The Ugly Truth

1101 Words
Abby Tears rolled down my face remembering the past I had hoped to forget, but they deserved to know exactly what their father was like. “Christian was the next beta of the pack. He was an obnoxious prick just like our future alpha; they both thought they were better than everyone else around them. They liked the attention they got from the sluts at our school. I never fit in there, not really, and the older I got the worse the bullying had gotten. It all began when I was around the age of five when we were in reception and I was different from all the other girls in our class. I stuck out and not in a good way. Everyone looked down on me, called me names and took it upon themselves to goad me and belittle me every chance they got.” I wiped my eyes once again. I'd never forgotten how they’d all treated me like I was imperfect, a disease I never had any friends with. Though I’m sure I would’ve if Christian, Tyrone and Quaid hadn’t made sure to make everyone think I wasn’t worthy. I wasn’t sure what was going on with my brother. It was as if he couldn’t bear the sight of me and he’d dragged his friends into his hatred. “Christian was an evil, sadistic piece of work. I had managed to avoid him at all costs growing up, but as I entered puberty I found it harder to avoid his intense stare and the hunger and lust swirling in his dark eyes. He made me sick and I often was. I saw how he’d treat the girls in the pack like they were common whores and only good for one thing. He was a chauvinist pig. I hated him with every last fibre in me. He’d be one of the worst bullies in the damn school but no one batted an eyelid at his tortuousness. They just let him do as he pleased because he was the soon-to-be alpha best friend and beta of the pack. He was the worst male wolf I’d ever clasped my eyes on because I wasn’t allowed to train besides the rest of the wolves, I couldn’t fight back during the worst time in my life. I was fifteen, and no one in that godforsaken place knew I had already got my Wolf, not until she was pulled out of me, but that’s another story in my shitty life. I was walking alone, minding my own business when I fell to the ground. I looked up and a foot slammed down on my head. I screamed out, then another hit my ribs over and over again. I couldn’t breathe and my eyes were watering, making it hard for me to see. “You’re going to enjoy what I have in mind for you, my little Wolf.” “Christian?” I asked before everything turned black. A finger scooped under my eyes, flicking my tears away. “It’s okay mom, you don’t have to continue.” I gulped and nodded “You need to know who your father is Sergo.” “Only if you’re sure you want to continue, mom.” “I’m sure.” “Okay.” He sighed. “I woke in a dark room that smelled of drainage. It was disgusting, that disgusting. I gagged and almost vomited. “You’ll be doing that a lot more once I f**k your pretty little mouth.” I looked up and straight into his eyes. They were pure black and I was f*****g scared of what he’d do in his lustful state. “f**k you!” He laughed. His hand twisted around my chin and tightened around it. “You know if you weren’t a prude and so out of our social circle I’d f**k you right here, right now.” “What the f**k do you want, Christian?” “Mmh, let’s see.” His gaze turned cold. I shivered. I'd never seen him look so evil in my entire life. “Well, you see princess, it’s not just me here. So I'd think carefully about what you've to say with that pretty mouth of yours before you talk again. You see, princess, you’ve been a very naughty girl and naughty girls need to be taught a lesson.” “What the f**k are you, on Christian? I have nothing to do with any of you and I plan for it to stay that way.” “Tutt tutt. Guys come in, we're ready.” Two dark figures walked toward us. Once they were near enough to me. I realised exactly who they were. “Quid, Tyron, what the f**k are you doing here?” “She’s got some mouth in here, ain't she?” He grinned. “What the f**k's going on, Christian?” “Oh, you’re about to find out, princess.” Tears rolled down my face quicker than I could wipe them away. “You don’t have to tell us mom we’ll understand if you don’t.” “They tortured me all night for three, maybe four days, knowing no one else would care if I was alive or dead. No one gave a s**t about a gamma's daughter, an outcast.” They placed their arms around me. “It’s going to be okay mom.” I nodded sobbing. That was one of the worst nights I’ve ever encountered and I couldn’t use my Wolf to help me out of the situation. She had to be kept hidden. She'd explained that much and until now I wasn’t sure why. “We need to get away from here, Abby, they're coming for us.” “In the morning,” I said before the darkness consumed me with my nightmares and my fears. Sergio  “We can’t let her continue telling us about our father. It's bringing up her dark past and he’s mostly to blame for it. “ “I agree.” “I’m going to kill him when I find him and put an end to his sad and pathetic life.” “I couldn’t agree more. Also, those who turned their backs on her and made her weak when she isn’t.” “Agreed. Let’s get some shut-eye. Demon is restless and wants to get out of here as soon as possible.” “Star is too.” Serenity agreed. We both lay close to mom cuddling up to her. No way was I going to be far away from her tonight and serenity felt the same.
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