2013 Words
ARIELLE POV Hmmm this is the best pillow ever. It's so soft and hard at the same time. It feels so heavenly. And it smells like Chris. I thought as I hugged my 'favourite pillow from now henceforth' tight. Ahhhh I don't want this moment to ever end. Wait a sec why is my pillow shaking? Is there an earthquake or what? But my body is not shaking? What's going on. I opened my right eye to see survey what's going on and the first thing I noticed was, I was in a room. A dark room. Wait I think I have seen this room somewhere. But where? Ohhh I remember now this looks exactly like Chris room. Wait a minute. Chris room. I quickly raised my head and you know what; it wasn't a pillow but Chris chest. Why am I lying on Chris bed with his arms wrapped around me? How did I end up in this situation? Think Arielle think. I remember being caught by Chris and there were two wolves behind me also. Right someone behind me hit me. That's why I'm in this mess. I will find whoever hit me and deal with whoever he is. He should wait and see. I looked around and saw a clock on a small table. I was so shocked to see it was few minutes pass 6am. What the hell how did I end up sleeping for a very long time. Now my next confusion is why is Chris sleeping with me? I mean seriously after making that i***t hit me, he has the guts to sleep beside me and even hug me like a human teddy. I tried to escape from his iron grip but it was impossible. How is it that his so strong even in his sleep? Or is he messing with me by pretending not to sleep? I studied his handsome face and truly my guy was deep asleep. I tried to free myself from him but this time he hugs me tighter and mumbles words I couldn't understand. This was getting annoying. It's not like I wasn't liking it, infact I felt whole in his arms but I can't do this right now. And the sparks are not helping matters. I need to get out of here. Far from him. I can't fall for him. Never. I began to think of how to get out of his tight grip. Finally I got an idea. Call me crazy but I had no other choice but to do the needful. I lean my mouth close to his ear then.... I screamed like a mad woman. "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" I screamed so loud and high pitched even my own ears where affected. No doubt people from outside could hear me. Chris woke up with a start, his eyes were wide up. He was so shocked that he let me go immediately and fell off the bed. I jumped from the bed and ran out laughing hysterically. Yeah I knew I was crazy but right now I didn't care. I ran downstairs about to reach the door when someone blocked my way. " Not so fast gurl" yeap it was the annoying guy who woke me up from my beauty sleep. Before I could give him the piece of my mind, someone behind me carried me and put me on his shoulder and you know what my face was facing his butt. From the sparks I knew it was Chris. " Let me go this minutes. I can walk. Let me go. Release me you dog. SOMEBODY HELP ME" I screamed but no one answered me. Chris didn't even react he just kept on climbing the stairs. " Please I'm begging you let me go I promise to be a good girl. I won't run again. I'm feeling dizzy. Please." He didn't drop me till we entered his room. He dropped me on his bed. "Ari we need to talk" he said calmly " Can't you see I'm not in the mood to talk to you" I shouted "Ari why are you like this, why do you keep running? Do you think by running your safe or have you forgotten those kind of rogues that almost killed you are still out there? Why can't you just accept me? Why ARIELLE WHY? Wow he just called my name. Is it really that serious? I looked at his face and was shocked to see he looked sad. I have never seen him like this and I felt bad. " Am sorry Chris but I can't stay here. I'm a threat to your pack don't you get it? If something bad happens to your pack do you think I can live with it? It's better to be killed out there by rogues than to watch something bad happen to you or your pack." He pulled me to his chest and hugged me. "Ari I don't know what happened to you before we met but please don't see yourself as a threat. If my pack members are hurt in anyway it's because they were strong and wanted to protect their Luna. Besides have you forgotten my pack is one of the top largest and strongest. We can handle ourselves so please Ari stay here with me please. I won't force you to accept me as your mate. You can do that when your ready but please I can't imagine you out there in danger. Please can you change your mind and stay?" Why does this guy's words make me feel this way? I can't say no not after hearing what he just said and seeing the look on his face. I pulled myself from his board chest. " Fine I will stay but only for a while if I don't like it here I will leave." He let out a long sign. " Thanks Ari" "I have an important meeting to attend in less than an hour I need to take my bath and leave, but that doesn't mean I'm leaving you alone. I appointed Louis to stay with you and he will keep an idea on you." " But I said I wasn't going anywhere. I don't need a bodyguard." " Sorry Ari you give me no other choice but to give you one" " But....." "No buts it's final Ari. Don't worry your going to love Louis company." " Alright I have heard you" He started unbuttoning his shirt. " What are you doing I thought you said you will wait till I accept you" I shouted " Hahaha calm down Ari I just want to take my bath I can't go to the meeting looking so unkept I have a reputation to keep you know" " You should have warned me before removing your clothes. Are you planning to dis-virgin my innocent eyes?" " But you have seen me naked so why are you making it such a big deal. I don't mind you looking at me though" he said with a mischievous smirk. " You can't be serious. Ahhh you frustrate me. Make sure you bath well. I'm leaving." I have left his room when I heard him shout " I don't mind you bathing me you know" Ahhh the nerve of this shameless alpha. I entered my room and walked straight into the bathroom. As I passed the mirror I almost screamed in fear. I look horrible. What happened to me? Why do my hair look like I just came back from a hair fight? I can't believe Chris saw me like this. I can't also believe I attempted to run like this. I look like a crazy woman who just ran away from the psychiatric hospital. I quickly brushed my teeth, washed my hair and washed my body. After I was done bathing, I went to my wardrobe and picked an underwear, a top and trouser. I need money to buy new clothes for myself. I don't want to ask Chris. But the question is where will I get money from? I had finished dressing when I heard a soft knock on the door. Call it instincts but I knew it was Chris. " Come in" And behold immediately the door opened I felt a strong wind blow me hehehe don't mind me. But wow this specimen looks hot like hell. Chris wore a navy blue suit that didn't hide his muscles. His hair was gelled back and his scent filled my room. Gosh I'm telling you it's a sin to look this handsome. I just hope there won't be women in the meeting. Hold up Arielle is that jealous I hear. Nah I don't think so. Get a grip of yourself young lady. " I will be leaving now. Is there anything you need" he asked with his sexy voice. Woah Arielle what's wrong with you focus. " Nope I'm fine. Totally fine" " Alright remember, don't cause trouble while I'm gone" " Fine not like I'm a troublemaker but I hear you. No trouble" He gave me a warm smile and patted my back then he left. Wow what a mind-blowing gesture. Wait a minute Arielle what if he had kissed you? What the hell am I thinking. I shouldn't allow my mind send thoughts that won't happen. EVER. Bad thoughts get out right now. Well time to race to the dinning table. Right now it's time to eat. I entered the dinning room but no one was there. I decided to enter the kitchen at least for sightseeing. When I entered the kitchen I was taken aback. Why does this kitchen looks so magnificent. It was so big and filled with equipment for different use. I was still admiring the kitchen when I heard someone clears his or her throat. I quickly turned and behold it was aunt Caro. " Good morning Luna. What brings you here" " Morning aunt Caro. I don't know if there is any food left for me?" " Wait for me in the dining room" I walked into the dinning room and it wasn't empty like earlier. A lady was sitting down there playing games on her phone. Wow so they even have phones here. But who is she? I remember Chris saying my bodyguard is called Louis or is she the Louis? She stopped playing her game and looked up. Wow she's beautiful. " Hello Luna good morning" she greeted smiling. "Emm good morning you must be Louis right" " Hahaha hell no Luna my parents are not dumb to give me a boy name. I'm Amy. Beta female" " Ohhh hi nice to meet you. But please can you just call me Arielle" " Alright Arielle it is" I think I like her already. We are going to be good friends. " Did you also come here to eat" I asked " Yes. We all gather around to eat here" she replied " How comes I haven't seen you guys" "Well Alpha orders. He didn't want you to feel uncomfortable" Aunt Caro came in with a tray and immediately I saw what was inside the tray my mouth began to water. I quickly digged in but stopped when I heard someone laughing. Oops I forgot I had company. " Don't worry Arielle your free to eat anyhow you like" I gave her a thumps up because I had food in my mouth. "Yoh gurls what's popping" I turned to see who just spoke and behold everyone it was that cursed being who has been after my life since I came here. The i***t who woke me up. I quickly swallowed my food. " What do you want. No one needs you here so leave" i said glaring at him But the i***t continued smiling and even stole a piece of my chips and ate it right in front of me. " Are you crazy" I screamed " Nope I'm not crazy I'm Louis nice to meet you gurl" WAIT WHAT LOUIS AS IN MY NEW BODY GUARD. NO WAY. NEVER.
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