The Moon Goddess.

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Storm We'd run in our wolf forms through the heat of the July sun. Ren and Starlight ran beside me. I knew they would ask about their father soon but it was nothing but heartache not just for me but for Amy too. She'd felt the pain as I had when that bastard had procrastinated with another she-wolf. He had no respect for either of us and his wolf Dracus was no different. They were disgusting That fucker had no morals, no love inside him to have a mate. Pity he never rejected me or amy back he just used us for a quick f**k unaware of the repercussions of it. I'm surprised he hadn't impregnated any of the other she-wolves he'd been screwing. I'm also surprised his d**k hadn't dropped off due to Chlamydia or s******s. Guess he was one of these lucky bastards that didn't catch anything, but his time would come and karma would be a b***h. I was lucky to carry out pups full term as he hadn't broken our mate bond and I felt excruciating pain every time he f****d another. Guess he felt it too when we found our second chance mate and we were both right not to trust that egotistical bastard as far as we could throw him all he wanted was an heir to take over from him and once he got that he was done with us. We'll show that bastard and that so-called pack we are better than them and once they realise the power we hold as one they'll be bowing down to us and asking for our forgiveness. I don't f*****g think so. They'll be the first pack down and the one we just left behind will be the second. There definitely was something off about it. And when we find out what they will be illuminated. I know one thing: we are special. But to what extent I'm not sure. "Can we rest now mom? We're tired." "Sure honey. There's a creek not far from here. We'll rest there that night and find somewhere more comfortable to stay tomorrow." We all continued along the forest dirt path until we reached the creek where we washed and lay down to sleep for the night. Abby We had reached the creek at nightfall at a guess it was getting close to dawn when I saw a lady who looked like she had a white glow around her, her long hair white and glowing. Her dress flowed over her feet. She turned and smiled at me. "Come over here, my child." She said, tapping the space next to me on the large rock. I nodded and walked over. I sat next to her and looks over to where my children were sleeping they were still in wolf form. Stork playing beside them. "I don't understand. "Your wolf is resting for now so I called you out to talk to you." "Why?" "It's of utmost importance you listen to me, my daughter." "Daughter. I don't understand." "You will." She took my hands in hers looking deep into my eyes. "Your special Abby I know the storm has tried her best to explain who you are." She heaved a breath. "You were born into the Royal family Abby. Their the very highest rank of Royals they are the Royal Pack. Unfortunately, they are not the kindest of packs they are bloodthirsty and they will take down other packs until everyone around them is no longer. The Royal Pack is run by your father until your brothers take over which isn't long. You are meant to reign by their side as their only Female Alpha. To use your specialities for bad. I know this is a lot to take in Amy but you have to believe me when I say you are in danger as we speak. Your brothers are coming to find you and they will. You are a special wolf; Abby so is all of your heirs. There will be those who will come after you for that very reason. You need to know who you can trust and who will deceive you. There are very few who you can trust. I have allowed you to have more than one mate to see who is the most faithful towards you and unfortunately, the first two were a complete and utter mistake on my part. You've had to suffer so much because of it. But there is hope Abby. Choose well, my daughter. You have the power to either begin and end a war or bearing piece and harmony to all it will be your choice you will be guarded but it will be your choice which route to take." "So everyone's life depends on me?" "It does. The storm is prepared for whatever you chose. But only you can choose the right path only you can choose your destiny. You are a Primordial werewolf this wolf is higher ranking than alpha or Luna these are and are commonly male, you have the Primordial werewolf gene as well as many special powers like levitation, super strength, lie detection, anger and a werewolf bite - The poison in the bite of a is extremely lethal. Just beware of using these unnessisarilly. Be aware of your surroundings and those around you and trust your instincts." "I will" "I have to go now but there is one last and very important piece of information ill leave you with." She paired a breath and then said, "He's coming for you, trust him when he seeks you out." "Who?" "Your protector." And was gone.
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