Chapter 5

1318 Words
    Guess what...? Dana denied everything, moreover she said I planned this to get her in trouble with my dad. I can’t believe this is happening with me, it’s like in those Brazilian soap operas, but you know it’s different to read about it, than when it’s actually happening to you. Maybe this was her plan all this time, maybe it was a trap and I just simply walk into it. I think I am going crazy, I don’t know what to think about it anymore. This was really the top of the top. How could she do that, she is the pure evil. Next time what she will do, she will kill someone and blame it on me or what? I can’t take this anymore, we need to move as soon as we can. I won’t stay here that’s for sure. I will try to go back to work and collect enough money with Tyler and finally we can leave this evil creature and her offspring behind us. I don’t understand how my father can live with her, she is a leech, she will suck the life out of him, but it is his life and I don’t really have a say in it, but that’s sure as hell I don’t want to live under the same roof as her and her son.     I was thinking about a solution how to go back to work and maybe we can get out of here. I just need to find a babysitter for Noah and the problem solved. I thought maybe we can bring someone from our home country or maybe even someone from the family, that would be the best so I asked my cousin Andrew and his girlfriend Elena if they would love to move here. First I asked my father permission of course and he asked the Dragon ... of course... *note the sarcasm..* ——-Dragon.. hmmm... this will be her new nickname from me, it’s really suits her... *chuckles*———-Surprisingly they agreed and now they are on their way here to Nederland. Elena will be Noah’s babysitter and Andrew can apply to work by the same company where we are. It’s will be good for them and for us too. We had still an empty room in the house so everything was perfect. I was glad that We don’t need to be alone with her anymore ,although Dana was very sweet with them. I guess she didn’t want too much enemies in the house or just because she was not jealous of them for my dad’s attention. I don’t know but I was happy I could go back to work.     The first week was hard, after a year I needed to use to working again. Everybody was nice, a lot of familiar faces and a lot new too. One of the new guys walked up to me and said “Hey, are you new here?” He was around 23-25 years old guy from Poland, he was handsome , but I wasn’t interested in him like that. I looked at him and said “Hey, yes... ,actually no, I was working here before...” he looked surprised suddenly. “Wow... your eyes... they are beautiful.” he said and I nodded. “Thank you” I said to him with a smile and we continued with our work.     It was good to work again and not just cooking and cleaning at home. They didn’t have that much of work so I worked only a few days per week, it was not much but better than nothing.     Every time when I thought we could live happily finally , something s**t happened and like the domino, everything fell apart. At this time my relationship with Tyler was next in the line. We were fighting a lot lately and it was making me sad and depressed. He is not that caring anymore, he never ate with me in the break when we were at work. We didn’t work in the same hall, but still he could come and eat with me. Sometimes he didn’t even look in my way when he was passing by. He always ate upstairs in the big canteen with some colleagues and to go there they needed to walk across our hall so he could say hello or something but sometimes he didn’t even look in my direction and that hurt like he pushed a knife through my heart. I usually ate with my father and some friends outside if the whether was good.     I told Tyler that he changed towards me ,actually I could feel that he doesn’t love me anymore... you just feel it, I can’t explain it but he really changed. He always called me fat when we had a fight, quite a lot lately. He told me not to eat so much and he talked not so nice with me, it hurt but I couldn´t do anything about it, I loved him. * *** *     Finally after 3-4 years of living together my father and Dana decided to move... *victory dance*     I think she couldn’t take it anymore, I was not that naive girl towards her than in the beginning, I just ignored her and walked around in the house like she is not even existed ,I guess she didn’t like it. Can you imagine to live with people for years and don’t talk at all with each other, cooking in the same kitchen, being in the same room? Well I can, I didn’t talked to her for years, she didn’t either and I will never again.     On the day of the moving she was furious, she told me this is all because of me that they needed to move again, I was just laughing cause I know that’s made her angry the most. I know this is not nice of me but when she was nice to me? Yeah, right... never.. so I don’t feel guilty, not a bit.     She was angrily packing their stuffs while we were sitting by the dining table with Andrew and Elena. She started arguing and this was the first time that I actually talked back to her like that, I didn’t care ,I didn’t feel respect for her anymore , she needs to earn that, I’m not going to let anyone walk over me again and this was thanks to her if I look at it from the bright side. L was glad finally we could live in peace.     A few months later we got a letter. It said we needed to move because the owner want to sell the house. Great.. just great.. I thought sarcastically. This is just what we needed.... again.     Fortunately before the deadline was over we found a flat what was not so far from the work and it was cheap also, but at this time we moved alone, only the 3 of us... finally. Elena and Andrew rented a house together with my brother Joey and his girlfriend Nora. Yeah, my brother came here too, they just arrived a few days ago and stayed with us till they could move into the new house. I was happy that he was here, we were fighting a lot as children but always stood up for each other. Luckily everything was getting on its place and we could live peacefully, I hoped at least. I didn’t expected what came after that...  
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