keys out and sliding it to him. "Then I should return this to you" Layla said standing up. Lewis eyes shift a bit as Layla was about to pass her grab her wrist and picked up the keys as he stood up beside her, Layla looked down as where he held her as she frown and looked at Lewis. "I was just joking" Lewis said He place the keys in her hand, Layla looked down at the keys in her hand as she shook her head. "Mr. Anderson has some sick joke I wonder what your fiancé will think of you saying that to another woman. Don't worry I will give the keys back to Miss. Lilly so you can have the villa beside I haven't even move in yet" Layla said as she looked at him and smirk. Layla walked away from him as the diver was waiting for her at the door with the food in his hands she followed him. "Miss. Evans" Lewis said Layla sigh out as gritted her teeth, she looked back at him. "My apologize if I went to far with the joke, I made no disrespect" Lewis said Layla gave him a big smile but didn't reach her eyes. "Then I should apologize to you as well Mr. Anderson, like you said it was a joke" Layla said Lewis looked at her as she got into the car and watched as it was long gone before he smiled, feisty he thought she must not like getting gifts from him but he didn't know what he did to get on her bad side but he like the feeling he gets when he's around her like she is the missing piece but then he frowned when he thought she called him Tyler and they would go on a date making him clench his fist. Layla sigh out the breath she was holding, she looked at the keys in her hands as tears were gathering, why did she buy that home that held so much pain. "Maybe if I fill it with love this time I will feel good" she whispered to herself "Ma'am the drinks are ready" the driver said "Okay" Layla said The driver got down the car, as Layla followed to help him. -------------- "Okay, everybody stratified with the list for the building?" Layla said They all nodded their head. "Okay on to the next one, we would need cleaners, security and three or four people in the front along with cooks for the café. Derek, you and Jamie will do the interview for the front and security they have to be good they are going to represent the building and company. Josh, you and Terry will hire the cooks. Evelyn, you and Julia will hire the cleaners." Layla said "I got about thirty people for the assistants" Erin said "Okay, will do that in the morning for the seventeen of us for the first hour, pick the candidate you like and have them start that day for you, they will help that day, have them file the hire into the system give them their own access along with the company ID and lunch cards." Layla said "That would two hours if we do that" Terry said "Your right Erin have them come in at Six instead, looks like will be here all not because we have to get you guys ID and Lunch cards made and I will show you, there is a training room on the 59th floor you guys can get ready there so have someone bring your clothes if you have no one my driver is here can take you to your home" Layla said She saw that nobody raised their hand as they were texting away. "Okay next we will have monthly meetings at the end of the month including this month, and we would need to hire models like long term models for us for each floor, and managers please pay attention to your models and their health, also your designers. Those designers you hire have to fight their way to the top floor so it's your job to shape them, for now their is only one designer on the top floor" Layla said "Who?" Josh asked "Me, Josh. Me" Layla said They all chuckled. "Okay, it's your floor so you guys have full control over those floor but I will still look into all you five managers because once the top floor starts to get the best designers and a bit more works I will have to start pulling you guys up their for promotion but if you want to stay where you are it's okay too because the people that are on the top floor will be getting more hours work longer and have little family time and don't worry if your sixteen are still with me for three years you'll be on the board and invest into KL having some shares. That won't effect if you want to stay in the same position" Layla said "And if we want to leave?" Alice asked "They you can leave if you want, but if your a shareholder you'll see in the contract that once a share holder leaves for another company they will surrender their shares and you will be asked to sigh an NDR meaning if you leak out information you did in this company will see you in court. Even now you guys already sigh a NDR" Layla said "What if we want to retire?" Jamie asked "You can keep the share and the only way to pass it on if your child will be working here in the future" Layla said They all nodded their heads. "Okay shall we get back to work we have a long week" Layla said They all nodded their heads standing up as Layla began with their work ID's and Lunch cards.
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