Chapter 6

1360 Words
    Finally we could settle into our new home. It was just an ordinary flat on the second floor with big windows, what I was glad for. The flat has a big living room with a smaller dining room, 2 bedrooms and a middle sized kitchen. The bathroom had 2 entrance, one from the kitchen and one from our bedroom what was comfortable like that. There was a small toilet apart next to the bedrooms. It was perfect for us.     Everything was going well ,the only problem was that I didn’t have so much work, I needed to go only for 2 days per week. I was working hard so I didn’t really understand why they didn’t plan me in for 4 days at least. Usually they called me in for Tuesdays in the first hall because that was the busiest day there and for Fridays in the third hall because that day was busy there, but it was not really enough for the living.     It was Tuesday and I was working by the first hall when the Team leader came to me. I was surprised because we never really talked before, we only greeted each other in the morning like everybody else and that was it. He was a Dutch man around fifty with light brown hair and glasses. His name was Ronald. “Hi, Nina, right?” He asked. He spoke to me in English because he knew that I don’t speak so much Dutch , I understand a lot though. “Good morning , yes that’s me.” I said nervously. I was a little shy around people but I don’t like this about myself so I’m trying to leave this habit of mine. “Don’t be that nervous, I just came here to compliment your work.” He said chuckling “You were the third one on the list almost every time I checked. The twins are the first two but that’s normal, they are very fast but you are always on their trail so I came here to ask if you would like to learn more and help with the control for the ladies?” He continued.     The twins were two Dutch grumpy woman around forty, Cassy and Emma. They lived together with two pets without husband. They didn’t like me since the beginning because I was fast and they saw me as an opponent. I was a little bit sad about that I must admit because I didn’t do anything against them, I just tried to do my best with my work and fit in. “Well... thank you. Of course I would like to learn more.” I said shyly. “Very well. “ he said with a smile. He seems really nice. “When you finish with this trolley just go there to Anna and she will explain everything to you.” he said. Anna was the coordinator in the first hall, she was a Polish women around 35 with blond hair, blue eyes and she was a little chubby. She was a very kind women. “ Okay, I will, thank you.” I answered and with that he left. I went to find Anna a few minutes later and she showed me everything what I needed to know. It was not difficult and I was happy to do something different. The twins weren’t happy at all since they were also control ladies and they didn’t like me anyway. I even saw them looking at me with angry face and they were whispering something to the other coordinator Joy ,who was a free-spoken women from Suriname. Joy was a friend of my father, at least it seemed like that to me. She was nice to me as well, but she was the kind of women who was nice to you in your eyes but talked bad about you when you turned around, but I tried to concentrate on my work and not on them.     The day went by fast and finally I was at home. My feet was killing me, we needed to walk all day and the uncomfortable safety shoes didn’t help it either. When Tyler came home later I told him the good news. “Tyler, guess what happened today.” I told him excitedly. “I don’t have time for games Nina, tell me already.” He said grumpily, he was like that lately. “Ronald came to me , you know the team leader from the first hall and complimented my work and promoted me for control lady.” I said proudly. “That’s good... so you gonna get more salary or more days to work?” he said uninterested. “No, we didn’t talk about that, but I think the controllers don’t get more salary than the rest.” I said, I wasn’t so excited anymore. “You need to ask for more days, I can’t pay everything alone or you need to look for an other job.” He said angrily. I didn’t say nothing after that, because he was right, I need to earn more money , but he didn’t need to be so mean.     Weeks went by and nothing changed, I was working only two days per week. I was better with the control and the twins hated me even more , but I cared less. I decided I won’t let them walk over me so I just ignored them, they were so childish. They were always competing with me.     Tyler was keep telling me to find an other job and I was thinking about it too, a lot. Since we didn’t have a car or even driving licences I thought maybe I could go back to our country and make my driving license. Tyler agreed because we saved some money so I traveled there with Noah for a month. It was not a problem to ask 4 weeks vacation since they didn’t have so much work anyway so the company let me go.     While we were there, I didn’t really do more than taking lessons for my license every day and Andy, my aunt was taking care of Noah for me. I met up with a few old friends and visited the rest of my and Tyler’s family too. I thought that this time apart from Tyler will do good for our relationship and I was right. We missed each other and talked every day on the phone. He was nice and didn’t argue with me. I hooped that everything will be good between us from now on.     The 4 weeks flew by fast and there was the day when we needed to get back to Nederland. I was excited, I like to live there, even the people were much nicer then at home. They were calm and kind, they were always smiling at us and they were helpful too. I guess because they didn’t have problems, this is a rich country, not like ours where the families didn’t have food in the end of the month to give for their children. It made them bitter, sad and frustrated. We had a lot of homeless on the streets ,sadly.     When we arrived Tyler was waiting for us downstairs to help with our luggage. He was happy to see us, he said it was boring and lonely without us. We were happy too to see him too, that day was perfect and peaceful, I loved it. He made dinner for us for the time we got back, he unpacked our bags and took Noah to take a shower. He was really caring, this evening he was the Tyler who I fell in love with six years ago. I guess he really missed us and he got a taste of how is it to live alone. 
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