1977 Words
ARIELLE POV " Actually my mate is not a she but a he" he said with a smirk. " Oh well he is still unfortu....... wait what? YOUR GAY? " Yes, got any problem with that. Or are you the type to judge people?" he said looking a little down. " Nooo don't get me wrong. It's not bad to be a gay I was just caught off guard. Never in my wildest dream did I ever picture you as gay. Let's just say I'm surprised." I said quickly. He just nodded and sat on the ground and stared at the river. Seeing him like this made me feel bad. I sat close to him and for some seconds everywhere was quiet till I decided to break the silence first. " So what motivated you to see this place?" He looked at me for long before he spoke. " Well when I was 18, I was happy to finally meet my mate. That time I thought of how she will look and how we will have fun together. Then one day, the Alpha, Beta and I were suppose to meet up with all the pack warriors for a quick meeting. Before we arrived, the warriors were already waiting for us in the meeting room so immediately we entered I smelt my mate before seeing him. I was so happy. Finally I have found her and she must be very strong to be a warrior so I thought. When I sat on my seat, I looked around trying to figure who was my mate. Everyone's eyes were focused on the Alpha who was giving a speech except HIM. My mate was looking directly at me and I was getting angry. What was his deal and what's up with the stares or do I have something on my face I wondered in anger. I glared at him and he looked at the Alpha for just a second before looking at me again. After the meeting, everyone left the room except Alpha Chris, Barry, myself and my mate. I excused myself and went to have a word with him. Immediately I walked to his side I noticed my mate scent was getting stronger and stronger. When I stood in front of him it was like I blacked out and all I could see was him. That was when I realized that he was my mate and my mate wasn't a she but a HE. So many thoughts ran through my mind. Why me? What will people say? Will alpha Chris still want me to be his gamma? Will my friends accept me as gay? I was so angry, sad and afraid. I just ran out of the room and went straight home. I locked myself up in my room and refused to eat for 2 days. Amy tried to find out what's happening but I refused to open up to her. Alpha Chris had to order me in his alpha voice which I couldn't disobey to tell them what was wrong. I told them I found my mate. Amy was so happy she said she wanted to meet her but I corrected her and told them my mate was a male. Everyone was quiet, you could see the shock on their faces. I was scared to hear what they had to say, so before they recovered from their shock, I ran out of the house into the forest. I kept on running till I mistakenly stumbled and I actually don't have any idea how I got here I just know that's when I raised my head I saw this place and it felt warming. I decided to relax here and think how to face what was in front of me. Although I had so many questions running in my mind. Was I ready to be in love with a man? Was rejection a good solution to all this? Will people judge me and look down on me? As I was thinking about all this, I had a quick thought. What about my mate? What does he feel about this? Will he accept me or his going to be ashamed of me. I was deep in thought that I didn't notice a presence behind me not until I felt someone hug me from behind. I was startled and quickly turned to see who. It was my mate who followed me when he saw me running. I was scared maybe he followed me to reject me. So I thought but he just hugged me. This time we hugged chest to chest and it was nice. That's when I realized I wanted him as my mate. I didn't care if he was a male or female I just wanted him. After hugging we sat and talked about ourselves and we agreed to stick by each other no matter what people say. We actually sat here for hours before returning home. I was still scared to face everyone but he stood by me and I had courage to face everyone. When I entered Amy first scolded me never to run again then she hugged me told me she was happy for me. Alpha Chris and Beta Barry also congratulated me. So Arielle that's my story." Wow such a long and touching story. I felt a little pity for him. " Well it's a good thing your happy with your mate. But what was the reaction of the people?" I asked due to curiosity. " Actually at first some people criticized me, some tried to hide it but they still looked at me with disgust while a few where happy for me. Some people went to tell the Alpha to remove me from being his gamma but he refused. He even issued a decrees that anyone who talks bad about me or my mate will be punished." I didn't know why but when he told me this I was worried. What will happen if the people know that I am their alpha's mate? Will they accept me? Will they judge me because I am a rogue with no pack or family? I had so many thoughts bothering me. " Don't worry,the people will accept you as their luna you don't need to fear" Louis said like he read my mind "How did you know what I was thinking?" " Well you had that look" he said and smiled not smirk he really smiled. I don't think his actually that bad. " Can we go now? I'm starving because I didn't eat much" " Alright gurl let's go and have you filled up" now the freak is back. When we arrived the castle ( I can't call it a house because it's bigger than that) I noticed three ladies standing. I just greeted them and was about to pass when the chick in the middle who looked like her face was baked together with makeup blocked my way. " Where do you think your going to or did you leave your respect from where you are coming from" she asked and gosh her voice sounds terrible. " How may I help you" I asked while trying to cool my temper. " Who are you and what are you doing in my house?" Is this girl crazy? How is this her house or is she related to anyone who lives in the house? " Excuse me, how is this your house? Are you related to anyone here?" "Well b***h I am the Luna of this house and I expect you respect me and watch your words." I burst out in laughter. " Hahaha.... did you just hahaha..... Say hehehe.... Luna?" I tried to stop myself from laughing but I just couldn't. I noticed Louis was silently laughing also. "b***h what is funny? Do you know that this your rude behavior can get you killed?" She asked while pointing a finger at me. Careful with the finger Miss you can actually kill a person with your fake long nails. " Well I never said anything wrong that will get me killed or Louis did I?" I asked with a smirk. " Ohh not at all gurl" he answered with a smirk too. Gosh I'm begining to love this guy. "How dare you call the gamma by his name. Who gave you the right to do that?" She exclaimed. Such a fool. " Well his not complaining about how I address him so how is that your problem?" " Who are you? I ask again and what are you doing here?" She asked with anger on her face. " Well hi I'm Arielle nice to meet you" I replied with a wicked smile. " What are you doing here?" She asked. You could tell she was frustrated. " Well as you can see I live here and I actually sleep on the last floor" I replied with a mischievous smile. "WHAT" You could see the shock on her face. Even her little minions also looked surprised. " What are you, a w***e or what? Why will you be sleeping in the alpha's room?" " I never said I was sleeping in his room but even if I did, do you have any problem with that?" I asked with a bored voice. " Yes I have a problem with that. You can't be sleeping in his room. His mine and his room is also mine" she shouted. " Can you please reduce your voice. It is killing my eardrum. I didn't come here with a headache but now I have one thanks to your voice." I said. " b***h I want you to pack your things and leave my man's house this minute." Say what? Her what? Now I'm angry. Yes I know I haven't accepted Chris as my mate but that doesn't mean I can't claim what is rightfully mine. " Did you just say your man because I think I didn't hear you correctly. Last I checked your alpha is MY MATE. So please look else where because there is no way I'm sharing him with anyone." The three idiots stared at me with their mouths opened. " Did you just say mate? Hahaha no one will want something like you as a mate. Have you looked at yourself in the mirror? Your not fit to be our luna and our alpha deserves better than you. I think the goddess really made a mistake because you can't be our luna. No one will accept you as our luna" the loud fool said after she had recovered from her little shock. But actually what she said really went deep. I'm not so beautiful and I don't deserve to be Chris mate. " Well I think your wrong because I have accepted her as my Luna ever since I saw her and not only me but my mate, the beta and his mate and also the alpha. Besides when it comes to looks she's is a hundred percent better than you. Without the makeup on your face you look ugly and even with the makeup you still look very ugly." Did Louis just defend me right now? Wow I never expected that. I think Amy was right, he was actually a good person. " Hey you I never asked for your opinion so go and look for a man's d**k to suck" She did not just say that to Louis " I think the person who needs a man's d**k is you. Because you are actually good at whoring around. And let this be the last time you will say something like that to him and I swear you won't see the end of it" I said in anger. " You b***h I never asked for your opinion so go get a place to sit do....." "WHAT'S GOING ON HERE"
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