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"WHAT'S GOING ON HERE" Good timing for Chris arrival. " Hello alpha thank goodness your here. This thing claims to be your mate which I know it's not true" the crazy b***h said before I could even open my mouth to talk. " Well if she said she's my mate then she's my mate. I don't get why you can't believe her Sasha" Chris said with a bored tone. Wow so she has a name after all. " What.. that can't be true. You can't be mated to her. I mean look at her what's so special about her. She's not beautiful, she have no sense of fashion I mean look at what she's wearing even my mother can't dress like this and she looks weak, we can't allow someone like her rule us as our Luna." Ugly Sasha said in anger. " Well I never asked you to tell me what is good for me and what is bad. Besides I advice you to have your sight checked because I think your not seeing well. How could you say my mate here is not beautiful and doesn't know fashion? My mate is without makeup and she's very beautiful. I can't even compare her with you because she's above your level. And she's looks good and sexy in anything she wears unlike you." Chris said coldly " B..ut alpha...."She stutter " No buts. Now you have over stayed your welcome so I will advice you to leave right now" He said in an authoritative voice. She quickly rushed out with her minions. Haha take that bitches. I thought with a wide smile. " Arielle follow me" Chris said and left Wait why do I feel like I'm in trouble. But I didn't do anything wrong or did I? No I doubt if I caused any trouble. I quickly ran behind him as fast as I could because he was walking very fast. We reached a door I have never seen and when we entered I saw it was a cozy, neat and beautiful office. He sat on his chair and ordered me to close the door. I obeyed him and closed the door then I sat on an empty sit waiting to know what all this is about. After a long silence he finally broke it " Did anything happen today?" " No nothing happened at all. I didn't cause any trouble you can ask Louis or Amy" I said quickly. " I know you didn't cause any trouble Ari but what made you cry?" He asked with a worried look. " Who told you I cried?" I asked getting upset. Here I thought Louis was a good guy by comforting me not knowing he was telling Chris everything. " Amy told me you were sad and you cried then you went for a walk to clear your head. Tell me is anything bothering you." Ohhhh so it was Amy. Sorry Louis I was quick in judging you. " Well as you can see I'm fine and nothing happened earlier" I replied. " But Ari I want to know why you cried. It's bothering me that my mate is sad and I don't know the reason." Now I'm getting really frustrated with this guy. " Since you badly want to know the problem fine. Your the problem Chris. YOU ARE MY PROBLEM. I just want to leave here but your keeping me here. I can't accept you as my mate no matter how hard you try so just let me go. Then I will be happy" I said in anger. The look he gave me almost made me tell him I was joking. He looked very sad and heartbroken like I rejected him. Well this should also be called rejection right because I just said I didn't want him. " Alright Arielle if that what you want I will give you the space you need. Since I am the problem, I will try my best not to come in contact with you. Since you don't want me as your mate, it's fine. I will keep my distance from you but I can't let you leave this pack. Out there is another danger on it's own and I will be damned to let you go out there and face the danger alone. So you have to stay here but I promise you won't see me again." He said that he left the office. But I actually didn't mean it that way. Arielle look what you have caused. Well I think it's better this way at least I won't see him often to fall in love with him. Well it might be to my favour. Right? Two weeks later Wrong. It wasn't to my favour at all. I wasn't happy, I felt empty like a part of me is gone. Although we lived under one roof, for two weeks I haven't seen Chris at all and it's like I'm drying slowly inside. My wolf has been silent ever since. I wasn't sleeping well infact I look like a walking zombie with big eye bags. There was no day that Louis won't mock me because of my looks. His still my bodyguard but his also now my friend. We are getting closer to each other and although he still mocks me and get on my nerves, I'm getting used to it and will just laugh it off. I also met his mate who was no other than Blake; the i***t that stopped me from escaping when I left the hospital. I was shocked when I was informed he was Louis mate but when I saw how he looks and cares for Louis I knew that he was actually not that bad. Blake hardly smiles at other people but with Louis everything he does amuses him. I also gradually getting comfortable and friendly with him. It's pass 12 am but sleep is very far away from me. I have been turning left, right, and center on the bed to find sleep but it's not coming. It's frustrating the hell out of me. I didn't know what came over me, I stood up from the bed and went out of my room. Before I knew what was happening I was standing in front of Chris room. I didn't know whether to enter or go back to my room. After standing for 10 minutes debating with myself whether to enter or not, I decided to enter. When I opened the door and entered, everywhere was dark as always but thank goodness for wolf special sight I was able to find my way around. I went to Chris bed and he was sleeping; at least someone can actually sleep. I laid beside him and before I knew it sleep carried me into the dream land. When I woke up the next morning I was confused when I saw myself in Chris room; alone. I then remembered I was the one who walked here and slept here. But where is Chris? Is he still avoiding me? I hope he gets the hint that I didn't want this to continue when he woke up and saw me on his bed. Wait, what if he is already irritated by my presence? I felt like crying. I know I said I can't be his mate but can't he still be patient and try harder to convince me to accept. But Arielle what exactly do you want? Because I myself don't understanding what I want. One moment I want Chris to be my mate another moment I don't want him to be my mate. Like what exactly do I want? I slowly carried my self and stood up from Chris bed. His scent was everywhere and it's was calming. I walked as slow as a snail because I didn't want to leave his room. I went to my room, took a quick bath, dressed and went downstairs to the sitting room. When I entered everyone inside kept quiet but that didn't get my attention. Blake, Louis, Amy and her mate Barry were present but my full attention was on who my eyes were fixed on. CHRIS WAS ALSO HERE. Why is he here? Did he forget something? Did something happen? Has he changed his mind from avoiding me? So many questions kept running on my mind but I couldn't find out why he was right in front of me. " Gurl I know you miss the alpha and all but can you stop looking at him like that" Louis spoke and I felt shy. Why does he have to embarrass me in front of Chris. " I don't know what your talking about I didn't miss anyone" I said after rolling my eyes. " You can fool everyone here but you can't fool me gurl. If you didn't miss him then what where you looking for in his room infact sleeping on his bed?" He asked with a smirk. My face was red. I can't believe he saw me. Can the ground open up and swallow me already? Everyone except Chris laughed at my reaction. He just stood up and left the sitting room. I needed answers so I followed him. I knew he knows I was following him but he kept quiet and entered his office. I also entered and saw he was already sitting down so I joined him and sat on an empty chair. He refused to look at me or even acknowledge my presence he just kept flipping some papers. When I got fed up with him ignoring my presence I stood up and walked to his side, carried the papers and threw them on the floor then sat on the office desk with my hands folded and my eyes glaring at him. He just sign but still didn't look at me. " What do you want" he asked coldly. I have never heard him talk to me like that and I won't lie it really hurt my feelings. " Why were you ignoring me? Why have you been avoiding? Do you know how hard all this is for me? Do you even care about how I feel right now?" I asked. You could hear the anger and sadness in my voice. " Your talking as if you were the one who was rejected by your mate. Arielle you practically rejected me when you said you didn't want me as your mate. Do you know what your words did to me? It broke me. Did you think I had fun avoiding or ignoring you? This two weeks were nothing but hell to me but I had to consider your feelings that's why I couldn't go to you. I didn't want you to hate me or feel sad because of me. I was very happy and felt whole when you laid on my bed last night but I had to stop myself because I knew it won't last. The next day I knew you will still tell me you don't want me." He replied. I honestly felt bad. It was all my fault this is happening. " But Chris I never said you should avoid me. I don't want that at all. I also don't hate you." I said in a calm voice "So tell me Arielle if you don't hate me, do you love me?"
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