Hunter Monroe - Delta (Great Moon Pack)

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Something was off, really off. I have known both alpha and beta most of my life. I moved here when I was ten years old. My parents and I were from a recording pack. Not as strong as this one which had struck our small pack from the likes of the total pack; they were strong, fearless, evil and smart. They were the strongest and most feared pack in all history; they were the vigilantes of our world. We were lucky to escape that night and found our way to the great moon pack who had no fear in them. They were the second strongest pack, coming close to the silver moon pack, the shining dawn pack a close third. I remember the day I came here. I was so scared that I would even end up unwanted just as the omegas were. But, they took us in with open arms because my father was a delta in our pack, so he gained respect from the older alpha but not his son. He was a stuck-up son of a b***h. He thought that anyone who was lower ranked than him or his beta wasn't worthy I'd seen it through the years I had lived here; the only person he tolerated in a lower rank was Quaid Lionheart. He was another pathetic excuse for a wolf, even a human. I had no choice but to tolerate all of them as Tyrone had named me his delta. We had grown up together and spoke on occasion, but we weren't friends, not even close. They treated the she-wolves like whores, though none of them seemed to care one. Abby or Abigail lionheart. She tried so damn hard to avoid contact with any of them. He had no choice with Qaiud as they lived in the same house and, at a guess, he was treating her like trash there too. I hated them for what they were doing to her. She was the most gentle girl I had ever seen and come across the entire time I had lived here, but they all treated her like an outcast like she wasn't worthy of living here or being in the same vicinity as them. They all thought she was a freak because she had no friends, but it wasn't for her not trying. They all made sure no one ever went near her and spoke to her. She was an angel of the hell we lived in, but those pricks couldn't see that the thought of her was as if she were damned and shouldn't be here gracing their presence and they made it harder and harder for her to settle into life here in the great moon pack. They'd made her feel isolated. Knew different. I saw something in her no one else did and I was going to make sure one of them had the chance to take it away from her. I'm not even sure if she remembers me. It's been so long since she went rogue. Her story isn't an easy one to tell, how the three of them almost destroyed her in front of everyone. She was fifteen. I am sure she had already got her wolf but was clever enough to hide it from them. They bullied her for as long as I can remember. But that day was the worst I'd ever seen, let alone encountered. We were all together outside, everyone with their own set of friends, minding their own business, that was until she stepped out of those damn doors. Damn, she was beautiful, she was an angel amongst many devils and these were the worst kind of devils. They all looked at each other grinning wickedly. We all knew what that meant. There was trouble brewing and poor Abby had no way out of it. She looked over the meeting grounds hoping she was safe from danger. Then she looked at them, they grinned and she took off. Damn, she was quick, but not as quick as the three of them put together. Shit, I needed to do something to stop what was about to happen and ran as fast as I could. They circled her, grinning evilly at her. “Well, well, what do we have here?” “Please leave me alone.” Do you hear that boys? She wants us to leave her alone.” They all laughed evilly. “Not a chance, Abby, you know the rules, you're not supposed to be where we are.” B..b..but it was hot and I thought. “B..b..but it was hot and I thought,” Christian mimicked. “Please, I'm sorry I won't do it again. I promise.” “We know you won't. Because we're here to punish you and remind you of your sins.” “Please don't.” “Please don't,” they mimicked. “What shall we do, boys? Shall we let this one slide?” If we let it slide this time she'll do it again and won't have learnt from her mistake.” Quaid spat venomously. What was wrong with this guy? She was supposed to be family. He should be protecting her. “You know what, Quaid? You're right.” They shot forward and the words came out of my mouth before I had a chance to retract them. “Stop!” They all snapped their heads towards me. They all looked feral and I knew there and then Abby wasn't the only one in trouble. “This is none of your business Hunter, go back and keep an eye on things.” “She doesn't deserve this, Ty, she made a mistake. You can't begrudge her for that.” “I can and I am. This is my last warning. Forget about her and guard the perimeter like a good little delta you are.” “No.” “Now!” he snapped in his alpha tone. I bowed my head and left quickly. I wish I could've done more, maybe saved her. I heard her screams and pleas as I walked away. Regretting that I was so weak, I bowed down to my alpha. They were sure to kill her. I had to do something without him noticing. I watched as they all appeared bloody. Give me a warning not to interfere. I wasn't going to listen to that egotistic alpha prick anymore. I made sure they weren't in sight and ran to where they had cornered her. She lay helplessly on the floor all battered and bloody s**t. If I didn't do something, she wouldn't survive. I trod carefully over to her and knelt and pulled her up and into my arms. Her eyes flickered, glowing a bright purple. “It's okay Abby, I won't hurt you, I promise. I'm here to help.” Her eyes changed back to green and closed. They had no idea how special this wolf was. I'm surprised she even showed herself to me. I'll never forget those perfect purple eyes that haunt my dreams. I'm not sure what any of them mean. All I know is I must find Abby. If they find out her true identity, the Wolf World will go to s**t. Tyrome is a power-hungry alpha that will do anything, I mean anything to gain power and glory. Christian is no better. I heard Abby was his mate and she rejected him, but he still hollers that one day she'll return to him because he never broke the bond. What bull s**t, she will never want him after all that he's done to her. He seems to forget he was her bully and never stopped just because they were fated mates doesn't mean s**t. All I know right now is I've got to find Abby before any of them do. I know none of them is here right now, but none of them has said s**t about where they're heading. Don't worry Abby, I'm coming and I'll make sure none of them gets within inches of you. I have no idea why, but I feel the need to protect her. If she is the wolf that I think she is, she'll need protection not just from them but from every wolf on their journey. One I can sense she is taking, but I don't know why.
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