A Shift in Power

2440 Words
Amber “Your mates are staring at you,” Regina giggles. “Let them stare,” I grumble as I sense their eyes on me. We are waiting for the ceremony to start. Our father is stepping down so Dylan can become the next Gamma. “Maybe you should try to get along with them,” Regina says. “They don’t want me, Regina,” I say. “I am just there to appease their wolves.” “Okay, girls, the ceremony is about to start. Take your seats,” Dad walks up to us. He is dressed in one of his best suits. “You look handsome, Daddy,” Regina coos at him. “Thank you, sweetheart,” Dad hugs her and turns to me. “You look nice, Amber.” “Thanks,” I mumble. Regina’s four pups run up with Gabriel. She has three boys and one girl, Landon, Cameron, Alexis, and Presley. “Mommy,” my niece Alexis calls to Regina. “Landon won’t stop picking on me.” “Landon,” My sister puts her hands on her hips. “I’m going to our seats,” I say and walk down the aisle. I try to avoid looking at my mates. I feel their eyes on me. ‘Look at them,’ Lilith whispers. ‘They want you so badly.’ I look down the aisle towards the seats. My grandparents are sitting in the front row with my Grandma’s nephew from Thunder Rock. My best friend Dewey sits in the beta row with Lewis’s mate Ashley. I sit just behind them. “Wow, they got you in a dress,” Dewey snickers. Ashley turns to me, “Oh wow, you look pretty, Amber.” “Thank you,” I respond to her. I wasn’t friends with Ashley growing up, but we were always civil to each other. She is now pregnant with her and Lewis’s first pup. “You look pretty, too,” I smile at Ashley. She pats her belly, “I don’t feel pretty. This boy is making me feel bloated,” She laughs. “So, I heard your mates are the Brooks twins.” I refrain from rolling my eyes and huff, “Yeah.” “I mean, wow,” She looks past me. “I don’t think I could handle two mates. How exciting, though.” “Real exciting,” I say sarcastically. The seat beside me creeks, and I glance over at my grandmother. She places her soft hand on my thigh. “Your mates won’t stop staring at you, sweetie.” “Grandma,” I sigh. “They don’t want me.” “Oh, I beg to differ, dear,” She laughs. I am only going to Nightstar to satisfy their wolves. I won’t be their Luna,” I say, trying not to sound sad. “It’s okay. I don’t want them either.” Grandma looks back at Tyler and Skylar. “The three of you will learn. Your mates complete you.” “I never wanted a mate, Grandma. They are messing up everything I have worked for. Instead of training to get on Uncle Henry’s Elite Squad, I have to leave my home,” I say as tears threaten to well up. “It will be okay, dear,” Grandma pats my leg and stands up. I glance back, and the twins stare at me though Skylar is pretending to be occupied by his phone. I turn away, causing Lilith to whimper. Regina, Gabriel, and their pups come to sit; moments later, Nina joins us with Luke. “Auntie,” Luke reaches for me, so I let him sit on my lap. “I want to sit with Auntie,” Alexis whines. “You can sit on my other lap,” I tell my niece. The ceremony begins, and I watch it while entertaining my niece and nephews. Nina leans over, “He looks so cute up there,” She giggles while looking at Dylan. “He’s going to be a great, Gamma,” I remark. Luke giggles and struggles to get off my lap, so I pass him back to Nina. “Can I sit on your lap?” Regina’s son Cameron asks. I nod. I enjoy my niece and nephews despite not wanting pups of my own. “See, Grandpa is stepping down as Gamma, and Uncle Dylan is going to be Gamma,” I explain. “I’m going to be Gamma after my Daddy,” Landon puffs out his little chest. Gabriel glances at us and shushes his son, “Pay attention.” Landon frowns, and I touch his shoulder and then make a funny face so Landon giggles. “So, when are you going to have your own?” Nina whispers. I elbow her, “Never,” I hiss. ‘You say that now,’ Lilith snickers. I ignore her and turn my attention back to the ceremony. Deacon and his father are exchanging blood, and I feel the power shift. After that, Aunt Rachael steps down as Luna while Brandy takes her place. Then I watch as Beta Burt steps down, and Lewis becomes the beta. Dylan appears nervous on the stage beside our father. Dad squeezes my brother’s shoulder. ‘You got this, Dyl,’ I mind link my brother. ‘You have been ready for years,’ I smile as he glances at me. ‘Thank you, Amb,’ He grins. It’s soon his turn to become Gamma. Dad seems relieved to be retiring. Deacon steps up to the podium with a huge smile on his face. “Hello, Shadow Winds. It is my pleasure to speak to you as the new Alpha. I will bring this pack into a new era of growth with my beautiful Luna, Brandy, at my side. Beta Lewis and Gamma Dylan will work diligently with me to ensure this pack’s future.” I smile as my cousin speaks and feel the pride of our family. I am confident that he will lead this pack well. The ceremony ends, and I walk to the reception with my family. Dylan is holding Luke while Nina chatters with Ashley and Brandy. I am holding my niece, Alexis, on my hip when the scent of rain envelops my senses. Tyler is walking a few feet behind me. “You look really beautiful tonight,” Tyler tells me. “Like I have never seen anyone more beautiful.” I try to ignore him and quicken my pace to keep up with my family. Regina nudges me, “Talk to him,” she whispers. “No,” I say. Regina reaches for Alexis. “Regina,” I whine. “My sister is gorgeous, isn’t she?” Regina smiles at Tyler and walks away. “I’m sure your actual Luna is more beautiful,” I blurt out. “I don’t feel the same way that Skylar does,” Tyler tries to touch my face, but I back away from him. He drops his hand and looks down. “I am only going to Nightstar to prevent a war. I don’t care anymore for you than you do for me,” I grumble and run to catch up with my sister. I don’t bother looking back at Tyler despite Lilith’s protests. ‘He wants you,’ She whines. ‘I don’t want him,’ I respond. “What happened?” Regina asks as I catch up to her. “Hey, Amber, why aren’t you with your mates?” Kaylee walks over. She is with her mother and our grandmother. “I don’t want to talk about it,” I scoff. “I need a drink,” I walk towards the bar, and Skylar is leaning against it. I try not to look at him. “So, you aren’t going to greet your mate?” He snickers. “Give me a shot of vodka,” I tell the bartender. “Oh, a hard drinker. That’s lady-like,” Skylar snorts and sips a glass of whiskey while looking at his phone. I ignore him as a shot is set down in front of me. I down it, “Another,” I order the bartender and slam the glass on the counter. The bartender quickly pours me another shot, and I down that one. I am aware that Skylar is inches from my face. “You are quite beautiful,” His hot breath fans my neck, causing me to shudder. He moves a strand of hair from my face and tucks it behind my ear. “And you smell good,” He says while his lips graze my cheek. Tingles spread through my body, and I close my eyes as his scent overwhelms me. I open my eyes, and Skylar is gone. I take a deep breath and walk back to where my family is gathered. Dylan and Dad talk to my grandfather while Regina and Nina giggle together. “Amber, did you hear?” Regina looks at me. “Nina is having another baby,” She announces. “Congratulations,” I say. “Geez, seven grandpups, Flynt,” Grandpa laughs and slaps my father’s shoulder. “Tell me about it, Norm,” Dad laughs and looks at me. “So, when are you giving me grandpups, Amber?” “Dad,” I hiss and turn away from him. “I wish Caty were here to meet them all,” Dad says sadly. I turn to him as Grandpa pats his shoulder, “I miss her too, Flynt.” I start to walk away. “Amber,” Grandpa grabs me. I turn to him. “I know you think you don’t want your mates, but you will,” He grins at me. My grandfather greatly resembles Uncle Henry. Only Grandpa has less hair. “I don’t think so,” I sigh and pull away from him. “Auntie Amber,” Landon runs over to me with his siblings. “Play with us.” I play with my nephews until it’s time for the pack run. I walk with Kaylee to the women’s side of the field. My grandmother and aunt are waiting for us. Regina has to sit out because she can't shift while pregnant. Lilith is pacing to get out. I know she is eager to run with Castor and Pollux while I want to run away. “The moon is nearly full,” Deacon’s voice booms across the field. “Tonight, I shall lead you all in my first run as Alpha.” I take off my dress and shift into my large black wolf. Lilith is even bigger than Deacon’s wolf, Magnum. She shakes out her coat and sniffs the air. Magnum lets out a howl and takes off running. Brandy also has to sit the run out due to being pregnant. The pack quickly follows after him. Dylan and Lewis’s wolves stay right behind Magnum. I run with Kaylee’s wolf for a while. Then I am flanked by two silver wolves. I know right away that it’s Castor and Pollux. Lilith yips happily and nips at them. I let my wolf have control. The three wolves break off from the pack and race through the trees. Lilith lets her mates sniff and caress her. The tingles from the contact affect both of us. We get to the far side of the pack grounds and stop. I shift back into human form and turn to face them. Castor and Pollux also shift into human form. My two naked alpha mates move closer to me. Tyler moves my hair and sniffs my neck. “Goddess,” He breathes out. Skylar caresses my arm, “Beautiful.” They both lean in, and I feel caught up in lust. But I don’t want to do anything with them, so I pull away from them. Skylar growls and tries to grab me. “Amber,” Tyler calls as I take off running. I shift and put on some speed. They howl as they chase me. The rest of the pack is back in the field, but I run by them and head for my house. I shift as I reach the porch and run into the house. I slam the door and head up to my room. I fling myself onto the bed and bury my face in the pillow. I scream with frustration that turns into tears. “Amber,” My dad calls as he knocks on the door. “Honey?” I cover myself and turn to face him. “I don’t want to go, Dad. I want to stay here.” He steps towards me, “I know, sweetie. But you have to grow up. We are meant to be with our mates.” Tears flood out of my eyes, “But they don’t want me, Dad.” He sits on the bed, and I fall into his arms. “It will be okay, Amber. The Goddess knows what she is doing. The twins will regret their decision to disregard you.” “I don’t want them, Dad,” I blubber. “I just want to be a warrior.” “You can still be a warrior, Amber. Do you think being my mate stopped your mother from being a warrior?” He laughs. “Goddes, no. Nothing would have stopped my Caty. Just like nothing will ever stop you.” He looks into my eyes while wiping the tears from my cheeks. “Those boys will come around. I know they will.” “Dad,” I bury my face in his chest and bawl. He strokes my back. “It’s going to be alright, Amber. Show those idiots what they are missing. They will learn that only their true mate will give them strength.” He kisses the top of my head. “Get some sleep. You have to leave first thing in the morning.” I sniffle as I pull away from him. “I’m not going.” “Yes, you are,” He gives me the Dad look. “Don’t try running because you will be caught and punished.” I take a deep breath and look at the covers. “Goodnight, Amber.” He says softly. “I love you.” “I love you too, Dad,” I mumble as he walks out of my room. I get out of bed and open my closet. I cry as I pack up my things. I set the bags by the door and then lie down. I stare at a picture of my mother. “I love you, Mom,” I whisper as I fall asleep.
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