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ARIELLE POV " ALRIGHT THAT'S IT, YOU ASKED FOR IT ARI" He was talking slow steps to me. "Emm chrrrrrisss whaaaat arrrrre you doo.... doing. I was juust kiiding". Gosh I can heard my voice shaking. I'm not ready to be marked today. I hope his wolf hasn't taken over or else I'm doomed. At least Chris will listen to me and control himself but his wolf won't control himself at all. I was still in deep thoughts when I heard someone laughing. Wait who was laughing? Why Is Chris laughing? What's actually funny? I thought confused. " Ari you never cease to amaze me. You should see your face right now. Chill I won't do anything your not ready for." I sign. What a relief. But come to think of it, this man just made a fool out of me. I can't believe I fell for his stupid prank. I was boiling with anger. "So mature of you to make me look like a fool" I spat. " Sorry Ari but you are actually responsible." He said with a smile and a shrug. I kept my mouth shut and ate quietly because he was actually right but that doesn't give him the right to play me. After eating I left the dining room, leaving him there no still eating. I was climbing the stairs when I remembered I don't know any room except Chris room. Where will I sleep because there is no way I will sleep with him. I went back to the dinning room and he was still eating very slow. "Can you please hurry up and show me where I will spend the night". " I don't mind you spending it in my room" he responded. " Well thanks but no thanks I prefer to have my own privacy". He didn't say a word he just stood up and started going up to the last floor. He stopped at a door after his room. He opened the door and went in. I followed him and when I entered the sight in front of me was breathtaking. The room was painted in a cream color and the bed was queen sized. The room was big but not as big as Chris room. " You can stay here, but remember it's only for a short while because you will soon be joining me in my room" he said " Thank you but about me joining you, na I don't think that will ever happen" I replied. " Goodnight Ari, rest well because you really had a long day today. See you tomorrow" " Goodnight" Then off he went leaving me alone in my new room. I went straight to the bed and gosh the bed was so fluffy, soft and warm. Before I knew it, I went straight to lala land. Knock knock. What the hell who is banging my door. Knock knock Can't you see I'm sleeping KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK "WHO THE HELL IS THERE? IF I DIDN'T ANSWER THE DOOR CAN'T YOU JUST LEAVE AND RETURN LATER" I shouted. Call me crazy but my sleep is very important and I hate when someone wakes me up. KNOCK KNOCK KNOCK Wow this person really has guts. I will show whoever it is not to ever mess with me. I jumped from the bed and matched in anger to open the door. "WHAT THE HELL DO YOU WANT" I barked immediately I opened the door. "Calm down gurl. Your going to destroy my eardrums" the young man in front of me said without any atom of shame or guilt. "Who are you and what do you want from me" I said while glaring at him. But he wasn't moved at all. This is so frustrating. "Well, Alpha Chris said I should check up on you since you haven't woken up and it's already mid day. You could have seen how worried he was when he was informed you were still sleeping." " What do you mean by mid day dude I haven't slept for up to four hours" i said with a surprised face. " Well gurl it's pass 3pm." Wait what. That can't be true right. I have never woken up so late except when I'm ill. I think this amazing bed is bewitching. " Alright you have seen I'm alive and healthy so you can go back and report it to your alpha." Immediately I said that I banged the door right at his face. Now time to have a bath because I stink. I quickly undressed and used the towel I found in the bathroom. This bathroom was big but not as big as Chris bathroom. It was also beautiful. I turned the water and filled the bath tub. When it was full, I jumped into the warm water and felt it soothe my muscles. Gosh I needed this. I used the shampoo and body wash I found here. After I was done washing and rinsing my hair and my body, I got out of the bath tub. Immediately I entered the room I remembered one important thing; I don't have any clean clothes. And I can't use the clothes I have been wearing for days. Gosh the smell and all. No way will I ever touch it. I decided to sit down on the bed with my towel thinking of how to get new clothes. Chris wasn't here to help me and I can't disturb him when his in an important meeting and I also can't afford to be seen with just a towel. I heard a knock again this time I was grateful to the person knocking. Immediately I opened the door I found the same dude from earlier smiling at me. " What do you want again" I asked glaring at him. " Well I think you might need this" he replied smiling. Need what. Then I looked at his hand and behold he was my saviour for the day. On his hands were clothes. I stopped glaring at him then collected the clothes then mumble a thank you and shut the door at his face again. The clothes he brought were three pairs of jeans trousers, five shirts, two gowns and five set underwears. I picked a set of underwear, a nude shirt and black jean trouser. Finally I can leave this room and look for what to eat. I quickly rushed to the only place I know in this castle except Chris room of course; the dinning room. When I got there, I saw Aunt Caro entering the dining room too from another door which I can only assume it's leads to the kitchen. " Afternoon aunt Caro" " Afternoon Arielle hope you slept well" " Yes I did but I'm hungry right now" "Hahaha I know you are, let me get you something to eat" " Thank you. Your a life saver" She gave me a warm smile and left. After some minutes she came back with a tray full of delicious food and fruits. " Thank you aunt Caro" " Your welcome my dear now eat up" I don't need to be told twice I quickly dug into my food. When I was full I went back to my room. Ok now that I'm full and it seems no one is around I need an escape route. I thought hard and went downstairs quietly. I looked round and saw the coast was clear. I quickly rushed to the door and opened it. " Don't you dare Ari. Close the door and come here." Oops I'm caught. Chris caught me. Think Arielle think fast. Time to ask innocent. " Oh there you are Chris I was going out to look for you since I haven't seen you." I turned to look at him and said sweetly with a smile. " Now you have seen me so come back here". He said " Fine I'm coming" I pretended like I was about to close the door then I opened it wide and ran. I sprinted towards the forest using my wolf speed. I made it to the forest and continued running. Please don't let them get me I will do anything. I just need this one chance to get out of here. I kept on running but I don't get it, why I am I not seeing the boarder anywhere. Everywhere was totally filled with trees. I was still running and searching everywhere. For me it took hours but still it was like I was going in a circle. I decided to rest. It's important to rest if I have to think deeply what's happening. I climbed a tree to rest because I didn't want to be caught. Resting in the first place was my first mistake. About 6 minutes later, I heard sounds of paws running. I panicked and hid deep inside the tree and covered myself with the leafs. When the paws came closer I saw it was Chris leading with his black wolf and then two other wolves where behind him: one was grey and the other was brown with white spots. They stopped near the tree I was hiding and looked around. I quickly made a silent prayer and my prayers were answered quickly, they left the tree and continued going forward. Once I was sure they had gone, I came down from the tree and ran the opposite direction they had followed. I knew that there is no way they will follow me behind because they might be deep into the forest. Trusting my instincts was my second mistake. As I was still running, I sense three people positioned in different angles; one in front, another by my left and the last by my right. Before I could turn and run back, the one by my right jumped in front of me. It was the wolf in brown and white spots fur. He even gave me a wolfy grin. What the hell. Who is he to mock me. I tried to run through another direction but the grey wolf was right in front of me. Before I saw him, I felt Chris black wolf behind me. That's it. No escape today. I quickly turned to Chris and he was there standing tall. Wow even his wolf is so big and beautiful. I feel like touching it's fur but I had to restrain myself. My wolf is urging me to jump on him. Hold up girl calm your hormones down. Right in front of me Chris shifted. " That was fun Ari. I didn't know you like playing hide and seek." " Well sorry to inform you, I wasn't playing hide and seek. I was escaping as in running away from you. Can't you see I don't want to be here. I don't belong here so please let me go." " Well sorry mate can't do that your MINE and your not going anywhere" After he said that I felt someone hit me on my neck and I was about falling when I felt the similar sparks, Chris caught me. With my head on his shoulder , darkness swept me away from consciousness.
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