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CHRIS POV Ever since Arielle started living in my house, I have noticed some traits about her. She is carefree, a little trouble maker always trying to escape and looking for a way to frustrate me, she usually tries to hide from reality by being sarcastic and I know she has alot of secrets but I won't put pressure on her to tell me now. I will be patient to wait for the right time when she finally accepts me as her mate and she's comfortable to tell me everything about herself. I have this strong feeling to protect her and I myself don't know why the urge to protect her is so strong. I wasn't happy when she tried to escape. It's a good thing Barry, Louis and I caught her the second time she tried to escape. I was very worried when her saw her tiny sexy legs running into the forest. If she had already accepted me as her mate, I will have punished her that she won't be able to walk but unfortunately for myself I can't even hug her, kiss or have s*x with her. I won't lie I have been struggling with boners most times I'm with her. My wolf doesn't make things easy for me. He sends pictures of Arielle in different positions naked and taking everything I give her. Whenever I imagine this I have to rush to the bathroom for a cold shower. I didn't want her to be running around carelessly so I assigned Louis to be her bodyguard which he gladly accepted. I noticed that all my friends love my mate I mean who won't fall for a cute feisty little girl like her. She makes people smile without even noticing. I love it when she has her tantrums and I'm not giving in to her wishes. She looks very cute when she's frustrated. Wow I sound like a whipped puppy but oh well anything for my mate but I still have to be careful can't let my people see me and think I'm weak. After I forced her to agree to have a bodyguard, I left for my important meeting. I needed to find out the reason why rogues have been spotted close to my territory. They just stand like they are waiting for someone then leave but they never enter. I need to find a way to get rid of them, my mate and my pack must be safe. During the meeting, I noticed someone was trying to mind link me so I opened up to know who the person was and find out what's so ugent that the person was trying so hard to break down my barriers. " Alpha I'm sorry to bother you when I'm fully aware your in a middle of an important meeting" ohhh it was Amy. " No problem Amy. What's going on? Is there any problem or do you need something?" I asked. " Well it's Arie......" Immediately I was at alert. " What happened to Arielle? Is she fine? Where is she?" I quickly interrupted her with my questions. " Calm down Chris. She's fine is just that I'm worried. While we were having breakfast earlier, she was lost in thoughts when Louis and I were talking then all of a sudden, tears dropped from her eyes. I tried to find out the problem but she refused to tell me and she excused herself to get some air although Louis is with her now. I just wanted to inform you." Amy replied with a calm voice. " Thank you Amy for telling me. I really appreciate. I will try and finish this meeting as quick as possible so I can know what the problem is." " But Chris, has she still refused to accept you as her mate?" " Yes, she's still stubborn" I said with a sad voice. I really need my mate but I don't get why she doesn't want me. " Can I give you a piece of advice?" " You can Amy, you don't need to ask" " Well Chris I think why she's refusing to accept you is because of her past. I could tell she has a sad story because when I saw her cry I knew she was hurting inside. So you need to be extremely careful and not force her till she's ready." " Amy that's exactly what I have been doing. I have been nothing but patient but she's refusing to tell me anything" " Well maybe a little distance will help. Like give her some time alone and she will crave for you. Besides the mate bond won't allow her feel at ease without your presence." she said. "Wait what? I can't imagine not seeing Arielle for a day. I don't think I can do this. As it's going to be hard for her so also myself, it's really going to be tough for me. " " But Chris think of the bright side. We need her to accept you fast so she can take her rightful role as our Luna" " Alright I will think about it. I have to concentrate on the meeting. Thanks Amy, your the best" " Anytime Chris" after she said I raised my barriers high. My mind wasn't in the meeting after my little talk with Amy. I was thinking of whether to do what she said or not. I think Barry noticed I wasn't listening so he quickly dismissed everyone. " Bro where are you lost? Are you thinking of whether Arielle is going to run again? Don't worry Louis can handle her just get yourself back together." He said trying to comfort me. " It's not that. I need to go home and check what's happening." I quickly rushed home and truly I wasn't excepting to see Sasha and her followers. I heard her talk s**t to my mate and my Gamma and I hated it. I always knew she has been trying to hit on me but I rejected her countless times. Now she thinks she has the guts to compare herself with my mate. Arielle is more beautiful than any other girl I have ever seen; apart from my mother though. She doesn't dress like a slut unlike Sasha whose dress looks like a piece of rag and any moment from now her breast might fall off from it. And also my Arielle was pure both her mind and her body unlike Sasha. I was really angry when I heard her insult my Arielle. I quickly sent her away because I needed to talk to my mate and find out what the problem was. I told Ari to follow me and I led her into my office. " Did anything happen today?" I asked " No nothing happened at all. I didn't cause any trouble you can ask Louis or Amy" she quickly said. Like she was indeed guilty of a crime. " I know you didn't cause any trouble Ari but what made you cry?" I asked. I was so worried. " Who told you I cried?" She asked raising her voice a little. " Amy told me you were sad and you cried, then you went for a walk to clear your head. Tell me is anything bothering you." I kept on asking. I badly wanted to know why my mate was crying. My wolf was also eager to know. " Well as you can see I'm fine and nothing happened earlier" Such a liar. She's trying to deny everything. What is she hiding? " But Ari I want to know why you cried. It's bothering me that my mate is sad and I don't know the reason." I tried to be very calm while talking to her. " Since you badly want to know the problem fine. Your the problem Chris. YOU ARE MY PROBLEM. I just want to leave here but your keeping me here. I can't accept you as my mate no matter how hard you try so just let me go. Then I will be happy" she shouted in anger. Wow never expected that.I was really hurt by what she just said. Well since she has refused to open up to me I guess I should just try Amy's advice. I hope it comes with a positive result. " Alright Arielle if that what you want I will give you the space you need. Since I am the problem, I will try my best not to come in contact with you. Since you don't want me as your mate, it's fine. I will keep my distance from you but I can't let you leave this pack. Out there is another danger on it's own and I will be damned to let you go out there and face the danger alone. So you have to stay here but I promise you won't see me again." I said and left the office immediately. I know if I stay another second I will change my mind and tell her I lied. But I need to do this. I need my mate to accept me. It wasn't easy for me to avoid her but I kept reminding myself that all that matters is the results. Very early in the morning I'm off to the other office which is the general office that far from my house. Then I come back at midnight when I'm sure she's sleeping. I wasn't sleeping well. I sometimes sleep for only an hour or two. But before I sleep, I usually sneak into her room when I'm sure she's sleeping then admire her for some minutes before I leave. That's the only way my wolf and I can survive. After two weeks, I had made up my mind to not avoid her again, when it finally happened. My mate, Arielle came to my room and she slept on my bed beside me. I didn't know whether to scream or shout for joy. I was so happy. I think Amy was right after all. She really did came around. I watched her as she slept because I didn't want to miss this opportunity. Everything about her screams perfect even her snore. When it was morning, I reluctantly carried myself to take my bath and get ready for today's work; not like I wanted to go but I had no choice. When I was done dressing I left my room and went downstairs. When I entered the sitting room, Louis, Blake, Amy and Barry were right in front of me with knowing smiles on their faces. " Spill it all out, we are listening Alpha" Louis said with a grin. " You already know what happened so I have nothing to tell you" I said while trying to look cold. " Come on Chris we deserve to know. Besides my intelligent mate gave you the advice which you followed so I think she deserves to know what happened. Right?" Barry said " Alright fine, she sneaked into my room and just slept that's all." I said quickly. They laughed at me. " You lucky bastard. I'm happy for you. Very soon it will all be over" Barry said smiling. I wanted to reply him when we all felt my mate coming. We all kept quiet like nothing happened. She looked round and looked very shocked to see me. She kept on looking at me for a long time. " Gurl I know you miss the alpha and all but can you stop looking at him like that" Louis spoke. Sly fool. " I don't know what your talking about I didn't miss anyone" she said after rolling her eyes. " You can fool everyone here but you can't fool me gurl. If you didn't miss him then what where you looking for in his room infact sleeping on his bed?" He asked her with a smirk. Her face was red. So freaking cute. As everyone was laughing at her but I kept quiet. I left the room and headed to my office in the house and she followed me. When we entered the office, I pretended to be reading some papers but Arielle being Arielle got angry and threw them away then she sat on the office desk with her hands folded and her eyes glaring at me. Why must she look this cute and hot at the same time? I just sigh but still didn't look at her. " What do you want" I asked coldly. I wanted to see her reaction. " Why were you ignoring me? Why have you been avoiding? Do you know how hard all this is for me? Do you even care about how I feel right now?" She asked. I could hear the anger and sadness in her voice. I couldn't take it anymore. I just had to let how I felt out. " Your talking as if you were the one who was rejected by your mate. Arielle you practically rejected me when you said you didn't want me as your mate. Do you know what your words did to me? It broke me. Did you think I had fun avoiding or ignoring you? This two weeks were nothing but hell to me but I had to consider your feelings that's why I couldn't go to you. I didn't want you to hate me or feel sad because of me. I was very happy and felt whole when you laid on my bed last night but I had to stop myself because I knew it won't last. The next day I knew you will still tell me you don't want me." " But Chris I never said you should avoid me. I don't want that at all. I also don't hate you." She said. "So tell me Arielle if you don't hate me, do you love me?"
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