The Beta and the Gamma

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Beta Damion I can't believe we have to get involved with this arrogant asshole. He killed his own father, the alpha. He shouldn't even be ten feet of our land, yet here he is with his delinquents. I can't believe after all of these years Lincoln still put his trust in this asshole. He may be his brother by his fathers blood, but he is like an unwelcome guest that none of us want. He's vermin and he smells like it too. He may have alpha blood, but he's a rogue nonetheless. He was banished five his father's death the bastard murdered him in cold blood and has no regrets. Lincoln needs to sether their bond or our pack is going to go to s**t. We all know Lincoln is a strong alpha but yet he has a weakness, we'll two in fact. 1, He has no Luna to make him stronger and 2, His brother. Despite everything he still has a bond with him and it makes me physically sick. Yes we used to all be friends, but after he slaughtered our alpha I could no longer look him in the eyes or tolerate his presence just like Colton and Lincoln knows all of this and he know we stood up and believed banishing him was far worse than death he would never be able to set foot on our land where again. So, here he was on the north side because He knew he would be dead the moment he set one foot or even a paw on our land he'd be dead. If I had my way now I'd slit his f*****g throat and through his heart watching him bleeding inside our until he was dead. But, unfortunately I can't for now if Lincoln would banish me or worse, kill me the way I had killed his brother. I will bide my time and when the perfect opportunity sprung up is to take the fucker down. I'm not here for him or Lincoln like he'd like to think I am. I'm only joining them for one thing or should I say person: Abby. Who would've thought when she came to us she would be everything to stitch the wounds I've been carrying around my entire life. It was hard for me to tell Lincoln the truth of who she really was because I wanted her all to myself. I've never gone against Lincoln before we had the deepest respect for one another. But with the powers she suppresses she needs someone like me by her side for selfish reasons and protection. Lincoln can't offer her the things I can. I just have to get her away from them and all other predators. She needs to know who her master is and who will take her to where she is destined to be. But before I had time to illuminate my plan Lincoln just had to scare her off. Hence the fact it why I'm here to find my chosen mate and take her back to the pack and make sure she obeys me and only me, so I can take the pack away from Lincoln and leave him out in the dark or a dungeon just like his brother will be once my plan is complete. Gamma Colton I stare with no emotion at the dumb prick infront of me that dares call himself an alpha. Lincoln should've left us kill the bastard when we had chance to, but he got banished f*****g banished! for the crime he committed. He shouldn't be living, he should be f*****g dead. But, Lincoln had a f*****g heart hence everyone agreed to banishment, so why the f**k is he here more importantly why the f**k are we here? I know that the pack is slowly turning against Lincoln after he allowed Abby and her kids to stay. They were rogues though they didn't smell like rogues. I'm here to see why she is so important to Lincoln though I have my suspicions. If I'm correct then her heirs are the same as her and they hold immense power that can either be good l bringing all packs together in a treaty form it can bring distraction. I'm here because I believe her daughter may be the key to all of this and if I play my cards right I can have one of the most powerful mates in our pack. I'm not sure what Damion has on his mind but it can't be all that good. He a time bomb ticking slowly until he finally blows. Though we all grew up together he's extremely jealous of Lincoln and has always wanted to take his place as alpha, as if that's ever going to happen. The only way that is going to happen is if he takes his own alpha down. And that's near impossible; he has no weaknesses. The man is made of steel and his wolf is terrifying, a wolf I would wish not to come across on a dark night or ever said. Let's hope Damion isn't that stupid. But he is. He would make sure to turn the whole pack against Lincoln just to get what he wants. Lincoln trusts him, heart and soul. He really shouldn't; he's a deceiving little bastard. I saw the way he looked at Abby when he was with her. He had hunger and lust in his eyes which isn't good fun for any of us. I will stand by Lincoln if he even goes against him in any way shape or form. He's our alpha and should be respected despite the fact he's still on good terms with that bastard outcast.
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