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Arielle's POV While waiting I listen to the sound of the water. Everywhere was peaceful. I felt very sleepy and before I knew it I lost the fight and slept off. When I opened my eyes I was surprised to see myself in a different place. It took me few seconds to remember where I was and how I got there. Immediately I left the cave and first thing I noticed was everywhere was dark. I'm so in trouble with dad. I quickly ran home while thinking of how to convince my dad that it wasn't intentional. When I got near the pack house I was surprised that everywhere was quiet and it was dark. As I got nearer the first thing that welcomed me was smell of blood. I have never felt so scared as I am right now. Immediately I entered the house the smell was strong I quickly tried to locate the switch and immediately I turned it on I almost fainted. Right in front of me were dead bodies of both male and female, young and old, wolves and human. What happened here. With my shaking legs I slowly went upstairs to look for my parents and as I was going all I could see was dead bodies and splatter of blood on the walls. When I arrived the Alpha's wing I was scared to open the door and when I finally got the courage to open the door , the sight in front of me was enough to knock me down. No no no this isn't real. I'm still dreaming right. Please let this be a dream. I pinched myself very hard and behold it was painful. I'm not dreaming. Right in front of me were the bodies of some pack guards, Socrates, aunt Jane, uncle Davis and my parents laying lifeless right in front of my eyes. "What kind of trick is this if it's a joke I hate it wake up" The only response I got was silence. I felt like throwing up so I rushed to my toilet, knelt down and allow all the food I ate that day come out of me. I knew I look so pale. I feel sick. I feel empty. I feel shattered. Where do I start from. Will I ever recover from this. All these people are innocent they do not deserve this fate. Why them. What's their offence. So many questions kept running through my mind. I stood up from the toilet floor and slowly left the toilet. Immediately I entered my room, I knew my mother entered my room because her scent was still here although a little faint. I felt weak. As I was about to leave my room I noticed a note on the floor close to my small reading table. I picked it and opened it, immediately like a tap was turned on my tears began to flow when I saw my mom's handwriting. Why will she leave me alone with just a letter. I opened the letter and read it. 'Ari my baby, if your reading this letter it means something bad happened to your Dad and I. We are sorry we couldn't protect you to the end. It's a miracle you were not here when the attack started. Socrates told me you went to hide and I know your safe there. I don't have much time. Remember never you blame yourself for what happened, it's not your fault. Also leave this pack immediately you finsh reading this he might come back for you. Run my baby as fast as you can. Never trust anyone and promise to keep your secret safe with you. That's the only way you can live. Your Dad and I love you so much my baby. Take..." I cried my eyes out. She didn't even finish her statement. I can't even imagine what it was like to be in their position. I carried only the note and ran out of the alpha's wing. I need to obey my mother's last wish so I ran and ran till I reached the border. Before I crossed the border, I looked at my pack one last time. I can't believe I'm leaving the place I always called home for the first time. Immediately I cross the border I will be a rogue all by myself without my family, my best friend or any pack member. With a heavy heart I made my final decision. I crossed the border and ran as fast as I could. As I was running I began to think who could be responsible for my parents death. My dad never had any enemy. He was a friendly person and he loves peace. I tried to think but I couldn't figure out who killed my parents. Then suddenly I stopped running when I remembered a conversation I overheard when I wanted to ask my dad for a favour. I remember he was shouting at a man who wanted to have me as his mate because he heard about my special abilities. Although I don't think the man had any idea I was my dad's daughter. Dad was very angry that day. He was disturbed and refused to eat that day. I also remember the man saying that he will return soon and take what belongs to him. Could it be that he actually came and decided to attack my pack? Did he really fulfill his promise? So many thoughts were bothering me about this man. I wasn't able to see his face and dad refused to talk about him so I don't even know him name. But if I eventually find out who he is and also confirm that he is the one behind my parents death I won't let him live. I must take revenge for my parents and my pack members. I snapped out from my small world when I felt like someone was watching me. Then I remembered I was suppose to be running. As I was running, I still felt like the person was following me so I ran not minding where I was going. I was so scared and tired but I never gave up I ran faster than I have ever ran before. Even when I noticed that the person had stopped following, I still ran. I couldn't stop. I ran for 3 days and only rested for 4 hours. I was very tired, very hungry, very weak and very dirty. I haven't eaten anything since I left my pack or even taken a bath anywhere because I was scared someone might catch me. My clothes were torn in some parts. I had multiple bruises because at some point I fell and injured my self. I was very thirsty but I couldn't stop to even drink water. I was still scared someone might see me and try to harm me. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt like drying. Why did this have to happen to me. I looked up to the sky and shouted "Why me. What did I do to deserve all this. I didn't ask you to give me special abilities. I won't be here if I didn't have this special abilities instead I will be at home and happily with my parents. Now because of me they are all dead. Because of this so called special abilities, innocent people are dead just because of me. I don't want to be special because I don't see any use of being special. It only cause more harm than good. Even myself I'm not safe because the person who killed my parents is still out there looking for me. My life too is in danger. Please if anyone can hear me up there take this curse away from me. I'm fed up. I can't do this anymore." I sat on the floor and cried my life out. I cried for my parents, my best friend, his family and my pack members. I felt suffocated. I was in pains both physical and emotional. I needed to find something to eat or drink at least. I can't continue like this. I picked my weak self up and started searching for food to eat. I was careful not to enter another pack because I knew I will be killed. Some Packs feel threaten when rogues enters territory and if any rogue is caught it's death sentence. I kept on searching for any small animal to feed on but it's like today is just not my lucky day, I found non. Were they aware of my plans and decide to hide or what. I searched and searched but nothing not even a snail. Just when I was about to give up I heard the grass shake like something was hiding inside. I was so happy to see a small rabbit. I ran after it and boy this tiny animal is super fast. I refuse to give up. I continue to follow my little friend around. I didn't have much strength but I couldn't give up on my only hope for survival. I kept pushing my poor body to run. I was distracted while I was trying to catch my prey when 2 dirty looking rogues stood in front of me. I am in a big mess "Well , well, well what do we have here" rogue one said smirking I was so scared that I forgot how to move. "Killing her immediately won't be fun don't you think ? " rogue one asked rogue two. Wait what? They can't be serious right. Can't they have pity on my poor state and let me be. But who am I dulling rogues have no sympathy for others. They are only self centered beings. "We will count 1 to 10 and you will run. Whoever catch you first among the both of us will kill you first" rogue two spoke for the first time. "Please let me go, have pity on me , spare my life I'm begging you." I pleaded. "One.." "Please.." "Two.." "Three.." When I saw that they were not going to spare me I did what they asked me to do. I ran like I have been doing for 3 days. I ran because my life depends on how fast I run. I stumbled several times but I refused to give up I kept running. I can't let them catch. I can't end up like my parents. I need to revenge for their death. As I kept on running, I said a silent prayer for someone to help me. I heard them following and they were fast. Unlike them I haven't eaten and I'm exhausted so my speed wasn't very fast. But I refused to let them get me as I continued running. As I was running I saw a pack border in front of me. I had to make a quick decision that is one: either to allow the rogues get me and kill me or two: enter the pack and beg for help but if they kill me at least it's better than being killed by rogues. Without wasting time I went for the latter. I thought that will stop the rogues but boy I was wrong. They really wanted me dead. If I didn't know better I will think they were sent by someone to kill me. I couldn't run towards where the pack house were so not to endanger the lives of the people. I ran towards the forest. My speed began to reduce as all my strength were gone. The rogues were still following me with full speed. I made a big mistake by turning to see if they were close to me and I didn't notice the big stone in front of me. I tripped and fell flat. I immediately tried to stand up and continue running when I felt a sharp pain on my ankle. I couldn't stand or move because my ankle was twisted and I was in pains. I had no other choice but to surrender and hope for help to come immediately. As I lay there in defeat, rogue two caught me first. With an ugly smirk on his face he slowly rounded me and waited for rogue one to join us. I was shaking with fear. When rogue one came, rogue two squatted in front of me and said: "Awwww are you scared little girl. Why are you on the floor? Did you know you actually run like a snail? I will have caught you since but that will mean the fun is over and I am enjoying the sight of you running away from me. Now you can't run again because your not in a good position to do that." "Why me, what have I done to deserve this. I didn't disturb you in anyway why can't you let me be? WHY" I shouted at them. I was helpless and frustrated. I didn't like the fact that I was weak and useless. And that was a mistake on my part because immediately I shouted at them, rogue two strangle me and before I could steady my breath, he fling me like I was an object and I hit my body on a tree as I fell I hit my head very hard on a big stone. I was very weak and the pains I felt before tripled. I didn't have any strength to move even my finger. I could feel blood dripping from head down to my face. As I looked up I saw that the rogues have already shifted and were walking close to me. It is finished for me. This is how I will die. At least I will join my parents and won't have to suffer all alone in this cruel world. A part of me wasn't ready to die yet but like I have a choice. Even if those rogues do not kill me I will still die due to hunger, and loss of blood. Because I'm sure no one will rush me to the hospital. I'm a rogue. And no one cares about rogues. So no hope for survival for me. I was so tired. I couldn't keep my eyes open. I just wanted to sleep and forget about everything. I was still looking at the rogues with drowsy eyes when I noticed they stopped walking towards me and quickly turned their backs to look at something or someone. Right before my eyes I watched as 6 big wolves jumped on them. They tried to fight back but they lost. The wolves killed them. I was happy, finally they won't be the ones to end my life but immediately the wolves turned to look at me I knew I will still die. I was slowing falling into the darkness that awaits me when I noticed one shifted and he was running towards me. "MATE" That was the last thing I heard before darkness surrounded me.
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