Chapter Two

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Christmas Morning came. Addison was still wrapped up in her blankets, when her door came crashing open. Her body jerked into a sitting position and rubbed her eyes, she was trying to focus on the intruders as they grinned at her from the doorway. “Merry Christmas, Addie!” They said in unison. She got the hint, and slid out of bed and headed her way downstairs. Her father was awake and alert and sipping his coffee in the common area of the pack house. They started as they did every year, the twins opened their presents first. They opened the ones from their parents and held out their waiting hands for their gifts from Addison. Abel broke into a wide grin when he laid his eyes on the chocolate. Alice, the house keeper handed Addison a cup of hot chocolate. She mouthed a silent thank you and took a sip letting the drink heat and wake her a little. When they opened her hand made gifts, they got really excited. “I wish our mate was you, Addison. So we could get spoiled all the time!” Kaine said, flashing a childish smile. Addison snorted in response. “Not likely, besides I wouldn’t want that. I like things the way they are. The poor girl that ends up as your mate, is going to have her work cut out for her.” Addison said jokingly. Abel’s face fell as he looked at his brother. They had been looking for their mate for so long. Would it be possible for them to have a mate to share or would one or both of them get rejected? If someone like Addison said something like that, surely other girls felt the same way. Would they be overwhelmed. “Addie, don’t be so mean!” Her father said with a slight growl. “Everyone wants their true mate, can’t blame them and the worst scenario is when a cruel and vicious mate is chosen. The mate bond is rumored to change two wolves for the better, but sometimes the opposite occurs or a mate doesn’t meet expectations. It happens, it isn’t exact. Don’t discourage the twins for wanting a mate as kind as you, Addison. One could only be so lucky.” Addison winced at her father’s words. He was right, of course. “Doesn’t matter. Addie! It’s time for your gift from me and Abel!” Kaine said proudly. Abel pulled her by the hand across the room to the front door, while Kaine held his hands over her eyes. When he removed them, sitting in the driveway, was a light blue SUV with a giant red bow sitting on it. “Abel…. Kaine… I can’t accept this, it’s too much.” Addison said, in complete shock. “Well, Addison. You do need a car. You’re the Beta’s daughter, and the bus isn’t exactly sanitary or safe. I told my sons that this was a perfect idea for you. Would you dare turn down a gift from your Alpha?” Alpha Brennen said, hardening his tone. “No! Of course not!” Addison said nervously. The alpha and Luna couldn’t help but laugh. They returned to the living room to finish opening presents. Addison got her father a new winter coat, and he got her a newer cellphone. She had recently cracked hers during a fight at school. Once Christmas morning was all wrapped up, the twins left with bags in hand to visit their girlfriends. Each sporting the hat that Addison had made them. “Remember, tonight we leave the pack house before midnight. The first shift is the worst, and most painful. If you’re lucky, you’ll be able to scent your mate, if not I encourage you to wait, nothing will ever come close to the bond between true mates.” Luna Rosalyn said softly. “The twins probably won’t make it, those girls they are dating are very territorial, but not to worry. It’s the job of the Alpha and Luna to look over you and your dad will be there.” “The Alpha, Luna, and Beta?! I’m one lucky girl.” Addison joked lightly and Alpha Brennen ruffled her hair. “You’re gonna make a good wolf and addition to our pack, kid.” Brennen said lightly. The Alpha had been correct. The twins did not return all day. Addison took her new car out to test it. They certainly spared no expense. It was perfect, though she did feel a little guilty for accepting such a pricy gift. She wondered what they got their actual girlfriends. That night, about fifteen minutes to midnight. Addison walked out to the woods with her Alpha, Beta, and her father. She had been feeling a little strange for the last couple of hours. The pain in her stomach had started in at eleven. Random pain that began and faded in the same breath. Addison! I’m Alari. Your wolf, there isn’t much time for questions. It’s such a pleasure to meet you! Oh, and happy birthday! The shifting process has begun already, that’s why you can hear me. I’m already so close to the surface… It’s going to hurt, I’m sorry. Try to breathe through the pain. She wasn’t wrong. Addison was just thankful that she was getting a wolf. Some girls ended up wolfless. That wasn’t a reality she wanted to live in. She didn’t have much time to think about that part. Crack! Addison screamed and doubled over, her knees hit the soft ground. It felt like all her ribs on the left side had shattered in one setting. Soon there was more. She felt like she was being ripped in half. Her bones cracked, and broke. Her muscles ripped and she dug her fingers into the dirt. As she fell to her hands and knees, sandy fur began to sprout through her flesh as the final part of the changing process took hold. It took about twenty minutes give or take, but there where a girl had once stood, now stood the beastly form of Alari. The sandy brown wolf was a mixture of cream colored fur and the sand color. There was a swirling pattern along her fur and a small pink mark on the wolf’s muzzle. She was large, more comparable to the size of an Alpha wolf. We are one! Alari said through their link. Addison stared through the eyes of her wolf as she padded on her paws towards the creek to look into the reflection. We’re big! Not a weak wolf at all! Not deformed either! Of course we’re not deformed! Why would you think that? Girls at school were getting in my head. Point them out, so I can rip them to shreds. Addison and Alari pranced around for a while in their wolf form. They hunted and ate a few small rabbits, before washing off in the creek. It was well past two in the morning when she returned to her room. She got cleaned up in the shower and was about to head to bed when a peculiar scent filled her nose. It smelled like sandlewood and cinnamon and something else? Something sweet? Mate! We have a mate! Mate? Who?! Alari was prancing around happily in her mind. They. It’s a They. There is no better match! It’s Kaine and Abel Thorne of course!
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