Nineteen: Nia

624 Words

Nineteen Nia             I used my magic to set up camp. I was a Spring Faerie. Anything that grew in nature, I could control. .I was able to make the trees form a tent over us. And I attracted fireflies to hover over us so that we could have some light. We had sleeping bags and tents too. Bradley kept close to Tatiana and let her sleep. Clark and Ben slept together, although I could hear the two of them whispering furiously to each other.             Hook didn’t sleep at all.             In fact, I heard him pacing back and forth around the camp site until eventually he wandered over to where I was.             “What’s your damage, pirate?” I said. “Thinking about your daughter? Don’t worry. We’ll still make sure that she’s okay.”             “It’s not that,” said Hook.     

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