Christian Cole

1025 Words
"For now I’ll tell you about your father, a bully not only to all the lower ranking wolves in the pack but mine too. Your father, Beta Christian Cole, was an asshole. He thought he had the upper hand because of his title he was nothing special believe me. It all began when I hit puberty. He was friends with Quaid, my jerk-off brother. All three were best friends. They'd tormented me since I was eleven but it had got worse when I started becoming more than just a scrawny little girl. Now I was growing to be a voluptuous teenager with curves and boobs. I wasn’t allowed to train because they thought I wasn’t worthy. I had no friends once I began high school. They all made sure I was alone. They bullied all the lower ranking wolves some more than others ones they could break most had lost their will to live because of them. There were many times I wanted to end it but if I did I knew they'd win. One of my worst times was when I was fifteen. I already had my Wolf but I chose to keep her secret and that was the way Storm wanted to keep it. Everyone had been invited to a party at the alpha's home our parents had made damn sure Quaid made me go. I didn’t want to tag along knowing they’d all laugh at me and make jokes about me but they forced me nonetheless Quaid was pissed that I had to tag along. I wasn’t sure what happened but whatever he’d said to his friends I ended up in the pool. Everyone was laughing. I spurted water out of my mouth. Quaid and his friends howled with laughter. I f*****g hated all of them. “It’s not funny.” “Believe me from where we’re standing it is.” “I hate you.” “Believe me the feeling is mutual. I warned you Abby you chose not to listen.” I scowled. Christian leaned down holding his hand out. “Grab it Abby.” I looked at him unsure. He smiled and nodded. So me being dumb I took it. He began to pull me out then grinned wickedly. Letting go of my hand I fell back into the water and they all laughed. “Do you think I’d help you out?” He laughed. “Your delusional Abby.” He laughed harder. My anger grew how could I be so stupid? They’d all planned this just to laugh in my f*****g face. I was fuming I could feel the trade in my bones. My eyes were burning. “Not now Abby no one must know of my excitable l karma” Storm was right. I had to bide my time. Then I’d get my revenge on every one of them. My eyes flickered back to their normal colour none of them had noticed. I swam under the water. I could hear all of them arguing it out wondering where I was. I heard a splash but they weren’t going to get to me. I swam fast until I reached the end and pulled myself out. I looked over the pool and smirked there was no way they could hold their breath as long as I could. I stormed away heading out of the back gate. I wasn't going to be humiliated anymore. I walked alone down the street, my feet bare on the street as I held my soaked trainers. My wet t-shirt clung to my breasts. I was so glad none of them saw it. The t-shirt had gone see-through and you couldn’t see the outline of my bra and my cold hardened n*****s. f**k. An arm stretched around my waist. Pulling me into their hard chest. Sniffing me. “Damn you smell so good Abigail.” “Let go of me Christian!” “Where do you go, baby? No one can swim that Klingon underwater, we thought you’d drowned.” “Maybe it would be better for everyone if I did,” He growled and squeezed me tighter, almost suffocating me, smelling me. “What did I tell you, baby?” He asked, rubbing his nose against my neck. “The games are only just begging and I’m going to make sure they continue until I get what I want.” “You’ll never get anything from me! l” “Oh, my sweet little Abigail you have no idea what I can take from you.” He said bringing his hand up to my breast and placing his hand over it squeezing it. “Let go Christian.” He pushed his body against mine, his hard-on grinding into my spine. “That’s what you do to me, Abigail, just you.” What bullshit he’s never without a girl on his arm he thinks he can pull that bullshit over my eyes. He squeezed my breast. “The things I want to do to you, Abigail.” He said sniffing my hair. Licking up my neck where I would have my mate mark no way in hell would I let him mark me. His eyes glazed over then returned to their Green abyss. “I have to go Abigail. This isn’t over, baby.” He said kissing my cheek and letting go of my breast and waist. He winked and was gone. I felt sick, and that night I vomited.” Tears slipped from my eyes. There was so much more to our story but I couldn’t handle it anymore they’d soon know what a true beast their father was. Serenity pulled me into a hug. Sergio's fists were clenched. I’d promised them I’d tell them what their father was like what I didn’t want to say was he was the devil in disguise he was a male w***e that just wanted to dip his d**k inside me and keep me on the side whilst he f****d all the she-wolves he could and I knew he had. I’d almost lost them because of because the fucker refused to reject our mate bond as I had.
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