Tell us about our father

1092 Words
Abby I fell to the ground. I never once thought my life would be like this. A gamma’s daughter is being treated like an omega. I’ve seen it many times since I began this hell hole of a school. Most of the omegas were bullied by the treacherous Tyron Shane the future Alpha, his Beta Christian Cole and his Gamma my asshole fucktard brother Qaid Lionheart the bullies of Great Moon Pack High. They're the most notorious and most evil three boys I know to everyone here. They don’t give a s**t who they pick on just as long as they get their kicks out of it. I’ve seen them bring warriors down to their knees because of something so insignificant it’s not worth shouting about. He’s nothing like his father, The Great Alpha Stephen of the Great Moon Pack. He cares for all of his pack unlike the prick in front of me. He only cares about higher-ranking wolves though Quaid is set to be his Gamma when he turns eighteen he has no respect for any other Gamma but him, because of the loyal asshole he is. I’ve seen him belittle everyone whose rank is lower than Beta. He disgusts me, he’ll be the worst Alpha this pack has but he’s the only heir to take over from his father. I’ve seen how badly beaten up some of these wolves have been from his torture. His Beta and Gamma are no different. They torment the weak and bring them to their knees, begging them to leave them alone and they’ll do anything they ask them to do so they don’t get terrorised. I’ve heard so many different rumours about them that I have a hard time believing that they are simply putting lower-ranking wolves in line. Yeah, right and pigs may fly. I’ve seen many tortured wolves give up their fight to live because of these assholes. The problem is they don’t do it alone they do it in threes they are stronger together than alone and every Wolf here knows it. I was their next target amongst others, but I had hardened up over the years due to the abuse from the former Gamma of the pack and my asshole brother the next in line for the Gamma’s position. I have no idea what I’ve done to these people to deserve such hatred that much so I’ve become a slave in my own home. I walk alone down the corridor of the high school. I have no friends because those asshoels have turned everyone against me and if they chose to disrespect their Alpha there will be dire consequences. I trip and fall to the ground while palming it. “Well lookie what we have here boys.” Great I hoped I wouldn’t run into that prick today, he’s forever ruining my day f**k you, Tyrone Shane. I turned looking at him instantly regretting it. He towered over me, Christian and Quaid towering at around six feet on either side of him, their shadows cutting out any light. f**k I'm screwed, “Well if it isn't little Abigail Lionheart.” I scowled. “What do you want?” I seethed. He growled. “It’s Alpha to you mutt.” “You’re not Alpha yet.” “Oh did I forget to tell you the good news? I’m taking over from my father on my sixteenth birthday. Then you’ll have no reason not to call me your Alpha mutt.” Sure whatever. He grabbed the collar of my shirt, lifting me in the air. “You’ll learn to respect me mutt you’ll call me Alpha, got it?” I stared at him. “Answer me, Abigail.” “Yes Alpha.” He smirked then threw me across the floor. I skidded, hitting my back on the wall. I wasn’t going to show any weakness to this prick. In a month I’d be turning sixteen and something was already stirring in me I hated them, all of them and I was damn sure as hell was not going to call him my f*****g Alpha. I was going to destroy him, all of them. “Don’t forget who I am to you Abigail or I’ll have to remind you.” I sneered. He turned, walking away. Christian looked at me holding his hand out. I stretched mine out placing it on his. He wrapped his hand around it pulling me to my feet. He twisted my arm behind my back by my wrist. He talked into my ear. “You won’t win against us Abigail, just admit defeat.” “Never!” He grinned evilly. “Then let the games begin baby.” “I’m not your baby.” He kissed my cheek. “Yes, you are.” He let go of my wrist and I knew then there was worse to come. My eyes sprung open and I shot up. “Mom, are you okay?” Hugh. I looked at Serenity and Sergio who looked concerned at my outburst. “I’m fine.” “No, you're not mom.” “She's right mom. You’ve been acting weird since you woke up this morning when we asked about our father.” “You did?” I don’t even remember waking up let alone them asking about their piece of s**t father. “We did, mom. You agreed we should know everything about him to understand who we are and why he’s not in our lives then your eyes turned red and you zoned out.” “I’m sorry. It’s just hard to talk about the past and your father.” “What was he like, our father?” I grunted. “A bully.” They looked shocked, to say the least. “He wasn’t perfect though he’d make out he was. He was the pack Beta and he followed only one rule: he was better than you, and so was his Alpha. He was so far up that bastards’ ass he became him.” “What do you mean mom?” “He was the alpha best friend. Tyrone Shane, he was the next in line to be the Alpha of The Great Moon Pack. Even his father had reservations, or so I thought. He became the Alpha when he turned sixteen. He was the youngest and most ruthless Alpha ever known. To him, I was worthless because I was the Gammas ' daughter. But I didn’t know they weren’t my parents at the time. I’ll save that story for another day."
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