
2520 Words

Skylar Amber lunges at me, and I am surprised by her speed and strength when she barrels right into me. I am thrown off my feet, and she punches me hard. I try to push her off, but she hits me again. Tyler pulls her off of me, and she kicks me. I spring to my feet and launch a tirade at her. She stumbles back when my fist connects with her jaw. That doesn’t seem to deter her as she lunges for me again. Tyler stands on the sideline, watching me exchange blows with our mate. Pollux is in my head, trying to get me to stop. He doesn’t want me to hurt her. She punches me hard on the side of my head, and I see stars. I stumble back as Tyler takes up the fight. I have a hard time not watching her form. ‘She is so fierce,’ Pollux remarks. I still don't like my wolf, but he isn’t wrong. Amber

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