No Disrespect

3006 Words
Amber I stared at Skylar as he deepened the kiss with Savannah while Tyler stroked her arms. Taking a deep breath, I turned and nearly ran into Luna Sheila, and Juli. “I’m going home.” Sheila looks at her sons and frowns, “Honey, we need you.” “Really? It seems your sons have already shown me what they need,” I growl and start toward the elevators. Sheila grabs my arm, “Amber, you must stand tall and fight for what is yours.” I turn to her with narrowed eyes, “Nothing here is mine, “I hiss. I look down the hall to see Tyler’s lips plastered all over the blonde. The pain in my chest only gets worse. “Of course, it had to be a blonde,” I mutter, pulling my arm from Sheila and staring hard at the twins. “Skylar! Tyler!” Victor shouts as he stomps down the hall. “What the hell are you doing?” “Kissing our mate, Dad,” Skylar responds while keeping his eyes on me. Savannah looks toward me with a sympathetic look. Something about the look tells me that she isn’t the enemy. Alpha Victor glares at his son for a moment before turning his attention to me, “Amber,” He shouts. “Victor needs you to follow him to the office,” Sheila tells me. I glare at her, “Fine.” I stomp past her. Skylar looks at me with a smug expression while Tyler’s face reads shame. “I’m sorry,” Savannah whispers. I don’t say anything as I follow Victor to his office. I walk into the office. It seems to be a typical Alpha office with a large oak desk and leather couches surrounding a flat-screen TV. There are two leather chairs sitting in front of the desk. Victor points at the chairs. I don’t immediately sit as he walks around the desk, “I want to go home,” I demand. “Sit,” Victor says and points to the chairs. “No,” I shake my head. “I don’t care if it starts a war, but I want to f*****g go home right after I reject your piece of s**t, sons.” Victor lets out a long sigh and saunters back around the large desk. His dark blue eyes appear almost black as he stares me down. He closes the office door with a light push. “There is something in this pack that I despise more than anything. You know what that is?” He stares at me as he adjusts his very nice suit. I shrug. “Disrespect. I will respect you as long as you show me the same courtesy, now sit. Let’s talk,” he says in a calm but threatening tone. I glare at him as I take a seat. Victor walks back around the desk and sits down. He stares at me for a moment. “I want to go home,” I growl. “I heard you the first time,” He breathes out as he tents his fingers on the desk. “But this is your home now.” “Like f**k it is,” I fold my arms. “What did I say about the disrespect?” He hisses. “I have no reason to respect you. You threatened my uncle and dragged me here to placate those idiots,” I grumble. “I did no such thing,” He counters. “You didn’t threaten my uncle?” “No,” Victor shakes his head. “I merely told him the alliance was off the table if you did not return with us.” “So, you did threaten him,” I snort. “Not with war,” He chuckles dryly. “Skylar said you would start a war if I didn’t come here. That your pack would annihilate Shadow Winds,” I state. “This pack may be larger and richer than Shadow Winds. But we are no match when it comes to fighting and war,” Victor says, looking me in the eyes. “Then why the f**k am I here?” I growl as Victor slowly closes his eyes. He pinches the bridge of his nose and seems to be taking deep breaths. He drops his hands and looks me dead on again, “You are my sons’ fated mate. You belong here.” “I don’t want them, and they have made it abundantly clear that they don’t want me. So, save us all the pain and trouble, and let me reject them. I have plans for my life, and it doesn’t include those assholes,” I continue while the alpha gets angrier. “I can’t let you leave,” He says calmly. “Why?” I scream and slam my hands on the desk. “Sit down, Amber,” He points to the chair. “NO!” I scream and storm towards the door. “Walk out of that door, and I will put you in the Cells,” Victor’s voice booms. I take a deep breath and turn to him with my arms folded. That anger fades from Victor’s face, “You are a pistol. I’ll give you that,” He chuckles and gestures to the chair. “Sit.” I stare at the chair but don’t move. “Amber, sit,” He growls in a deep tone. I know he is using his alpha tone. “You know my uncle’s alpha tone barely works on me. Do you think yours will?” I snort. “I know it doesn’t but sit, anyways,” Victor growls. With a loud sigh, I stomp over to the chair and sit down. I keep my arms folded as I glare at him. Victor leans back in his large leather chair. “I want to go home,” I say again. “This is your home, Amber.” “This will never be my home,” I growl. “This will only ever be a prison.” Victor frowns, “We need you. My sons need you.” I roll my eyes at him. “Really?” “Look, I am sorry about what happened out there,” He gestures. “I have repeatedly told them that a chosen mate will weaken them. But they are twenty-one, so I really can’t tell them who to kiss.” “I thought you were the Alpha,” I mock him. “Yes, well, eventually, I would like to retire,” He laughs. “But,” He huffs. “I can’t have weak alphas leading this pack, Amber.” “They don’t seem that weak,” I mumble. “No, they are very strong,” He nods. “And with you at their side with your bloodline-“He trails off. “My god,” He laughs. “Look, I like Savannah. I have known her for her whole life. She is my beta’s daughter.” I snort as he speaks. “She is beautiful and smart,” He continues, and I snort again. “But-“ He leans forward, “She is not Luna material. She could not fight a fly if she had to. But you- “He points at me. “I knew you were Luna material the first time I saw you, Amber Payne.” “But I’m not a Luna,” I snark. “You will be. Or so I hope,” He sighs and turns his chair, so he is facing away from me. He stares at a large portrait hanging from the wall. It appears to be a younger version of Victor with two other men. “My father,” He points to the older male in the portrait. “My father took this from a small pack and made it into one of the largest. Then my younger brother, Carlton,” He points. “He built up our companies into some of the richest in the world,” He turns to face me again. “Carlton is a good businessman. But a family man?” He scoffs. “Anyways, his fated mate left him for another man leaving their son behind.” “So?” I shrug. “Anyways, my boys spent time with their uncle, my brother,” He continues. “I love my brother, but I am afraid he soured their view on mates, especially Skylar. He told them about what Jessica had done to him. So, Skylar became very adamant about choosing their Luna.” “Uh-huh?” “Anyways, I don’t know if you know this, but a chosen mate will never provide the strength that a fated mate will. Fated mates complete you,” He grins. “My dear Sheila is everything to me. She gave me three wonderful children, and she can kick ass.” “She did a lousy job of raising your sons,” I blurt out, causing Victor to growl. “I would appreciate it if you didn’t talk about Sheila like that. She did a great job of raising our pups. But parents can only do so much,” He snarls. I roll my eyes at him. He huffs and closes his eyes again. “If my sons mark Savannah and not you, then we will be doomed. Their pups will be inferior, and I don’t want inferior pups leading my pack. I may be dead but will be rolling in my grave knowing my pack may fall.” “Hmm,” I shrug. “I need you to convince my sons that you are the one they should mark.” “What if I don’t want them to mark me?” “Amber,” He sighs. “Your uncle and father told me you do not want a fated mate.” “They were right. I watched my sister give up medical school to lay on her back and pop out pup after pup for her mate. I am not giving up my dreams and ambitions for some man, let alone two.” “What dreams are those?” Victor asks. “I want to be on my uncle’s Elite Squad,” I state. “I know with more training, I would make it next year,” I frown. “Or would have, but now I am stuck in hell.” “You don’t have to give up being a warrior, Amber. We are very pro female warriors in this pack,” He chuckles. “Sheila is a fierce warrior. I know she may not fight a lot now, but- “He trails off. “I need someone to train my warriors. And from what Henry and Flynt told me, you could be that someone.” I fold my arms and sigh. “Look, the three of you must realize that your fated mate is the right path in our world. You will never be complete until you accept them, and they accept you. It is your duty to mate and ensure the continuation of your bloodlines,” He explains. “I don’t want any pups,” I sneer. “I like my niece and nephews, but I don’t want any of my own. I like playing with them and giving them back at the end of the day.” “Amber,” Victor rubs his face with his big hands. I stand up, “Are we done? I have had a hard day. I left everyone that I love to come here to be shown I am nothing to my so-called mates.” “Amber,” Victor stands up and walks around the desk. “I need you three to grow up. This pack and your pack will fall if you three reject each other. There is a reason the goddess mated you three.” “Yeah, because she hates me,” I snort. “Clearly, I pissed her off in my previous life.” “She doesn’t hate you,” He shakes his head. “Look, I need you to try and convince my sons to accept you. You are their true Luna.” “I don’t want them,” I say as Lilith whimpers in my head. “You say that, but the look in your eyes when you saw them kissing Savannah would say otherwise,” He responds. I look away from him. “It won’t be easy. You three are as stubborn as it comes. But I think you can do it. You are a warrior, aren’t you?” I glare at him, “Yes.” “Show my sons the strong warrior that you are,” He smiles and grabs my shoulders. “I intend to retire at the end of this year. I want Skylar and Tyler to follow in my footsteps. But I won’t allow them to become the alphas if they mark Savannah and name her their Luna. My nephew Dwight, my brother’s eldest son, will become the alpha of Nightstar. His mate isn’t of alpha blood, but she is his fated mate,” His eyes get sad as he speaks. “If Skylar and Tyler don’t make you their Luna by the time I retire, then you may reject them and return to Shadow Winds.” I stare at him for a good minute going over my options. “And you won’t attack Shadow Winds?” “No,” He snorts. I take a deep breath, “It’s a deal,” I hold out my hand, and Victor shakes it. “You are dismissed,” He states. “This pack is your home. You are free to go where you like,” He smiles. “In the morning, go to the training grounds, and my head trainer, Cole Walker, will help you get started.” “Okay,” I say and leave the office without another word. Eyes look upon me as I move down the hallway. Savannah is talking to another female. We stare at each other momentarily before I run up the stairs to the alpha floor. I walk into my room and stare at the enormous bed with utter disgust. Shaking my head, I drag my suitcases to the couch and dig out my pillow. I toss my clothes in a pile on the ottoman. I have no intention of sleeping in the bed, so I make a bed on the couch. I lie down with my phone in my hands. I text Kaylee and Dewey for a bit. An omega tries to get me to go downstairs for dinner, but I decline. I find snacks in the kitchenette and eat chips and fruit while watching TV before settling down to sleep. A knock on the door wakes me up. The scent wafting underneath tells me it’s Tyler as I stumble toward it. I pause and hesitate to answer it. “Amber,” Tyler calls out. ‘Answer it,’ Lilith speaks up. I open the door and glare at my mate while wearing only shorts and a sports bra, “What?” He pushes himself into the room and stares at the bed then his eyes travel around the room. “Were you sleeping on the couch?” “Yeah, so?” I shrug. “But the bed,” He points. “What do you want, Tyler?” I hiss. “I was trying to sleep.” “But- “He sighs and looks at me. His eyes reflect blue as he reaches out to touch me. I back away from him, and he whimpers. “I wanted to apologize for earlier.” “Oh, you mean the part where you and Skylar made out with the slut,” I smirk. “It’s alright. I regard you two with the same contempt that you regard me.” “Savannah is not a slut,” He grumbles. “Look, I don’t feel the same way about Savannah that Skylar does.” “Hmm, your lips told me different, Tyler,” I turn away from him. He touches my shoulder, and I move away from him, “It was Skylar’s idea.” “Do you do everything that Skylar tells you to do, Tyler?” I snort. “No, well, sometimes,” He stutters. I turn to him, “What kind of alpha are you, Tyler?” “I don’t do everything that Skylar tells me to do,” He grumbles. “But most everything?” I tilt my head and c**k my hips. Tyler’s eyes darken as they travel up and down my body, “Can I sleep in here with you? Castor is crying for his mate.” “That’s too bad, but no,” I try to push him out of the room. “I’m sorry about kissing Savannah,” He whines. “I didn’t want to do it.” “But you did it anyways because Skylar told you to,” I shake my head. “So, let me get this straight. The mates I was fated to are a complete asshole and a sniveling coward. The goddess really f*****g hates me.” Tyler’s face falls, and I swear tears well up in his eyes. For a moment, I felt bad for what I said. “Go back to your real Luna, Tyler,” I shove him towards the door. “We will never be mates.” “Amber,” He whines. “GET OUT!” I bellow. Tyler huffs and walks towards the door. He takes one last look at me, “You really should sleep on the bed.” “f**k you,” I snort and open the door. I wait for Tyler to slink out before slamming it in his face and locking it. I am keenly aware of him remaining on the other side as I walk over to the couch and lie back down. I stare into the darkness for a moment before finally going to sleep, wishing I was anywhere but here.
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