Chapter 6 ~ School's in Session

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~ A M E L I A ~  Never again. I didn't want to endure what I witnessed ever again in that class. That's how intense transforming into a werewolf was? And I thought the video of a woman giving birth that my old school made us watch was bad. Gripping my notebook against my chest, making my way down the hallway to my next class. I was speechless. How was I going to handle that when the time came? ‘That was traumatising.’ The voice jolted me, I looked to my side, ‘Oh, Sammy,’ I forced a chuckle, ‘Yeah, not what I was expecting on my first day.’ Sammy laughed nervously, scratching her neck, ‘I’m not looking forward to experiencing that.’ ‘You haven’t turned into a wolf yet?’ I stopped and looked at her. Shaking her head, ‘We call it “shifting”, but no, I turned 18 a couple of weeks ago, just after the full moon, so I’ll shift for the first time at the next full moon.' My chest became weighted with uncertainty, ‘Wait, what?’ My face fell serious, ‘I thought we could turn as and when we wanted?’ Sammy nodded, ‘We could, back in the day,’ she started walking again, and I eagerly followed, ‘apparently after some tragic event forever ago, the pack became cursed, or something, and now we can only turn on the full moon.’ There was nothing about that in my letters from E… Could it have taken place after he wrote the letters? Maybe it took place after his death. He could’ve chosen not to include that information on purpose, or maybe didn’t even get a chance to get to that topic… Frustration devoured my mind. It didn't help that I didn't know exactly when my birth father died. I was meant to get answers by being here, but so far I only have more questions. Breathe, Amelia. It was early days. I couldn't go into this with a hazed mind. Staying focused on my goal was the priority. Take things slow, and don’t get distracted. One thing was certain though, if I truly was born into this pack, the curse would also have an effect on me too… right? ‘Wait, how do you not know this? Were you not part of a different pack before? I thought most packs were aware of our situation.’ My stomach flipped. s**t. Do I tell her I was adopted by humans? Would that flag concerns? The words of my birth father echoed in the back of my mind. Don’t trust anyone. But to what extent, E? ‘Oh my gosh, Sammy! Did you do the homework for science class? I totally forgot,’ a girl asked, stopping Sammy in her tracks. Phew. Safe for now. I decided to continue making my way down the hallway to find my next class. The school is surprisingly bigger than I expected. ‘Wait, Amelia!’ Turning back to Sammy, ‘Yeah?’ My palms were sweating, hoping she'd drop the subject. She quickly finished her conversation with the other girl and rushed over to me, ‘Tonight a few of us are heading to the woods for a party. You should come! It’ll give you a chance to meet some people.’ ‘Oh,’ I said hesitantly, ‘That’s sweet of you, really, but I need to unpack my things properly and-’ ‘Come on!’ Sammy pulled out her phone, ‘I say party, but it’ll be totally chilled, I promise. I won’t take no for an answer! Here, put your number in,’ she handed me her phone eagerly. ‘Alright, alright,’ I laughed, taking her phone and putting in my number. ‘I’ll pick you up at your place if you like,’ she said, placing her phone back in her pocket. I breathed sharply, ‘Oh, no, don’t worry about that! I wouldn’t want you to go out of your way! Just tell me where to meet you and I’ll come. I need to learn my way around the village anyway.’ Sammy grinned, ’Sure! I’ll text you where to meet.’ ~ ~ ~ The classes had been going pretty well so far. The majority of them were pretty standard to what you’d get at a human school, with some mystical additions thrown in here and there. For the most part, it was fairly easy to adjust to. Rushing into my next class, Science, I entered with all eyes on me. Fantastic. ‘You must be the new student,’ the teacher scolded me, ‘Amelia Higgins, correct? You’re late.’ Smiling awkwardly, ‘Yeah, sorry I got lost-’ ‘I don’t care for excuses, just sit! There’s one seat free next to Mr Shaw over there,’ he gestured to the seat located at the back of the room. I paced over there, trying not to annoy him further, hearing murmurs of the students staring at me. Who is she? A new werewolf? She’s beautiful. No one new comes to the village. Her mate must be so lucky to have her. My… mate? Seated, I released a sigh, placing my notebook down. A small muttering huff came from the guy next to me. I turned my head to introduce myself, but then realisation hit and rendered me speechless. Didn’t the teacher say Mr Shaw? As in… This guy looked kind of like Everett. They had the same hair colour, except his hair was slightly shorter and straighter. Their facial features are somewhat similar, it’s the grey eyes that really stood out; however, this guys’ eyes were a few shades darker. His eyes glanced towards me and I swooped my head to face the front in a panic. If he was related to Everett, he might be just as unpleasant. It was best to keep my distance. ‘Right, class,’ the teacher spoke up, ‘As many of you know, some of you have or will at some point this year turn 18 and ascend into your wolf power. Though I’m sure many of you already know the strengths and weaknesses of being a werewolf, the pack's council insists on the school educating you on the matter for your own protection. So, can anyone tell me the three things that can substantially weaken a werewolf, and the one thing that can seriously harm a werewolf?’ A girl seated at the front shot her hand up, 'The three that can weaken a werewolf to a fairly high extent, if used right, are: high electrical shocks, a strong tranquilliser and high frequency sounds. Though with resistance training it can sometimes be overpowered and tolerated.’ ‘Very good! Now, who can tell me the one serious danger to us werewolves?’ He scanned the room, ‘Amelia!’ I breathed sharply, ‘Uh…’ Crap, why was I being called out already? Did this teacher already hate me, just because I got lost and was a little late? ‘Wolfsbane,’ the guy next to me whispered into his fists, intertwined as he rested on them. Keeping my gaze forward at the teacher, clearing my throat, I answered, ‘Wolfsbane.’ The teacher smirked, ‘Very good… Gabriel,’ he looked over from me to the guy next to me. Gabriel gave him a smug look back and saluted him with two fingers. He had to be related to Everett. They were so similar in their mannerisms. ‘Anyway,’ The teacher continued with his lecture, ‘yes, Wolfsbane is the most toxic substance for werewolves. Small doses can be used to weaken us, similar to a tranquilliser; but with our rapid healing speed, we can endure a small dose, or a light brush against the natural plant, once in a while. However, with enough doses over an extended time span or a high concentration all at once, it can be lethal…’ ‘Thank you,’ I whispered to him next to me, looking down, as I wrote notes. ~ ~ ~ Walking out of Science class, I was so full of relief that the day was finally over. Some of these teachers were so frightening. Arriving back at my locker, I retrieved my bag and stuffed my notebook inside. I couldn't wait to go home and relax for a short while before heading to the party. However, I was weary with concern about whether I should go or not. I should really focus on my intentions. I’m not here to make friends. A couple of taps hit my shoulder, ‘Amelia, right?’ Turning to the voice, I was faced with the guy from science. My chest fluttered with panic, but I kept my composure, ‘Hi,’ I smile, ‘Yeah, and you’re Gabriel, right?’ He nodded, ‘You forgot the syllabus,’ he held out the book in front of me. Quickly taking it, ‘Thank you!’ I stuffed it into my bag, ‘Oh, and thank you for helping me in there, I’m still trying to get used to everything here.’ Gabriel smiled lightly, ‘Don’t worry about it, Mr Hatchett can get a little full of himself sometimes. You’ll learn how to win the teachers over in time, or not, since we’re over halfway through the year already.’ I scoffed, ‘Thanks.’ ‘Gabriel!’ A girl called to him down the hall, waving frantically with a huge smile across her face. His face brightened, and his smile grew, he cleared his throat, ‘See you around.’ Saying goodbye, I watched him walk over to the girl. He kissed and hugged her. ‘Err! Kiss your mate in private, Gabriel!’ one random guy exclaimed. I assumed his friend. Again with this “mate” talk, just like one of my classmates whispered. I did recall reading something brief about mates in one of E’s letters, but I pretty much skipped over it as I wanted more details about him and my birth mother - details that were essentially nonexistent. I needed to understand this "mate" business a lot better, so I would have to give that letter a proper read again at some point. My attention went back to Gabriel, who was now talking to Everett. I didn’t even notice his arrival. Seeing them side-by-side, they definitely look related. Gabriel looked frustrated with whatever Everett was saying to him. In fact, neither of them looked very pleased with their conversation. Everett looked up in my direction and my heart palpitated. I smoothly turned towards my locker and finished taking my things out. Swiftly shutting my locker and walking the other way down the hall, so I didn't risk locking eyes with him again. It was a longer route to get out and head home, but I didn’t need eyes on me. Especially those that felt so intense... Plus, the lesser the attention, the better.
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