He has a bleeding nose

1213 Words
Chapter 18 The corner of his lips tugs up as he stares at her hot red cheeks, and he rolls his eyes. He's enjoying every bit of her reaction, and he knows surely that it'll not be long before she will fall into his trap. He must have her. Damn! She's too sexy, and he can't get her off his head. "I'm sorry, Sir. I wasn't drooling," She quickly says, and he rolls his eyes as he walks over to the bed and slumps on it. "Make me a glass of black coffee," He orders her as he reaches out for his laptop that's laying on the bedside table. "Uhm... Sir, it's late and you'll soon sleep. I don't think coffee will be healthy to take at this time. It might stop you from sleeping," She says reasonably, earning a glance from him. He's impressed with the way she turns out reasonable. "And who are you to tell me what to eat, and what not to?" He snaps at her, feigning anger, and she sighs briefly, looking everywhere else except his face. "I'm sorry, Sir. I just felt..." "Get me a glass of orange juice," He cuts her off, and she quickly bows her head, storming out of the room afterward like she has been waiting for this moment. Of course, she has been waiting for it. She crashes her back against the wall as soon as she steps out of the room, breathing heavily. That was so awkward, why the hell was she drooling at him when she was already in another trouble of being naked in front of him earlier? "Are you OK?" Hearing Travis's voice beside her, she quickly snaps her head to see him already dressed casually, and it now looks like he's sexier in that dress. Gosh! What are these brothers doing to her? She's losing her mind. She should've listened to her sister not to come here in the first place, forgetting that she didn't have any option in the first place. "Hmm. I was going to get him a glass of juice," The way she smirks at Travis makes him pull an unexplainable expression, and she quickly turns her gaze away. "Just get him a glass of water. He can't drink orange juice," He says to her calmly, tucking his hands in his pocket, and making himself look cool and sexy. "But Sir..." "Tell him I said that," He cuts her off, and she slowly nods her head. "Uhm... I will go and get the water now," She says to him, and without waiting for another second, she scurries away, not sparing him another glance. Standing in front of Trevor's room a few minutes later, she takes a deep breath and closes her eyes, trying to calm herself down. She finally places a soft knock on the door and waits patiently for him to usher her in. "Come in," Following his voice, she pushes the door open and finds him still sitting on the bed while having his attention on the screen of the laptop, his fingers moving speedily on the keyboards. He raises his gaze to look at her, and that is when she sees the bruises on his face. She blinks her eyes for some seconds to be sure that her eyes are not deceiving her, and they're not. He has bruises on his face. "What happened to your face, Sir?" She asks curiously. She shouldn't be getting too curious, but she can't help it. Did he get into a fight with someone at work? "It's not something serious..." "It's serious. Your nose..." She suddenly gasps, pointing her index finger to his bleeding nose. "It's bleeding," She freaks out, as she takes a step back with fear written all over her like she just saw a ghost. The droplet of blood finally drops to the keyboard of the laptop. "s**t!" He curses under his breath, putting the laptop away, and throwing his head back to stop the blood. "Do you need me to call the doctor? Should I call Sir Travis?" She asks worriedly, acting all caring without her knowing it. "Get me cotton wool from the first aid kit. I'll handle it," He says to her, as he lay on the bed, staring up at the ceiling. "Hold on, please," She says in a hurry, and storms out of the room. "Where's she going to?" He mutters as he touches his forehead and sighs briefly. Second ticks until it's two minutes before the door bursts open, and she walks in with a bowl of towel in her hand, and a first aid kit. She sits on the edge of the bed and dips the towel inside the bowl of water, then squeezes out the water and places the towel on his forehead. "This is crazy, I'm not having a fever," He utters as he pulls a puzzled look. "Stay still, Sir. My sister used to have a bleeding nose, and this is what I used to do for her," She mutters as she wipes his forehead with the towel, and he sighs briefly. She turns her face away and sighs briefly. She knows that she's overstepping her boundary, but there's this feeling she always has when someone needs help, so she's just doing this out of kindness. It takes her much courage to hold his nose gently and pinch it. Her heart races rapidly and pounds hard against her chest as she turns her face away while pinching his nose gently. He stares at her in shock, his heart racing rapidly that she would hear the beatings if she listens keenly. What the heck is this feeling about? "Are you feeling alright now?" She asks after about ten minutes, and he sits up on the bed, expecting the blood to come out of his nose again, but nothing showed up. "Wow! That worked!" He smiles excitedly, sniffing nothing back into his nose. "Hmm. You should do that whenever you have a bleeding nose. I always do that for Ollie whenever she's suffering that," she says to him, and he slowly nods his head. "If you don't need anything else, I beg to take my leave now. It's almost 10pm," She says as she stands up to her feet. "Hmm," He nods his head. "Uhm... The first aid kit is here. If you feel a headache later, you can take some medicines from it to help you relieve it. If you're having difficulty in sleeping, there are a few sleeping pills there. You can take from them," She says to him, and he nods his head. "Good night, Sir," She says before she strides out of the room, and closes the door behind her. She crashes her back against the wall as soon as she's out of the room. She managed to help him, and also make him not talk about what he saw earlier. She didn't think that this would work, but it did anyway. "Nadia, can you help me fix something for Mr. Travis? I'm so tired and need some rest," Patty suddenly shows up from nowhere, and she sighs in frustration. This b***h hasn't done anything in the house the whole day, and literally left everything for her, how's she tired?
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