I got the job

1455 Words
Nadia Brandon It's been days, since Olie did the surgery, and I'm really happy that it was successful. Although the doctor said she still needs some time to heal before she can see again, I'm glad that she can finally see the light of the world after so many years. I can imagine the pain she has been through, dealing with blindness. After I paid for the surgery and got her drugs, we were left with nothing. Even if I don't have a dime on me, I'm still happy. The thought of Olie getting to see again leaves me with so much happiness. It has been a couple of days already, and I haven't gotten to see the God-sent that helped me out. As much as I want to go to their house again and thank him for what he did for me and my sister, recalling his warning, I couldn't have neglected it, right? I still can't get the pieces together, why she would ask me not to show my face at his house again? It doesn't look like he doesn't have his reason anyway, so I think obeying him is the least I can do. For the past three days, I have applied to work either as a cleaner or waitress in five different restaurants, but the result has been the same as usual. I wasn't expecting much anyway. I mean, this has always been the case. As much as I don't want it to bother me, knowing that I would need some money in the future to fend for my sister and myself, I can't help but get worried about this. What will we eat if I don't ever get a job? It has always been a dream for me to send my sister to school. Since I never got the chance to have a solid education, I didn't want my sister to end up like me, but where do I get the money? I just had an interview at the famous restaurant in town, and they said they'd call me later. I pray that this doesn't turn out as bad as usual. Not that I put so much hope in it anyway. "We're here ma'am," The cabby's voice pulls my attention back to reality, and that is when I realize that we're already in the premises of the hospital. "Oh, thank you," I hop out of his cab after I pay him. Striding down to the entrance door which rolls open upon getting close to it, I make my way in and head straight to the ward where she is. I peep through the hole of the door once I arrive at the front of the ward, and I can't help the smile that settles on my lips as I spot her sitting on the bed, and resting her back against the wall. The plaster on her eyes has already been removed, and she has a dark shade on. "Nadia, is that you?" She asks once I step in, tilting her head to look at me. The smile that spreads on her face tells me how happy she is to see me. "How're you feeling today?" I ask, giving her a side tight hug, while she chuckles softly. Sitting on the chair close to the bed, I tuck the strand of hair that rests on her forehead. "I'm much better now," She smiles at me, and I nod my head. "That's good to know. You're making progress, and I'm sure your vision will be cleared soon enough," I assure her, and she nods her head. "Thank you. So, what did you bring for me? I'm famished," She yawns hungrily, and rubs her hand on her stomach, while I smile at her. "I made your favorite. You should eat to your satisfaction," I urge her, reaching out to the food flask I just brought to the hospital. "Ta-da!" I smile, showing her the egg sauce I made. "Whoa! I'm going to finish it all," She squeaks excitedly as she takes the food flask from me excitedly. Watching her eat so happily, I can't help the smile that creeps up my lips. It has been a while since I last see her this happy, and I'm glad that she's finally going to be fine. At least, I won't have to be so worried about her in the future, when I'm sure that her eyes are working perfectly. "So, when am I going to be discharged?" She suddenly asks out of the blue, after a long silence. "Well, I don't know yet. I think the doctor wants to keep a close tab on you for now and see how you're improving with your health before he'll decide on when to discharge you," I shrug, grabbing the glass of water from beside me, and handing it to her. "Thank you," She mutters after she takes a sip from the water. Her face suddenly becomes gloomy. "Are you OK? Why the face?" I ask worriedly, and she bites her bottom lip as a drop of tears slid down her cheek. "I don't know when and how I'm going to pay back for everything you have done for me..." She pauses and takes a deep breath. "You have sacrificed so much for me. You have always been there for me, even when you have your own life to live. Everything you ever did, was for me... Nadia..." "Don't make me emotional now, Olie. All I want you to do is to be fine for me," I cup her cheeks, and she nods her head. "Good girl," I ruffle her hair softly, while she chuckles. Looking at her happy face, I can't help the smile that settles on my lips. Only heaven knows how long I've waited to see this genuine and happy smile on her face, how much I've waited all these years for this particular day. The day that my sister will finally know what I look like, the day she'll be able to see with her eyes again, the day she'll finally know what the world looks like. The day she wouldn't have to walk around with a walking stick again for support. "Why are you staring at me like that, huh?" She questions. "Nothing. Hurry and eat your food before it gets cold," I urge her, ruffling her hair again. "Stop that, will you?" She chuckles softly as she slaps my hand off her head. "So, Olie... We can't continue to live like this. I have to work and raise money for our upkeep. I know it's not going to be easy, but I just have to try..." I pause and take a deep breath. "I applied for a waitress job at one classy restaurant downtown, and I'm still waiting for their reply. I just hope they accept me," I say hopelessly. You won't blame me for being pessimistic, yeah? I mean, no place ever hired me because I'm not good enough, so you aren't expecting me to keep my hope high this time around, knowing that I have a higher chance of getting rejected as usual, right? "But this is going be much on you..." She complains sadly. "You don't have to think about it, Ollie, it's just for the time being. I believe everything will be fine soon. Besides, the waitress job isn't as hard as it seems. So, don't think about it, ok?" I give her an assuring smile. Not that I have a hope of getting accepted anyway. She nods her head as she flashes me a smile. I know she's not happy about the idea, but do I have a choice? My phone suddenly beeps, and I reach out for it. I read the SMS that just popped on the screen, and I almost screamed my lungs out. They accepted me. I got the job. "I got the job!" I scream excitedly, hugging Ollie tightly. I quickly leave the hospital for the restaurant as demanded by them. After a few minutes of driving, the cab finally pulls over in front of the restaurant, and I quickly jump off, rushing to the entrance door, not after making sure to pay his money. Hurrying into the restaurant, I collide with someone, and stagger back, almost falling to the floor, but I manage to maintain my balance. Raising my gaze to check who I just collided with, my eyes almost pop out of their sockets, as the least expected person welcomes me. The person looks exactly like the young man that helped me, but since they look exactly alike, it's difficult to tell who amongst them is standing in front of me. Whether the one that helped me or his twin brother...
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