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ARIELLE POV " Are you crazy" I screamed " Nope I'm not crazy I'm Louis nice to meet you gurl." WAIT WHAT. LOUIS AS IN MY NEW BODY GUARD. NO WAY. NEVER. What have I ever done to karma to be treated this way. I have always been a good girl. I have never offended anyone; that I can remember of, though. So why am I being punished for the crime I never committed. First of all my parents died, second of all I became a rogue without a pack and my life was in danger, third of all I became Alpha Chris mate, fourth of all it was impossible to leave this pack and now I'm struck with an i***t as my bodyguard. No I can't let this one happen NEVER. " Call your Alpha immediately and tell him I will like a word with him" I yelled. " Sorry gurl can't do that. Why? Because my alpha is in an important meeting and I can't disturb him right now." He replied with a smirk on his face. " I don't care about his damn meeting just call him right now will you" I barked with anger. I could feel smoke coming out of my ear because of the level of anger burning inside me. But even with the glares and angry looks I was giving this guy he didn't move an inch neither did he look affected. " Well you, go tell your Alpha that I refuse to let a low life freak like yourself be my bodyguard. Now leave and go and join the guards guarding the pack." Suddenly someone coughed and I turned to see Amy was still here. I totally forgot about her. You could see that she was forcing herself not to laugh because her eyes were red. " Emm Arielle incase you didn't know, Louis is actually our gamma". She said scratching the back of her neck. Wait what. I hope it's not what I just heard. " Wait what? What do you mean by gamma?" " Gamma means third in command. As you already know the alpha is the head then the beta is second in command then the gamma which is my beautiful and handsome self is the third in command. I don't mind explaining what the gamma does you know" the freak said with a mischievous smirk. " Save it freak I never asked you" I sassed " Well I hate to see people who are clueless so I try to help them by sharing my knowledge with them you know" he said while picking his finger. " Did you just call me dumb" I exclaimed in anger. " Well gurl I never said ' you are dumb' but if you say you are, who am I to judge you?" He said blinking at me innocently. What in the world. Why does he have a comeback to ever thing. " Louis, Arielle you guys need to calm down. Arguing won't solve anything. And also sorry Arielle but even though you complain to Chris I am hundred percent sure that he won't change Louis. Besides Louis is not actually that bad if you get to know him. I'm actually hoping we three can be best friends." Amy said in a sweet calm voice. " No way will I be friends with this freak" I said glaring at him. And you know what he wasn't affected at all. Arghhh so frustrating and annoying. I shouldn't be the one frustrated and it's pissing me off. " Finsh your breakfast. If you want to continue arguing with Louis, you have to eat and have strength for that because you won't be winning anytime soon." Wait what does she mean by that? I thought she's supposed to be on my side? But then she's right. I don't mean to have strength for this freak but I mean I need to actually eat this delicious food. I can't believe this i***t made me forget my precious meal. Another thing I hate him for. First, he woke me up from my beauty sleep; rudely. Secondly, he stopped me from escaping. Thirdly, he doesn't have respect and always finds a comeback to frustrate me. And now he had made me forget my precious meal. His sins are much. I just continued eating and tried to forget a being like him exist. He calmly sat next to Amy and was playing games with her phone. They were talking and smiling. Looking at them made me remember Socrates. I remembered all the good times we had together, all the games we played and all the pranks we played. I truly miss him so much. I didn't know I released a tear from my eyes until Amy spoke. " Arielle what's wrong? Why are you crying? Are you sick? Do you hate the food? Do you need me to call Chris?" I gave her a faint smile " I'm fine Amy, I think something just entered my eyes. I'm done eating. I need get some fresh air." " Alright. Do you want me to come with you?" she asked " No. I will be fine on my own." " Alright but Louis will follow you behind. He can't let you go outside alone. You need to bear with him, you know he can't disobey the alpha orders." Wow so much for an alone time. " Fine but can you tell him not to talk to me or even bother me " I said like he wasn't in the same room with us. " Louis you heard her right" Amy asked " Yup loud and clear." I stood up and left the dinning room and went outside. Finally some sunlight and fresh air. It's a little suffocating inside the house. I walked and passed some people. They all gave me different looks. Some where surprised, some confused, some kind, some angry and some judging. I quickly decided to follow the route that leads to the forest. It's better to be there than to see the judging eyes of people. I quietly walked into the forest and all this while Louis was quietly walking behind me and he was give me alot of space which I was kinda thankful for. I sat under a tree and looked at the clouds. I began to remember how my dad and I use to tease my mom because she was actually the shy and reserved type. I remembered how we use to go for family picnics. How my dad will always bribe me with my favourite snacks whenever I'm upset. Now, I will never see him again. I will never hear my dad call me his princess again or hear my mom call me my baby. Life is indeed cruel to me. I was trying to stop myself from crying but I couldn't take it anymore. The burden was too much for me so I let it out. I cried for myself. I cried for my poor parents who didn't live to see their grandchildren. I cried for the innocent people who died that day with them. I cried because I knew I won't have the normal life I have always dreamt for. I cried because I can't accept the mate I always dreamt of having since I was little. I let it out and cried my eyes out. I didn't know how long I cried. I sat down deep in thoughts when someone's presence distracted me. I looked up to see who it was and behold it was the freak. " What do you want? I thought I warned you to stay far from me?" I asked glaring at him. I was scared he will question me about the reason I'm crying. " Calm down Arielle will you. Come I want to show you something. I think it might cheer you up." Wait this is actually the first time his addressing me by my name. What's going on? Should I follow him? What if he plans kills me for being rude to him earlier? 'Come on Arielle you know he will do no such thing because Chris will hunt him down if he hurts you' my inner mind said. Yeah that's true. If he tries to do anything funny Chris won't let him stay alive. Alright let's see where he wants to take me too. I stood up and dust my trouser then followed him behind. From time to time I noticed he will turned to check around and then he will look at me. Aww is he this protective? Oh well Alpha orders remember. We kept on walking deep into the forest for 10 minutes then suddenly I noticed he stopped. I stopped too and looked around. There was nothing here except trees. What's going on here does he plan on killing me here. Arielle good thoughts remember. He turned left and right then raised a branch of leaves that were crossed on both sides then urged me to enter. Slowly I entered and the sight in front of me was wonderful. It was like I was in another universe. This place was filled with beautiful flowers and a river with clean water. There where beautiful butterflies eveeywhere of different types, colors and sizes. This place was amazing and peaceful. I couldn't stop smiling. It was so magical. I went to the river and knelt down, I could see the reflection of my self. After admiring the place once more, I turned to the freak and asked " Why did you bring me here and what's this place?" " Well I noticed you were sad and I wanted to cheer you up. I can't deal with an angry alpha. I just had to think of something to enlighten your mood because I want to live for a long time." I was a little touched. " Thank you for this but how did you get to know this place because it's hard to find a way here?" I asked. " Well I found it few years back and since then it has been my favorite spot. No one except my mate knows about this place but now you know about it. I actually come here to clear my head" Wait, so he has a mate and he has been behaving like a little baby. I thought. But me being me could not keep my mouth shut I decided to voice it out " So you have a mate. I truly and sincerely pity whoever she is because having you as a mate is work on its part. Your a work load you yourself. I hope you know that. I honestly pity the poor girl who is fated to you." " Actually my mate is not a she but a he" he said with a smirk. " Oh well he is still unfortu....... wait what? YOUR GAY?
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