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Chapter 17 Sitting on the edge of her bed in the room, she runs her fingers through her hair for the umpteenth time after she glances over to the wall clock. It's almost time for Trevor and Travis to come back from their respective working place, and she feels so nervous. Trevor had seen her naked body earlier in the day, and she's finding it difficult to face him later. As the minute hand moves slowly, her nervousness only increases rapidly, until the sound of honking coming from downstairs pulls her attention, and she quickly stands up, rushing to the window side to check who came into the compound, even if she knows that it'll be the twins. Her heart sinks into her stomach when she spots Trevor stepping out of the car with Travis, and she gulps down nothing nervously. Her job is to go downstairs and welcome them, but she's not sure she wants to do that now, not after what happened earlier before they left for work. It was all her fault, although she was tired, but she should've either locked the door if she was going to sleep like that, or maybe worn her robe before she slept off, but no, she messed everything up, and now she's left to suffer the awkwardness. "You don't want to get into trouble, Nadia. You have to go welcome them," Her subconscious mind screams at her, and the imagination of what might happen if she stays back in the room hits her hard. "You can do this," She takes a deep breath before she drags her feet to the door, and pulls it open, but she freezes on the spot as a pair of honey-brown eyes welcomes her. She gulps down nothing nervously as she stares at the figure in front of her, wondering which of the twins. Whether it's Trevor or Travis. "Goo... Good evening, Sir. Welcome back..." "Hmm. Travis is not feeling very well. He's in his room. You should take care of him," Her heart almost jumps out of her chest as she feels her knees weaken. She's in a deep mess right now. "Uhm... Sir..." She calls his attention when he's about to leave, and he stops as he tilts his head to look at her while having a questioning look on his face. "Hmm?" He creases his eyebrows, and she turns her face away, thinking of how to tell him this. How's she going to make him understand that she doesn't want to see his brother, at least not now? "Don't you need me to do anything else for you? I can come prepare your bath water if you want. Can you not send me to master Trevor, please?" She pleads with Travis, even if she knows that she's doing the wrong thing now. Pulling a puzzled look, Travis turns to face her with a million questions running through his mind. Did Trevor do something to Nadia? Did he flirt with her? "Why?" Out of all the questions running through his mind, he can only ask her this. Maybe asking some silly questions may make his brother look like a p*****t, so he's trying to protect that fact. Not that the annoying man is not like that anyway. "Uhm... The thing is..." She pauses and bites her bottom lip, wondering how she's going to explain to him. Can't he just grant her wish without having to question her? Is it too difficult to do? "Nothing, Sir. I just felt like uhm..." "If there's nothing wrong, Trevor is waiting for you in his room. You should handle him with care," He warns before he finally walks away elegantly, while she stares at him until he's out of her sight, admiring everything about him. His stature, his voice, everything about him is just so perfect. Such a gentleman, unlike his perverted-minded brother. Taking a deep breath, she walks back into her room and sighs briefly, slumping on the bed. Seems like she can't dodge that young man. She will eventually have to go see him, no matter how much she tries to. "Good evening Sir. Sir Travis sent me here. How may I be of help?" She stands up and says politely to no one, but she sighs as the practice didn't turn out the way she wanted it. What the hell is she going to say in there to not make everything look awkward? She finally strides out of her room and walks over to Trevor's room that's just next to hers. Standing in front of the door, she takes a deep breath before she finally places a knock on it, but silence reigns on the other end. "Why's he not answering?" She mutters to herself, and knocks on the door again but still gets the same reaction from inside. She takes a deep breath and pushes the door open. "Where's he?" She mutters when she walks inside the room and meets the empty room. It's not her first time being inside this room, but it's the first time she'd get some time to look around and turns out that the room is extremely large and beautiful. She peeks at the framed picture of Trevor and Travis, and her lips curl up in a smile, forgetting that she has so much to deal with and that she should be worried about that. "They're so cute," She cups her cheeks in her palms and smiles widely. "What took you so long?" She freezes on the spot as Trevor's voice sounds from behind her. Her heart sinks into her stomach, and she gulps down nothing nervously as she suddenly feels like disappearing into the air. The image of what happened earlier pops up in her head, and she clenches her fists as she feels her bladder fill up with urine, ready to pour down her legs anytime soon. "I'm talking to you," His deep baritone voice pierces through her ears, and her heart stops beating for some seconds. Although she's just been here for barely forty-eight hours, she hasn't heard him use this sexy voice. Her love for guys with deep voices is always crazy. "Uhm..." She finally musters courage and turns to face him, but she freezes as his hard and broad chest welcomes her. Her eyes slowly widen and her mouth drops open as she stares at his shirtless perfectly toned abs, with water dripping down them. "Are you here to drool at me?" His deep voice snaps her out of her fantasy, and she shuts her eyes to pull herself back to reality...
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