Chapter 5 ~ Attention

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~ A M E L I A ~ I was still in a small state of shock that the school allowed me to attend this late in the academic year; I suppose having exceeding grades in most of my classes helped. Plus, I mentioned to them that I was at a human school, but am a pure blood werewolf, so perhaps they felt inclined to have me be in a school with my own kind. Truthfully, I should be thankful they didn’t ask too many questions. After a failed introduction with the head teacher, who was frantically organising paperwork he had mistakenly dropped and mixed with another set of paperwork, I took a folder full of documents I required from the receptionist and scurried away to find my locker. Once found, I opened my locker and shoved my bag inside and pulled out a sheet of paper from the folder with my class schedule on it to see what I had first. Health - 9am to 10am. A compulsory subject, so I was told, which felt quite odd given I’m in Year 13, my final year of school. Surely we'd learnt all we needed to about health and s*x education by now. Pulling out my notebook and a pen, I then made my way down the hallway, and suddenly I felt eyes on me. Not just from one person either, but from multiple. Don’t look up. My mind echoed. Keep walking. Eyes locked onto my schedule, I kept moving forward. Was it truly that fascinating to have someone new move to the village? Was it really that rare? ‘Ah! You’re the transfer student, yes?’ A woman approached me in a beautifully tailored beige suit. She looked so youthful but must've been a teacher here. ‘Hi,’ I smiled, ‘Yes, I’m Amelia.’ The teacher nodded and spoke with a firm voice, ‘Yes, yes, I know. We don’t ever get new students here, so you stood out immediately to me. I am Miss Gallager. We were informed to expect your arrival today. How are you settling?’ My head scanned the surrounding walls, ‘It’s a little overwhelming, but I’ll adjust. I’m a fast learner.’ ‘That’s good to hear. I hope you’re a good student and not a troublemaker,’ Miss Gallager gave me a stern glare. My face relaxed into a mild jaw drop, ‘Oh no, no! I’m no trouble, I can promise you that. I just want to finish my studies and learn the ways of the wolf.’ ‘That’s good to hear,’ she checked her watch, ‘I best be off, good luck!’ Thanking her as she walked off, I glanced towards where I felt those eyes were on me and saw a group of people chatting away with each other. None of them were watching me now. My gaze gravitated towards the tallest with short dark hair. He had his back facing towards me, but the colour of his hair reminded me so much of the guy I had met earlier, Everett. Brushing it off, I continued walking down the hall to find the room for my upcoming class. ~ ~ ~ Stepping inside the classroom, there were a few students already seated. I walked over to the teacher and handed them a note about my transfer, then they directed me to a seat for me based on their already organised seating plan. Taking my seat, placing my notebook and pen in front of me, I rested my chin on my fist whilst staring at the clock. Class should begin soon, and whoever was sitting next to me hadn't arrived yet. I grabbed hold of my amulet with my free hand and rubbed my thumb over the stone, hoping that would trigger some luck for myself. However, I knew it wasn't an amulet of luck, it was an amulet of protection. As my birth father mentioned in a mini-letter hidden in the box containing the amulet. Taking a moment, I recollected a passage from the letter… ———————————————————— Little Wolf, That’s what we used to call you, so we didn’t accidentally expose your name before the naming ceremony - little wolf. There’s an adventurer inside of you. It’s inside all of us werewolves. It’s what makes us so well-connected to nature. That’s why we are so curious, and that’s why I know that you’ll go looking for answers despite any wishes against it. With all the information I’ve supplied, albeit it’s not a lot, I know it’s just enough for you to find your way to the village and our pack. I know you’ll make your way there as soon as possible to get answers. So, with that, I’ve asked for help from a good friend of mine. Someone who helped save you as a baby. A witch. This necklace was created to aid your journey of becoming a wolf - it’ll help balance your strength and emotions to help you not lose control, only to an extent. Don’t rely on this to do all the work for you. You need to learn to control it yourself. There’s also an enchantment cast on the necklace to protect you from psychic magic; restricting enemies from accessing your mind, so your secrets, thoughts and control of your mind are safe from potential enemy witches. Unfortunately, it cannot protect you from everything. Physical attacks will still harm you, so be cautious. We wolves have a handful of weaknesses, some are stronger than others. This necklace is for you and you alone. Part of the enchantment means that no one can take this off you. If anyone attempts to do so, the amulet will retaliate. As long as you are wearing it, your mind will be protected. This is the only way I know I can protect you, because I still don’t know who can be trusted within the pack. So my word of advice: don’t trust anyone. Most of all, promise me you’ll NEVER take off the amulet. ———————————————————— I promise. I promised to find out the truth about what happened to him, and my birth mother; the truth about what happened to harm our family and break us apart. I’d heal the wounds of my heart I never knew were even there. Allowing my determination to subside, I couldn't help but think about the nickname he gave me in that letter. Little wolf… Such a simple nickname prickled my heart, making me feel warmth and comfort, almost like I’d felt that exact feeling before. My brain created a false voice for my birth father to echo the name in my ears over and over. My mind was so fixated on recollecting E’s letter that I didn’t even realise that my classmate had arrived beside me. ‘Hi there!’ A chirpy voice exclaimed, ‘are you new here?’ My attention went to the chirpy-voiced girl. I smiled, ‘Yeah I am. I’m Amelia,’ I held out my hand. ‘Samantha Wilk,’ she shook my hand, grinning, ‘but please, call me Sammy.’ She took a seat next to me and pulled out her notebook and a pencil case, ‘So what are you?’ I tilted my head and choked out a laugh, ‘Pardon?’ She laughed, ‘Sorry, I meant like are you a werewolf or a witch, or something else?’ ‘Oh, I’m a werewolf.’ ‘Eeee!’ She squealed, ‘We never get new people in the village, specifically werewolves. Maybe occasionally a witch, but, honestly, even that’s rare. How crazy is that?’ My smile became awkward, ‘Yeah, crazy is an understatement.’ Sammy gave me a confused frown, ‘What?’ ‘Nothing,’ I said, shaking my head, smiling. My nervousness continued as I tapped my pen against the table, over and over. ‘Are you OK?’ I nodded, taking a deep breath, ‘Just nervous, is all. I’m the new kid in a school for supernatural beings. It’s a lot to take in.’ Sammy placed a hand on my shoulder, ‘Don’t worry, everyone in the pack is really friendly, plus you’re gorgeous, so all the guys will love you! Well, all the ones who aren’t mated yet. Are you mated? Have you even turned into a wolf yet? How old are you?’ ‘Woah! Relax,’ I laughed, ‘Is it really that exciting having someone new here?’ ‘Sorry, I’m going overboard with questions. Like I said, we never get any new people moving here. We’re a closed community in a way, so everyone knows everyone,’ she waved her hands in front of her, ‘oh but don’t worry, everyone will be super welcoming.’ Welcoming… that Everett guy didn’t seem so welcoming. He was so invasive and rude for no reason. ‘Alright class, settle down, let’s get started,’ the teacher gathered the room’s attention. Sammy smiled once more at me and swiveled herself forward to face the front of the classroom. A warming sensation bloomed in my stomach. I smiled and faced the front too, prepared for whatever we were about to learn in this Health lesson.
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