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Tyler looked at the villa in front of him as he had mixed emotions in him on his face. "It's still standing" he said to himself. He saw that their was flowers in front of the house like it was just planted he found out that someone has bought the villa since he woke up a day ago he was shocked to see his young face again, the first thing he did was look for her but he found out that he's now 25 and he was too late again. "I loved you did you know that?" Tyler said looking at the villa He was leaning against his car as he thought of her as a sad smile made it's way to his face, he was a coward to fight for her, he should have fought for her, he was still mad at Lewis for what he had done to her but then again, he was in deep thought when a car pulled up that he didn't even see until he head the door slam making him snap out. "Tyler?" Layla said confused Layla took her shades off as she walked towards him, she got a text from him a few days ago for a date but he never showed, she was mad at him but then again she had no right and she was busy with the company they were finally to set everything up within a week and this was now their third week. Tyler's eyes widen as he felt his heart stop as he saw her walking towards him. "How" Tyler said "How? How what?" Layla said Tyler kept looking at him, Layla was looking at the daze Tyler as he wasn't saying anything to her, she raised her hand and slap him. "f**k" Tyler said Layla laughed out. "That serves you right, come on. You owe me an explanation for ditching me on our date" Layla said "Date?" Tyler said "Yes, the one where we agreed that we go on one date and you would leave me alone. Honestly you Anderson men are so weird" Layla said Tyler followed Layla he wasn't dreaming. "Sorry for the mess, I finally had time to actually move in. You know with the company and all" Layla said Tyler frowned. "Why this house?" Tyler asked Layla looked around and shrugged her shoulders. "I don't know, it just spoke to me" Layla said "You met Lewis?" Tyler asked "No duh, I met him during my mom's birthday and you too remember. So, did you take my advice?" Layla asked "What advice?" Tyler said. "When are you going to leave that toxic family. No offensive but I tend to look into people that my dad wants to do business with" Layla said "You met your dad" Tyler said shock. "Yeah like on my 18th birthday" Layla said Tyler frowned. "Wait, I'm confused I thought, you know what never mind." Tyler said "Okay, will I order us food, if you still up for it and I will show you around." Layla said Tyler smiled at her. "So, Layla how's life" Tyler said without Lewis he thought. They began walking. "Well, it's been good. I'm just happy my dad found me" Layla said "How, if you don't mind me asking" Tyler said "Well, I woke up on my 18th birthday felling sick food poising, I missed my appointment for work that day and next moment I walked downstairs to my dad and grandma shouting and the rest was history. I left with him a few days later left with him to his home enrolled to a university help my dad with some business. Finished school started my company with my mom and I got to see my little brother Avery" Layla said "I'm glad your happy" Tyler said "Yeah, just kind of feel weird being back here again." Layla said Tyler nodded his head as he looked around they were in Lewis office. "This is my office, if you can already see from the colorful drawings at my desk and bright walls, this is the best view. The garden I wish I had time to garden, I love it with my mom" Layla said Tyler looked at her as she was looking out the window, he missed this beautiful face, the door bell rang. "That must be our food" Layla said Tyler watched as she went out the office, he looked around the place as drawings were everywhere, he smiled to himself as he thought of a memory. --------- "So where is your lovely wife?" Tyler asked "Leave her alone" Lewis said "What I just wanted to see how my sister in law is doing. Can't I just ask?" Tyler asked Lewis glared at him. "Fine" Tyler said He got up as he went out of Lewis office, but smirk when he closed the door and began walking. "Now where are you?" Tyler asked himself. He looked in ever room, till he was in the library he peeked inside and saw her sitting at the window with a pad in her hand, "Got you" Tyler said He went in slowly closing the door and went to her side as she was drawing away it was of clothing, he looked around and saw that there was some on the floor beside her as he lean down and picked up the paper looking at it. "These are good" Tyler said Layla gasp out, and looked up to him. "Tyler" Layla said "Hey Layla. Your pretty good" Tyler said He saw her blush as she looked down. "You think so?" Layla asked "Yeah, why don't you make it real?" Tyler asked. "That was my dream, before I met Lewis" Layla said blushing. "You know you could just ask him" Tyler said "No I'm fine with what I have now" Layla said "Why don't you draw me a suit?" Tyler asked Layla looked at him. "Really? I mean I did one for Lewis but I haven't receive the fabric yet" Layla said "Cool, want me to stand so you draw it?" Tyler asked Layla smiled really big and nodded her head. "Sure" Layla said Tyler stood as she began drawing him, she would peek out from the notepad as she drew him from time to time. ---------- Tyler smiled at the memory, when he got the suit made for him the first person he wanted to show was Layla but she was gone, he wore the suit to the funeral, the dark navy blue suite that she made for him and he cherished that suit it was the first and last gift he received from her. "In this life I promise to look after you my sweet Layla" Tyler said softly.
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