Early Morning Training

1964 Words
Tyler The door slams in my face, and I stand there for a moment. Amber's scent wafts around me, and I am tempted to open the door to make her listen to me. Instead, I slide to the floor and sit with my knees against my chest. "My mate hates me," I mutter. 'It’s your own damn fault,” Castor hisses. “I know,” I mention out loud. I hadn’t wanted to kiss Savannah earlier, but Skylar was insistent. I felt pain in my chest as I kissed her while Amber walked by us. I saw the pain in her eyes, and I wanted to apologize. I take a deep breath. ‘How do I fix this?’ ‘I don’t know if you can,’ Castor responds. My wolf has been quiet and withdrawn all day. He howled angrily as Skylar, and I kissed Savannah. I imagine Pollux was just as angry at Skylar, but my brother isn’t a fan of his wolf. ‘Disregarding your true mate will not end well,’ Castor huffs. ‘She was fated to you and Skylar for a reason.’ I lean my head against the door and close my eyes. I can hear Amber talking to someone inside. Before long, I fall asleep to her voice. I dream about chasing her large black wolf through the woods back at Shadow Winds. “What are you doing?” Skylar’s voice interrupts m dream, and I open my eyes to him standing over me. He is half-dressed and looking pissed. “Tyler,” He kicks my foot. “What does it look like?” I say and slowly stand up. “I just wanted to talk to her.” “Why?” Skylar scoffs. “She’s just some b***h,” He grumbles, and his eyes flick to yellow. “Stupid wolf,” He groans and walks away. I lean against the door and hear Amber softly snoring inside. I open the door and step inside. I look at the bed, and it is empty. I find Amber curled up on the couch with an old teddy bear in her arms. She is wearing a pair of shorts and a sports bra. For a few minutes, I watch her sleep. She looks so beautiful and serene. I lean down to move a strand of hair from her face. Her hand grabs mine, and I see her brown eyes glaring at me. In a split second, I am pulled over the couch and land on my back with Amber kneeling on my neck. “What the f**k are you doing?” She yells and punches me. “Whoa,” I hear Skylar laugh from the doorway. Amber stands up, “Get out,” She hisses. I slowly get to my feet, “I’m sorry,” I mumble. “You know, if you two are going to have s*x, I would like to join,” Skylar laughs. “That will never happen in a million years,” Amber folds her arms, showing off her muscles. “Go find your bimbo.” Skylar growls and points his finger at her. “Don’t talk about your Luna like that.” Amber snorts and turns away from us, “she ain’t my Luna.” “b***h!” Skylar growls and storms out of the room. I linger for a moment, “Amber.” “Well, aren’t you going to follow your master?” She asks in a condescending tone. I shake my head and walk towards the door, “Goodnight, Amber,” I say and leave the room. I saunter towards my room. Skylar is standing by his door with her arms folded. “Who does she think she is?” He growls. “Our real Luna,” I mutter. Skylar grabs my throat and slams me against the wall, “Savannah is our real Luna, Tyler. The sooner you get that through your head, the better. That snotty b***h will never be our mate,” He snarls. “Skylar, Tyler,” Dad says sleepily. “What the hell are you two doing?” “Nothing, Dad,” I push Skylar away. “Well, go to bed. I need you both up early tomorrow,” He yawns. “Victor,” Mom calls from inside their room. “I’m cold.” Dad smirks, “I have to go warm up your mother.” “Gross,” Skylar cringes as Dad closes the door. I look at my twin, “I don’t want Savannah, Sky.” “Oh, you want that,” He angrily gestures at Amber’s door. “Yes,” I respond. “You want to end up like Uncle Carlton? He did everything for his fated mate, only for the b***h to leave him. He nearly killed himself over it,” Skylar walks a circle around me. “Do you really want to end up like that? We aren’t going to let some mystical moon b***h tell us who we are going to f**k for the rest of our lives.” I look at Amber’s door, “I guess.” “Savannah is beautiful and smart. That’s all we need,” He snorts. “I’m going to bed,” He scoffs. “See you in the morning.” I watch him disappear into his room before returning to Amber’s room. Castor is whining in my head for his mate. I am tempted to go inside, take Amber into my arms, and place her on the bed. Instead, I slide down to the floor and lean against the door. I close my eyes and fall asleep. The next morning I am woken up by my brother’s snoring. I open my eyes to see Skylar sleeping beside me against the door. He jolts awake and glares at me. “What are you staring at?” He growls. I shrug. “My stupid wolf wouldn’t shut up until I came out here,” He grumbles and gets up. I say nothing as he stumbles away. I follow suit and go to my room. Dad had wanted Skylar and me to train early as we had a lot of work to do in the office. I throw on my workout clothes and leave the room. Mom is knocking on Amber’s door as I exit my room. “Amber?” I hear her call as she steps in. I rush forward to catch what she is saying. “Why are you sleeping on the couch?” “Reasons,” Amber hisses as Mom closes the door in my face. I press my ear to the door. “What are you doing?” Corie startles me. “Shh,” I hush my sister. “Being a creep,” She laughs. “I’m not being a creep,” I mumble as the door opens, and I nearly fall into the room. “Tyler,” Mom pushes me back. I get a glimpse of Amber sitting on the couch. She glares at me but says nothing. Mom closes the door. “I invited her to breakfast, but she is going to train early,” Mom tells me and pats my cheek. I can’t help but smile, “Thanks, Mom.” “You better get downstairs before your father gets angry,” She pats my arm. I kiss her forehead, “Bye, Mom,” I wave and rush down the stairs. On the way out, I stop in the kitchen to grab a bite to eat. One of the kitchen omegas steps towards me. She is an older lady that has been working in the kitchen since before I was born. “Good morning, Alpha Tyler,” She hobbles towards me. “Good morning, Tia,” I grin at her. “Do you have any granola bars?” I ask. She lets out a raspy smoker's laugh, “I always have granola bars for you,” She picks up a large tray full of homemade granola bars. I pick up two and kiss her cheek, “Thank you, Tia.” She pats my cheek, “You be a good boy, Tyler,” She winks and sets the tray down. I grab one more bar and a bottle of juice, “Bye,” I wave and run out of the kitchen. I devour my bars on the way to the training facility. It's not as big as the one at Shadow Winds, but it's sufficient for our pack. Skylar is already on the field doing laps when I arrive. “You’re late,” Cole Walker, the head warrior and trainer, walks over to me. He is a burly man that walks with a limp from an old injury. He can still kick ass despite the limp. “I had to get some granola bars,” I say as I pop that last one into my mouth. “Alpha Victor wanted you two out here early,” Cole mentions. “Get your warm-ups started.” Skylar finishes his laps as I start my push-ups. Cole has my twin spar with his son Cal. Cal is almost as tall as Skylar and me. He is only a warrior but has come close to beating both of us many times. I glance over to see Cal knock Skylar to the ground. “Focus, Skylar,” Cole shouts from the sideline. “This is not your best!” I hurry up to finish my warm-up to join my brother. Skylar is picking himself off the ground again when I walk over. Cal is standing over him with a satisfied smile. “I see you beat Skylar again, Cal.” Cal shrugs. “Okay, Tyler, spar with your brother,” Cole orders me. “Try not to kill each other. Victor would be all over my ass.” Before I can turn, I am shoved to the ground with a harsh kick from Skylar. With a growl, I lunge at him, exchanging several blows. Skylar gets me in the jaw a few times, and I get him in the chest. We grunt and growl as bruises form and blood pools at our feet. The scent of wild raspberries wraps around me, and I am distracted when I spot Amber talking to Cole and Cal. She is dressed in tight black spandex and a grey sports bra. Her long brown hair is pulled into a tight ponytail. I am shoved to the ground again. “Focus, Tyler,” Skylar scoffs. I nod and try my best to concentrate. I sense Skylar is having the same problem as he keeps stopping to look at Amber warming up. Castor is trying to break free from my head as we watch our mate. A growl rumbles out of me when I see Amber smiling and laughing with Cal. She should be looking at me like that, not Cal. She walks out to another part of the field with Cal, and they put up their fighting stances. Skylar is ahead of me. “She’s sparring with us,” My twin growls at Cal. “But-“ Cal tries to argue, and Skylar punches him in the gut. “We are the alphas here,” Skylar snarls, and Cal backs away. Amber folds her arms and glares at Skylar. “You are sparring with us,” Skylar hisses. Our mate rolls her brown eyes, “Whatever,” Amber shrugs. Skylar pulls his shirt off, and I swear Amber’s eyes turn colors. I watch her take a moment before she puts up her fighting stance. She is as affected by us as we are by her. I can’t help but smile as I pull off my shirt. Amber’s eye bug as she is faced with both of us shirtless. She takes a deep breath and lunges at Skylar.
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