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CHRIS POV "Alpha we have a problem, three rogues just crossed the pack boarder." Immediately I heard the information the guards at the boarders passed through the mind link I was angry. How dare they? Did they have any idea which pack they entered carelessly? Are they asking for a death sentence? Everyone knows it's suicidal to enter my pack without permission. Hope they are not planning to harm anyone because I won't let them let them get away with it. "Where are they heading now" I asked angrily I heard him flinch and his voice were trembling as he answered" They are running towards the forest." "Gather four warriors to wait for me outside, I will join them in a while and make it quick" I ordered. "Yes Sir" "What's going on man?" I totally forgot Aiden was here. Aiden is my Beta and best friend since when we were wearing diapers. He was the only one that understands me and I'm more open to him than to anyone. He has been with me since the incident and have always been supportive. " Get up, we have rogue matter to deal with" I said. And immediately Aiden change from being my best friend into Beta mode. He looked very serious and angry. At least it's not only me that feels angry right now. We left the office and we were about to reach the door when his mate Amy stopped us "And where are you both going to, looking like your about to kill someone" Because of how whipped my friend was his facial expression change immediately from angry to a cute puppy who just saw his owner. I can't blame him that's the power of the mate bond. "Babe I need you to stay indoors don't come out for any reason. Rogues have been spotted and I want you to be safe. Promise me you won't go out." Aiden pleaded with puppy eyes. Hehehe he looked horrible; so whipped. "Alright, I won't go out. Just take care of yourself and you too Chris" she replied. Well because she's my best friend's mate I allowed her to speak informally with me. But she also knows when she needs to address me in a formal way. After they kissed and hugged, we went out and saw the warriors already waiting. "Shift and follow my lead" I ordered We all shifted and ran towards the direction that leads to the forest. Immediately we entered the forest we were able to track the scent of the rogues. We quickly followed the scent and I noticed they kept going deeper and deeper into the forest. ' Why are they interested in the forest. What is their plan' I thought We kept following them. When we got close to them, a scent overwhelmed me that I quickly stopped. The others who followed me were quick to stop without bumping into me from behind. I couldn't think straight the scent was all that I could concentrate on. The scent was not only driving me crazy but also my wolf. I quickly snapped out when I caught a whiff of blood. I quickly ran as fast as I can. The others could not even catch up with me. When I reached where the scent was very strong I was very angry to see what was happening in front of me. Two dirty looking rogues trying to attack a young girl who couldn't move. I quickly jumped on the rogues and I saw my pack warriors and Aiden doing the same. The bastards thinks they can fight back but I didn't give them a chance I killed one and a warrior killed the other. When I made sure they were really dead I turned to the beautiful damsel in front of me. My heart broke when I saw how she look. What happened her? Immediately I quickly shifted and ran towards her. My wolf came out and growled "MATE" before giving me back control. When I reached her, my heart broke. She was bleeding badly and she looked lean and small. I quickly carried her and ran as fast as I could to the infirmary. Immediately I entered I began to bark orders and threats to the doctors to safe her or they lose their lives. Everyone was scared and shaking. Immediately doctors and nurses where running round trying to help my little mate. I was very angry when I saw how bad her injuries were. I wished I didn't kill those bastard quickly because they deserve a slow and painful death. Aiden had to drag me out of the ward so that the doctors and nurses can work with ease. According to him my presence was making them feel uncomfortable. I was restless while waiting. I want to hear immediately that she was ok. To me hours turned to months and finally after 7 long painful hours of waiting,the head doctor came out and told me she was out of danger. I was relieved. But as they say there is always a storm close by. And that storm came immediately he continued to tell me how bad her situation was. She received a heavy blow on her head and because of that she's unconscious and they don't know when she will wake up. Apart from that she had several bruises on her body and a twisted ankle. She was also malnourished. He advised that she needs lots of rest Immediately I entered and saw her, I felt bad for my little mate. What have she been going through out there. Although she wasn't looking too clean and she had bandage all over to me she was the most beautiful person I have ever seen. Apart from my mother. Aiden tried to convince me to go home and at least take a bath in order to remove the blood stains and change my clothes but I refused to listen. I didn't want to leave my mate. I want to be there when she opens her eyes. I want to stay beside her forever. "I don't think she will want to wake up and see you looking like you just came from a battle field trust me. You might scare her if she sees you looking like this." Aiden been Aiden finally got a perfect excuse to send me home. He actually made sense: I can't afford my mate to see me looking so untidy. So I quickly ran home, took a very quick bath, change to the first clothes I laid my hands on, quickly changed and off I ran again to the hospital. I don't think I spent up to 20 minutes although according to Aiden which I know it's a lie I spent not more than 5 minutes. Hours turned into a day, a day turned into 6 days yet my mate haven't opened her eyes yet. I was worried but the doctor said it was because she was healing. Most of her bruises have healed other's were healing gradually. I didn't leave her sight only when Aiden or Amy force me to go and take a bath and change my clothes. I abandoned the pack work to Aiden because I haven't been attending to any of them. He understood what I was going through and agreed to help. Amy also was a great help to my mate and I. She comes everyday to at least clean my mate's body. And she brings food for me everyday and turns into an angry mother until I finish the food all. Although she is a pain in my very behind I still appreciate her. Today being the sixth day, my mate actually looks different. Her color is coming back and she's no longer looking pale but she's still skinny. I was reading a fairytail novel for her (what? I don't know anything about her at least it's the thoughts that counts ) when I noticed a slight movement with one of her fingers. I overlooked it because I thought I was just imagining things. But it happened again and I quickly jumped. "Doctor hurry up and come here now" I ordered through the mind link. Immediately the door opened and four doctors rushed inside and started examining her. After they finished she still didn't open her eyes but the doctor assured me that she will soon. She's now conscious and she's just resting for now. I was so happy to hear the good news. When they left, I sat close to her bed and held her hand. Immediately I had contact with her hands I felt the wonderful sparks. I started talking to her incase she will hear me. "Little mate, I always knew you were a fighter. I'm so grateful you never stopped fighting. Now I just need you to open your eyes, I want to hear your voice, I want to see your smile. Please little mate I'm right here waiting for you". Guess what people. She didn't wake up or even make any sign of movement. But in the movies that Amy talks about when any of the lover talks the unconscious lover wakes up with a smile. I should have known that was just pure lies. Thank God Aiden or Amy was not here to see this, I know they won't stop mocking me. Well I have no other choice than to wait for her to wake up. I was day dreaming of how we are going to go on dates, when we will mate and how beautiful our pups will look when I heard something making a loud deafening sound. In anger I turned to break it because it's disturbing my little mate when I was shocked to see the most beautiful grey eyes looking at me. MY MATE HAS FINALLY WOKEN UP I quickly summon the doctors again. They came, examined her and informed me that she is now feeling better. I was so happy to finally hear the good news. When they left I sat on the chair I always sit on and tired to have a conversation with her "Hey, how are you feeling, are you ok, does anywhere hurts?" I was eager to hear her voice, but all I got was silent treatment. She was just looking at me like I was some foreign object. "Can you tell me your name and where your from and all about yourself" I tried again But still. Nothing. Not a single sound. If it was another person I will have dealt with him/her but I couldn't get angry at my little mate besides I know she has gone through a lot that's why she's scared to open up. Or maybe she was the shy type. Very timid. "Don't worry little mate you are safe here. I won't allow anything bad to happen to you again." "Come again say what. What did you just call me?" she asked with wide eyes. I feel like screaming like a girl. Mate truly has an angelic voice. Her voice was music to my ears. I don't think I will get tired of hearing her voice. "MATE" I repeated myself after I have recovered. "Excuse me but I think you have the wrong person". She replied in a timid voice. Wow I guessed right she surely is shy. I couldn't stop the words from coming out "You have a beautiful voice mate" "I know I get that a lot" wait was that sarcasm I hear. Now I'm confused. I thought she was timid. She's actually cute right now "You are so cute mate, what's your name" wait what's wrong with me. Why am I sounding like a whipped dog just like Aiden. Chris your an Alpha get a grip on your self. "Non of your business." I didn't know when I smiled. I have forgotten when last I ever smiled this big. Totally whipped. My mate surely knows how to amuse me. "Alright 'non of your business' I am Chris Black" I replied her with a smile on my face. I watched as her face turned from confession to realization. "I'M SORRY WHAT" she voiced out. I wanted to laugh because her facial expression was just so cute and funny. "You mean your Alpha Chris Black of Stone pack" she asked. "Yes little mate, and it's just Chris to you no need for any formality" I answered with a smile " But I thought you were ugly since from what I have heard everything about you is ugly and bad" I was aware of all the rumors about me having a cold attitude, commanding aura, ruthless behavior and brutal way of punishing. Well some are true but I don't punish just anyone only rogues or any wolf who tries to harm my pack. So I actually don't blame my mate for what she just said. "Well Alpha Chris I'm sorry but I can't be your mate and I'm thankful you saved me and I'm still alive but sorry once again I have to go" Wait what did she just say. She can't just leave me like that does she know how long I have been waiting for her. " I'm sorry little mate I can't let you go your MINE" "I am nothing but a bad omen I can't stay here. If you want your pack to be safe you need to let me go" This time she said it with a tiny voice and with fear in her eyes. Now I'm really curious to know everything about her. "You still haven't told me your name little mate" "My name is not important here just let me go. I'm begging you" "Well little mate the moment I saw you I sworn never to let you get hurt again and for me to fulfill my promise I can't let you go". " You have to let me go. Your Alpha Chris Black who runs the biggest and strongest pack in the whole of Hudgeton, I'm not strong and but weak. Just look at me I'm not even beautiful, I have scars all over and I'm a rogue. You and I are of different sides. I can't be the Luna. You need someone who is strong and is from a good pack but that person is not me. I'm sorry." I knew she was just saying it so I will leave her. I need to show her that she is more than what or who she thinks she is. Even if she denies the mate bond she won't deny it for long. "I don't need anyone else, I already have you and your enough for me little mate and I'm not letting you go" Immediately I said that I went to meet the head doctor so I can sign the discharge papers and head home with my mate. After I finished signing it I rushed back to her room and to my greatest surprise MY MATE WAS GONE.
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