Welcome To Nightstar

2565 Words
Amber “Amber?” My father loudly knocks on the door, waking me up. I had just been dreaming about making it onto Uncle Henry’s Elite Squad, only to have it taken away from me. I sigh and stare at the ceiling while he knocks. The door flings open, and he occupies the door frame, “Amber? Are you awake?” “Yeah,” I huff. The floor creaks as his heavy boots hit the boards. He stands on the side of my bed wearing a pair of black slacks and a blue button-up shirt. “You have to get going, Amber.” I close my eyes and take a deep breath, “I’ll be right down, Dad,” I mumble. “Okay,” He nods. “Are your things packed?” I point to the closet, “Yeah.” He looks at my bags, “Is that all you are taking?” “I’m not staying,” I grumble. “As soon as I find a way to reject those assholes without causing a war, I am coming home.” Dad sighs and pokes his out of my room, “Dylan,” He calls. My brother steps into my room wearing the Gamma uniform. “Yeah, Dad?” “Take your sister’s bags downstairs to the truck,” Dad orders him. “Right,” Dylan gives me a look. They grab my bags and leave the room. I sigh and roll out of bed reluctantly. I stumble around getting dressed. I put on a plain pair of jeans and a grey blouse. I brush my hair and leave it down on my shoulders. “Amber?” Regina knocks on the door. She is wearing a blue sundress. “Is that what you are wearing today?” I shrug, “Yeah, so?” “You don’t want to look nicer for your mates,” She grins. “I could care less about them, Regina,” I say while looking around my room one last time. The picture of my mother is lying on the ground, and I bend over to retrieve it. Regina takes it from my hands and smiles before handing it back to me, “You should at least look a little nicer to meet your new pack.” I roll my eyes, “I am only going there to prevent a war, Regina. I don’t care about the pack. It’s not like I will be anything more than a side piece.” I storm out of the room I have lived in since I was a pup. My sister sighs and follows me. Nina is in the kitchen cooking breakfast for the pups. She smiles as I enter with Regina. “I cooked some bacon and pancakes,” She announces. I grab a piece of bacon and take a bite out of it. “Are you ready to go?” Dad asks. “Alpha Victor wanted to leave by eight, and it’s seven thirty-five.” I take another piece of bacon and nibble it. “Amber?” Dad repeats himself. “I’m coming, Dad,” I groan. “Can I just enjoy a few last minutes with people who matter to me?” “Honey, your mates matter,” Dad sighs. “f**k them,” I mutter under my breath. “f**k them,” Landon repeats. “Landon,” Regina barks at her eldest son and then looks at me wide-eyed, “Can you not cuss in front of my pups?” “Sorry,” I look at the pups. They are all staring at me, and I must hold back tears as I know I’ll miss them all. “You all be good, pups. I’ll see you all soon.” “Where are you going, Auntie?” Landon asks. “To hell,” I respond. “Amber,” Regina hisses. She looks at her son, “Auntie is going home with her mates. Just like I did with Daddy.” I roll my eyes and finish my bacon. “I’m ready,” I hug Regina and Nina. Then I say my goodbyes to my nephews and niece before heading to Dad’s truck. Dylan is waiting in the front seat, so I slide into the back. “It’s going to be okay, Amber,” Dylan glances back at me. I am looking out the window, trying not to let the tears I’m holding back fall. Dad gets into the truck and smiles at Dylan, “Ready for your first day as Gamma, son?” “I was born ready, Dad,” Dylan chuckles. Dad starts the truck, and we drive away from the house. I watch it fade and wonder if I’ll ever see it again. We pass the training facility, and I look longingly at the fields. I would much rather be out there training than anything else. “You know they allow females to train at Nightstar, right?” Dylan interrupts my thoughts. I don’t respond to him. I tune them out the rest of the ride to the packhouse. My mates are standing by their father while he is talking to Uncle Henry and Deacon. I hug my mom’s picture as I slide out of the truck and lumber toward my doom. Tyler looks at me with a huge grin on his face. He is wearing dark slacks and a black shirt, while Skylar is wearing jeans and a black t-shirt. They both look and smell good, but I am doing my best not to let that affect me. “Amber,” Uncle Henry smiles at me with his arms out. I try not to glare at him and maintain a neutral expression. “Oh, honey, I know you are mad at me,” My uncle pulls me into a hug and then looks me in the eye, “I am doing this for your own good, Amber.” I look away from him, “What good is using your niece as a bargaining chip?” I mutter. He releases me, “You’ll see the good soon, Amber,” He puts his thumb under my chin. “Trust me.” I still say nothing and look at the rest of my family and friends. Deacon puts his arm around me, “I will miss you, cousin,” He squeezes me and kisses my cheek. I swear both of my mates growl, and that makes me smile. “Amber,” Kaylee cries, “It’s not fair.” “I know,” I snort as I hug her. “No, you got such hot mates,” She laughs. I elbow her and move on to Aunt Rachael. “You be good, Amber. Watch that mouth of yours,” My aunt laughs. “I’ll try, Aunt Rachael.” Grandma hugs me and looks deep into my eyes. “You have two strong Alpha bloodlines flowing through your veins. Show those boys what that means,” She hugs me tight and then notices I am still holding my mother’s picture. “Catherine would be proud of the woman you have become,” Grandma kisses my cheek. “Can you hurry this up?” Alpha Victor yells. I ignore him and hug my grandfather. “You got this, Amber Payne,” Grandpa looks me in the eyes. I finish saying my goodbyes to my family and friends and approach the SUV. Tyler is standing by the back passenger door. “You get to sit between Sky and me,” He grins. I say nothing and take a deep breath before sliding into the car. Skylar gives me a side-eyed glance but says nothing. Tyler points to the picture. “Is that your mother?” He asks in a friendly tone. “Yea,” I mutter and stuff it into my bag. The vehicle starts and pulls away from the house. I watch my family get smaller as we drive away. We pass my house, training facility, and everything I have ever known. My heart drops when we reach the gates and drive out of Shadow Winds. I wipe a stray tear from my cheek. “You’ll like it a Nightstar,” Tyler expresses. “I doubt it,” I mumble and dig into my bag for earbuds. “Can we talk? It’s a long ride,” Tyler keeps trying to make conversation. I glance at Skylar, who is texting on his phone. “Wouldn’t you rather talk to your real mate, like Skylar?” I hiss at Tyler. He frowns while Victor glances back at me. I insert my earbuds and put on Bob’s Burgers on my phone. My shoulder tingles when Tyler taps me. “I love that show,” He points at my phone. “Can I watch it with you?” I look into his face, and his smile is so genuine. “Sure,” I mumble and hand him one of the earbuds. I hold the phone between us and shudder when our elbows touch. The ride to Nightstar lasts for hours. Tyler and I watch Bob’s Burgers the whole time. “I like your laugh,” Tyler remarks. The SUV stops, and I look to see elaborate gates greeting us. Victor turns, “Welcome to Nightstar, Amber,” He grins. I press my lips together and nod as we are waved through the gates. We drive down a manicured street. I eye the pack members who stop to bow to the cars. We then pass what looks like a training facility. “I know our facility isn’t nearly as elaborate as the one in Shadow Winds,” Victor explains. “But we take great pride in our training program.” A huge mansion looms in the distance, and I realize it’s the packhouse. It’s at least twice the size of the one back home and more modern. “Isn’t our house beautiful?” Tyler says. “Sure,” I shrug. We stop in front of the large house, and several people greet us. A beautiful woman hugs Alpha Victor and kisses him. She then looks at me, “You must be, Amber.” “I must,” I say as she holds a hand out to me. “I am Luna Sheila,” She smiles and looks me up and down. Her dress looks expensive, making me self-conscious about my plain outfit. She gestures to a young girl beside her, “This is Corie, Tyler, and Skylar’s sister.” “Amber,” Corie grins at me. “You are so pretty!” She exclaims and hugs me. “Come on, Corie, don’t overwhelm her,” Tyler pulls his sister back. “I just know we are going to be friends,” Corie claps. Another woman standing beside Beta Richard holds a hand out to me, “I am Beta Female, Julianna, but you can call me Juli.” “Where is Savannah?” Skylar demands. “She was supposed to be here.” “She went shopping,” Juli responds. My heart drops as Skylar growls. “Come on, Amber,” Sheila drapes an arm around my shoulders. “Let me show you to your room.” I take a deep breath and let her lead me into the house. I look around at the elaborate place. The floors appear to be made of marble. “We take great pride in how this pack looks,” Victor explains. “Amber, once you get settled in your room, I need you to come to my office.” “Why?” I blurt out, and the Alpha lifts an eyebrow. “To talk,” Victor breathes out. “Will you show her where my office is, Sheila?” “Of course, I will,” Sheila grins and kisses his cheek. “Boys, come with me,” Victor nods and walks in the opposite direction, with the twins following. Tyler glances back and smiles as they walk away. Sheila takes me towards a set of elevators and pushes a button. Corie and Juli are also walking with us. “What do you think of our pack so far?” “It’s nice,” I mumble. “I hope my sons have been treating you well,” Sheila smiles. I shrug and say nothing. I don’t want to cause trouble yet. “I saw your training facility.” “Oh, we have a rather nice one,” Shelia laughs. “Are females allowed to become warriors?” I wonder. “Yes,” Shelia responds. “We have several female warriors,” Juli adds. We step into the elevator, and I stare at the fancy machine. Even the elevator seems to be covered in gold and marble. It takes a minute to reach the top floor, and Sheila leads me down the grand hallway. “Those are the boys' rooms,” she points out. “For now,” She laughs and then opens another door. We step into a large room with a bed big enough for three or four people to sleep in. My heart sinks when I realize why. There is a large sitting area with a cozy couch and even a full kitchen. “We hope the boys will move in here so the three of you can live together,” Sheila explains. I feel bile rising in the back of my throat. “I’m sure they would rather have their actual mate in here,” I blurt out, and Sheila frowns. “You are their mate, Amber,” She breathes out. “That’s not what they keep telling me,” I snort. “I am just here to maintain peace.” Sheila’s shoulders fall. “It’s okay,” I chuckle. “I don’t want them either.” “I have faith that the three of you will work it out,” Sheila confidently says. “The Goddess knew what she was doing when she paired you with my sons.” A pair of omegas step into the room with my bags. “Where do you want your things?” “Just set them there,” I point to an area beside the door. “I’ll figure it out later.” “Do you want to take a few minutes to get settled before going to the office?” Shelia asks. “No, I would rather get it out of the way,” I reply. “Okay, follow me then,” Sheila ushers me out of the room. “Can I go to my room and watch TV, Mom?” Corie asks. “Sure, dear,” Sheila replies. “We’ll talk later?” Corie asks happily. “Sure,” I smile back. “Great!” Corie touches my arm. “I love you already,” she laughs and dashes out of the room. I can’t help but smile as Sheila and Juli lead me out of the room. We get back on the elevator, and I get a strange feeling as it descends. My chest starts to hurt, and I see why when the door opens. A beautiful blonde woman is standing in the middle of Skylar and Tyler. She is wearing a tight pink dress. Lilith whines as I watch Skylar lean in to kiss her passionately while Tyler strokes her arms. I let out a pained whimper. Skylar spots me and grins wickedly. “Meet our real, Luna, Savannah."
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