Tumblr and Social Media

173 Words

Hi Dreamers!  So a few things about social media:  I've been reorganizing a few things. My old ** account was kind of a mess, and not very professional. So I have set that to private. If you would like to follow me to receive updates on book stuff you can find me at officialcambriacovellauthor. Or if you want to see my artwork you can follow me on cambriacovellartist because I do post book related art there.  I've also started a tumblr, cambriacovellwrites which doesn't have a whole lot on there but if you want to drop me a line there, I'd LOVE it.  If you guys have any fanart or anything you want to submit (don't know if I'm cool enough for that yet but if you have any) feel free to submit it there and I'd love to post it! Also, find my playlists for books 1 and 2 here:  book 1: https

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