
1065 Words
Chapter 19 After spending almost an hour in the kitchen, she's finally done with cooking and serves it on a plate before she finally heads to Travis's room as Patty instructed. Walking down the hallway lazily, her eyes feel heavy. She should've been asleep by now, but all thanks to Patty, she's still up. She finally stops and places a soft knock on the bed, but got no answer from inside. "Is he sleeping already?" She mutters to herself and knocks on the door again. After a few minutes of waiting without getting a reply, she finally pushes the door open and walks into the room. "Where's he?" She mutters to herself as she looks around the room and sighs briefly. The sound of the shower inside the bathroom pulls her attention, and she sighs briefly as it dawns on her that he must be in the bathroom. Dropping the tray of food on the center table in his room, she strides out of the room afterward and closes the door behind her. She locks her door and plunges herself onto her bed as soon as she walks into her room a few minutes later. "I just hope I don't die soon," She mutters to herself, releasing a deep breath. The sound of her ringing phone pulls her attention, and she lazily reaches out to it, knowing who it will be. Of course, the only person that calls her is her sister, and nobody else. It's not like she has another person that calls her though. "Hey, Ollie," She says on the phone as soon as she answers the call. "Where did you keep your phone? I have been calling you all day," Ollie whines from the other end. "I'm sorry, I had something urgent to attend to here. Are you OK?" She says. "Hmm. I'm just missing you, Nadia. When are you coming to see me? Or, can I come over there? I want to spend some time with you," Ollie whines sadly, and she sighs briefly. It's just been two days, and she is missing her so much. "Don't worry, I'll find a way to come see you by the end of the week, OK?" She assures her. "Alright. How's life there with you? Are they treating you right? If you're not comfortable there, you know you can always return home, right?" Ollie says worriedly, and she nods her head as if she's seeing her. "Hmm, I'm fine here. Have you been..." Her voice trails off and she flinches when she hears the banging sound on her door. It doesn't sound like a knock, but a bang which means that something is wrong. "Who's there?" She asks as she sits up on the bed, and glances over to the wall clock. It's past 11pm. "Is everything alright?" Ollie's worried voice sounds through the phone. "Yes, Ollie. Can you hold on? I will call you back," she says on the phone, and without waiting for her to say anything else, she hangs up the call and stands up from the bed. Walking over to the door, she pulls it open and the face that welcomes her makes her freeze on the spot. It's Trevor. What does he want now? "Sir..." "What the hell did you do to Travis?" He barks at her and she flinches fearfully. "Wh... what are you talking about?" She stutters confusingly, wondering what he's talking about. "What did you do to my brother?" He sneers at her, and she gulps down nothing nervously, looking more confused. "I didn't do anything to him..." "Come with me," He grabs her hand and drags her along the hallway down to Travis's room. She almost jumps out of her skin when she sees the floor messed up. It seems like Travis threw up, and he's now laying weakly on the bed. "Can you explain this? Why did you poison him?" He snaps at her angrily, slamming his hand on the wall, and she steps back in fear. Her heart skips like a million times as she glances at Travis, and back to Trevor who looks like he would strangle her any moment from now. She gulps down nothing, shaking her head slowly. As much as she wants to open up and defend herself, her voice fails her. Seeing the dangerous look on his face makes her scared and renders her speechless. "Aren't you going to talk?" He barks again. "Come on, Trevor, it's not something serious. You know I'm allergic to green spicy pepper, stop scaring the innocent girl," Travis manages to speak up as he sits up on the bed. "That is why she should ask questions before she does anything. What if you had killed him, huh?" He barks again, and she turns jelly as tears brim in her eyes. Although she lived all her life not knowing what it feels like to be treated like a princess because she lost her parents at an early age, she could never tolerate anyone speaking to her in this manner. Nobody has ever yelled at her in this manner, and it's freaking her out now. "I told you that it's fine, Trevor. Stop scaring her," Travis defends her again, seeing the look on her face. "If you make this mistake ever again, you're going to account for it, and maybe spend the rest of your life behind bars. Clean this mess up, now," He snaps at her before he storms out of the room, slamming the door behind, and she flinches as her tears finally find their way out of her eyes. "I'm sorry about that. Trevor can be crazy when it comes to me getting hurt. It's nothing," Travis says to her, and she slowly nods her head. "You can go. I will call Patty to come clean the room..." "No, it's fine. I will clean it," She cuts him off, and storms out of the room. After she spends fifteen minutes cleaning the room, she finally turns to him and says, "I'm sorry, Sir. I didn't mean to do that," As much as she wants to conclude that Patty set her up, she also sees no reason why she would do something like that, so it should be her mistake alone. "It's fine. You can go now," He says to her, and she bows before she finally strides out of the room...
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