The Rogue

1680 Words
Shadow I pace up and down. I can't believe those idiots allowed my Abby to leave like that. Clicking my fingers. I had given them strict instructions to take care of her until she was eighteen and whether I would return for her mate or not. She was put in their care purposely: to keep her hidden from her parents and her heritage. She has royalty in her bloodline; she never knew who she was. I knew everything about her. I was the one who got banished because I had taken an interest in her from an early age. I was banished at sixteen because I had chosen to go against her father: The King. I didn't go quietly so they had to manhandle me taking me to the desert with me kicking and screaming, telling them they would regret the day they ever crossed me. And what did they do in my face? They f*****g laughed at me. "Yeah right, kid, when you're big enough and ugly enough." "Better still if you ever survive the desert and the 130° sun glaring down on you blistering and burning your skin and you wishing for death. But you'll never survive out there, you'll be dead in a day, maybe three, so good luck with that one." They laughed hysterically at my announcement. "What's so funny?" "Oh, you'll see, boy.'' He said throwing me to the ground. "We'll see you soon you survive." The car door closed and it sped off. What the hell did that cunt mean? 'If you survive'? Of course, I'll survive I've survived all of these years being belittled and shamed by that f*****g pack like I'm nothing, a f*****g omega with no f*****g future, no mate, nothing. But I'll show those bastards I'll take their greatest gift away from them. They don't deserve the angel that was born in the hell I lived in for sixteen years. An angel like Abby deserved the world, a world where she would rule by my side a true man, not some douche who would want her for her royal blood and use it to gain authority. I knew how truly incredible she was and I wanted to help her flourish. Though she was of alpha blood the phonemes would never be detached unless she met a true alpha and I happened to know one, but I would have to survive this dessert and its blistering heat first. After two days I was beginning to think that beta and gamma had been right. I was truly going to die; no other wolf had survived the sand valley. It was a myth written by the gods, PFT whatever as if I was going to die out here. After three days of this hellish bleeding sun on my skin, I daren't turn into my wolf Maximus wouldn't survive in this heat it had to be hitting into the hundreds or more. With no water I'd be dead within the next few hours and so would my wolf. Luckily for us, a witch approached us the night I saw the moon goddess for the first time. She informed me that I was going to be okay and I would save her angel and show her everything and teach her everything. All I had to do was keep myself alive and when she turned eighteen it would be my time to shine and make her the warrior she was meant to be. I agreed to her wishes and demands. I woke up looking at a beautiful girl with dark locks and eyes who was chanting. A witch, a witch that promised to help me in my conquest. The same witch who helped me get my angel away from her awful parents and to safety to a pack on the border of the desert. A family of gamma's who I gave instructions, the ones that were meant to keep her there and safe until she was eighteen about I would return for her. I remember that day so well. They were the only ones around, they already had a son so it was perfect, she would grow and flourish in a perfect family. So I was led to believe them knowing what I know now that wasn't the case. I had wished I'd have kept her with me a little longer until I got her safely into a better pack. "Now listen and listen well. I needed you to take care of my little sister. Abby, there are bad people after us. I need to know that she will be protected and will be loved and cherished until I return for her when she turns eighteen then I'll know it's safe for both of us as the bad people won't be looking for us anymore. "We promise." "Thank you, it's important you stick to this arrangement in case the bad people looking for us, lie to them if you have to. Abby is special and she can never be found by bad people. I would take her with me, but we need to be apart from one another so we won't be found." "We understand." I handed her over to them. "What shall we call you?" "Shadow." That was all I said, and I was gone. They didn't need to know my true identity. I was no one to them, but a rogue who had dropped off a three-year-old girl for them to take them into their care until she turned sixteen. My name is Shadow. Or Isaiah Cooper: once an omega now a rogue, a shadow amongst thieves. Her protector. Years had passed and knowing no one was looking for us I returned for her to be told she'd left when she turned sixteen breaking the bond with them and severing ties and herself from the pack and her mate. Damn. f**k. s**t. This wasn't good, maybe I should've come for her two years earlier then she wouldn't have to be alone after rejecting her mate who must've been a douche. I knew she would grow up knowing she'd be a clever little wolf and I was right, but I was surprised she just up and left what had these people done to her? I looked at them sceptically. "What did you do to her?" "Nothing, we swear." "So why did she sever all ties with you, her mate and this pack? She was supposed to be well loved and taken care of." "She was." "I call that bullshit." "It's the truth, she ran away when she found out who her mate was and he wasn't prepared to reject her, so she did it for him. She was out of place here. We tried so hard to help her fit in, but she never did." "Do you realise what you've done? Do you even realise what danger you've put her in? Do you realise who she is?" "She's just a low-life omega." How dare he talk about my Luna like that! Disrespectful bastards! I raged angrily bringing Maximus to the service, though I was an omega born and bread I had the traits of an alpha. My bones snapped transforming into Maximus, a big chocolate brown wolf. He was pissed, his eyes were a shade of red and blue. He was an extremely rare wolf, no other wolf was like him. They gaped, but the prick transformed into his smaller brown wolf there was nothing special about him I could take him down and snap him in two. We pounced at one another, our jaws snapping, but he couldn't get to me quick enough, though he'd caught my hind leg and bit down onto it. I grabbed his neck in my mouth and bit down viciously, snapping the bone in his neck. His body became limp and I let go. His dead body dropped to the ground, and the b***h stood there shaking. "We're sorry, we tried but she was always too sneaky for her own good." My bones cracked snapping into place as I returned to my human form, my clothes still intact, something I had to learn as I grew older. It was a long process, but I eventually got it down to a T. "You have no idea what you've done, I should kill you right now." "Please don't, I beg you." "Begging gets you nowhere, b***h!" My claws ripped out of my skin and I slashed her across the throat. "Let this be a warning to anyone else in this godforsaken pack who has done wrong by my angel their death will be a million Asa ns one deaths. I watched as she choked on her blood and walked away. I needed to find my angel but the quickest way to do so was to run in my wolf form. "Are you ready for an adventure, Maximus?" "Always " "Good. Take over." "My pleasure." I felt my bones crack as my body transformed into my wolf Maximus. We ran across the desert and headed to the next territory, where I was told their alpha was out on business and their Luna had gone to visit her old pack which both Maximus felt strange about. I smelt my Abby here and if she had been here, she wasn't anymore. I also smelt two other wolves, a luna and an alpha. Had she had children? I snarled how dare someone touch what's mine! I turned and ran in the direction her scent was taking me. She must've left around a month ago, so I'm surprised that I could pick up on her scent. Maybe it was our connection to one another that made it possible. I also smelt danger and disloyalty coming from another pack. My best friend's pack, the one I was supposed to take Abby to. Shit was going down and I was going to make sure to get Abby away from whatever black cloud was heading her way. We were in for a storm and not just heavy showers, a full-blown war. I had to get to Abby quickly.
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