Chapter Eleven

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Addison watched Abel through the lenses as his wolf took on a small group of rogues. Abel's group was smaller than theirs, but his wolf was both strong and quick. She watched as he moved, almost like a blur. It was hard to keep track of him. Those other wolves could barely hold their own against him, and then the other warriors in Abel's group ended up standing by in the background as one by one, Abel ripped out the throats of his enemies. There was a sandy brown wolf that was left in the group. With the others gone, that one tried to tuck tail and run. It was an impossible task. Kaine took his sights and zeroed in on the back haunch and pulled the trigger causing the wolf to howl in pain as Abel and his men surrounded it. Addison took in a deep breath as she followed her mates down into the dungeon. "It was an odd request. We need information, and our little prisoner won't talk to anyone without seeing you. We don't know who she is, she won't tell us anything. We don't even know who orchestrated this whole thing and unless we can verify some safety. The full Moon Run will be canceled and I just know the pack will be completely devastated." Addison sighed for the second time and nodded her head in agreement. "Okay, but even if the run gets canceled, there is still the carnival and bake sale. Just saying." Kaine and Abel looked at Addison like she had grown a second head and then they both started to laugh. Kaine and Abel each kissed one of Addison's cheek as they pushed open the heavy door to the interrogation room. Addison took a seat across from a female she had never seen before. The girl didn't look like she was much older than she was, with similar blonde hair and the same eyes. Addison thought that perhaps they were related somehow. "Alright, I'm here. Start talking." Addison said as she crossed her arms over her chest. Kaine and Abel both stood to the back of the room to observe, and ensure their mate's safety. The girl was in chains, and her leg was bandaged. At least the boys cared enough about this information to get her some medical treatment. They were kinder than they should have been, given the circumstances. "How about we start with names, cousin?" The girl said softly. "Cousin? I don't know what you're talking about." Addison replied. "You're Addison. Addison Newlin. Your father is Jordon Newlin. Your mom is my aunt Layla. You also have an aunt, my mother. Layla's twin, Lilly. My name is Madeline. Most people just call me Maddie. Most importantly, I did not come here to attack you. Rather, I was supposed to warn you, but well... I was a little late to the party. I got mistaken for a rogue, and then your little trigger happy friend over there... shot me." "Is there anyway to confirm whether or not you're telling the truth?" Kaine suddenly asked. His face was hard, he was suspicious. Addison was as well. "Well.. Yes and no, I guess. If you collect your Beta and bring Jordon here. He'll be able to recognize me. I had to move quickly, so forgive me if I didn't bring detailed reports to prove my innocense. I was on my way to save Addison. I don't really care about the rest of you." Madeline said rather bluntly. "We still don't know what we are supposed to protect her from." Abel said in an irritated voice. "Her mother and the Rogue King. For now, let's suffice to say that my mother did plan on coming with me. However, she is after all a mirror image of auntie Layla and thought she would be punished for a crime of mistaken identity. After all, Layla never once devuldged the fact that she was part of a twin set. By the way, being mated to twins. Is f*****g irony." "How do you figure?" Addison asked. "Don't you know about the whole twin mate bond thing? My mom and your mom were both mated to Jordon. Or I assumed it was the case. However, your mom was a little tweaked in the head. Didn't want to share as the big sister of the group. She forced my mom to give up on her mate bond with your dad. Beta Jordon probably still thinks that she ran away for no good reason. Though, he had to visit our pack when I was a little younger with Alpha Brennen. My mother hid the entire time, but he knows I belong to her." Madeline said softly. "Who's your dad, though?" Abel asked. "Don't know. Never met him. My mom told me that she took a chosen bond, things didn't work out and the rest was history. She spent several years hiding in our pack." "What exactly are Layla and the Rogue King planning?" "Well. Pretty much the extermination of all pack life as we know it. However, there's some kind of magic in our bloodline. Something about a witch blooded ancestor. I don't know how true it is. Basically we're cursed. Your mom went crazy after some kind of altercation, thought that she could make ammends to the world for bringing in another cursed being into this world by offing you as a little kid. The woman is seriously touched in the head. She thinks her whole family is plagued by demonic blood in our veins. Like I said, crazy. Recently she got a fan for her brand of crazy. Some Alpha that was outed from his pack in the last decade or so. He thinks harvesting our blood will make him stronger. Because the whole curse thing, right? Well. A few nights ago we were getting ready to change patrol shifts when crazy auntie Layla comes running in screaming that she's been kidnapped by rogues. They bring her to my mom, and my mom fell for it. Apparently Layla wants to wipe all of us out. Mom, you, and me. Harvest our blood and feed it to these crazy rogues so her new mate can dominate the packs and be a true Alpha King. It's so ridiculous. It's like a scary story someone would tell their kids to terrorize them." "Yeah, but how did you get here? Where does that tie in?" "Layla tried to kill my mom. Injected her with wolf's bane and was going right for the throat when Beta Tyler and Alpha Torren walked in. By the way, the Alpha of that pack is our Uncle. My mom is recovering from the poison and is supposed to be headed this way. I was given a message to only speak to you. To warn you, since this is after all, about you. She said warn Addison, Madeline. Get out ahead of this and get to your cousin before they do. So I did, and what did it get me? A bullet to the shin! Thanks for that by the way." She said crossing her arms over her chest. "Unlock the cuffs, Abel. She's not the enemy here. We should get her up to the Packhouse. We have a lot to discuss." Addison told them as she moved to stand on her feet. "You honestly trust her?" Abel asked. "I don't think she's making this s**t up. Besides, we can keep a closer eye on her if you're worried." Abel and Kaine looked at each other and nodded in agreement. "Well. Madeline was it? Welcome to Black Briar."
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