Chapter 4 ~ New World

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~ ONE MONTH LATER ~ ~ A M E L I A ~ By some crazy miracle, I did it. I found the village. It proved to be more difficult to find than I had hoped. Nonetheless, I was here! Langdale - the name given to this village to be able to hide in plain sight, concealing their true identity from the outside world full of humans. A genius move made by whomever was in charge way back when the village, and more specifically the pack, was still growing. With the help of my birth father and all the information he supplied to me, though it wasn’t much, it was just enough to help find my way here. Now I was here, in Langdale, which was really home to the Silver Moon pack; the pack I was apparently born in before being whisked away to be raised by humans, totally unaware of what secrets were hiding away in my own blood. A month had passed since receiving the letters from my birth father, who I refer to as “E” at times, since that was all I did know about him so far. It took time to get things in order for me to transfer schools, as well as find a place to live during my time here. Saying goodbye to my home, my family and my friends was arduous; but it had to be done. I needed to know the truth. I needed to know where I came from. I needed to know who I was entirely, and my wolf-side was a mystery. Queasiness brewed to the brim of my stomach as I caught sight of my new school in the distance. I took in a long, brave breath, puffing out my chest and holding my head up high as I made my way towards the entrance. Buzz, buzz. Pulling my phone out of my jacket pocket and glancing down at it as I continued walking, I saw a text from my best friend from back home. She was still sad and confused as to why I left so abruptly. I, of course, told her I was leaving but skipped the part about me being a werewolf; I thought it might freak her out a little. I mean, the news freaked me out. Hopefully, one day, I can tell her the truth, once I’ve learnt it all myself and get out of here, when I get back to my real life and my real home. I tapped away at my phone to reply. I’m sorry, I’ll tell you more when I can. Love you and miss you already. xoxo As I finalised the text and sent it, I collided into something. Correction, someone. ‘Sorry!’ I blurted out quickly, almost dropping my phone. ‘I wasn’t looking where I was-' pausing suddenly as my eyes locked onto his as he turned to face me, ‘…going,’ I completed my apology. The towering male looked down on me. Literally. I’m quite tall, but he was maybe another foot taller than me. His hair was dark like bitter coffee, slightly waved and long, but not too long, just enough to drape over his eyes, which were narrow and a piercing pale shade of grey. I gasped softly at the uniqueness of his allure. Those eyes. So beautiful and unlike any eye colour you would see from a human. Yet, somehow, they seemed so familiar. He crossed his arms, which showed his broad, muscular build more, even through his jacket. It was almost intimidating. He looked at my phone in my hands and back at me, raising his brow, ‘Texting and walking? Tsk,’ he shook his head, ‘you should really watch where you’re going,’ his voice was so deep and ethereal, it was practically entrapping. Run away. My mind echoed to me, making my stomach flip. My heart began thudding in my chest so hard it almost hurt. I sighed an awkward laugh, ‘Yeah, sorry again,’ shoving my phone in my pocket and began walking away. In the blink of an eye, he was in front of me again, ‘Wait,’ he said, stepping forward. I gasped at his speed as the wind caught up with him. It was definitely going to take some time to get used to being surrounded by so many werewolves, especially ones who had known about their abilities for far longer than myself. They’ve had years to prepare before honing their power. I had so much to learn. ‘Have we met before?’ His calm voice had a hint of a tone that seemed he wished to just get to the point. Shaking my head and hesitantly stepping back, I forced a smile, ‘No, I’m new here, I moved here a few days ago.’ He didn't respond. He just stared at me, brows dropping low into an expression that seemed questionable, like he was deep in thought whilst analysing my face. Clearing my throat, I was about to speak again, but he took the opportunity to break the silence. ‘We don’t tend to get new people in this… village,’ his brows perched up, like a question was hidden behind the act and his sentence. I felt like he was interrogating me. ‘Oh, really?’ I squeaked, urging myself to change the subject, ‘Um, so, do you go here? To this school, I mean.’ ‘No,’ he scoffed, ‘I did, but graduated three years ago. I was dropping off my siblings since my younger brother's car is having work done.’ Smiling politely, ‘Oh,’ was all I could say. Run. That same, weird feeling in my gut hit me. Get out of here before he asks you more questions. He took a small step forward, ‘Are you sure we’ve not met before?’ He asked with a slightly softer tone, but still a hint of sternness to it, as if he was trying to pry information out of me. The problem was, I didn't have any information to give. I was looking for information myself. What's wrong with me? I was struggling to get my thoughts straight and my words out. He was immensely attractive, and those eyes were almost enchanting, but there was something else about him that was making me feel on edge. My body was screaming that I was in danger, but why? Who is this guy? At last, I managed to piece some words together, ‘I doubt it. Have you ever been outside this village?’ ‘No.’ My voice stumbled, ‘Um, did you maybe see me pass by you in the last few days?’ ‘No. I would’ve remembered.’ His tone was starting to irritate me, ‘Well then you’re clearly mistaken,’ I shrugged, ‘I should get inside. It’s my first day and I don’t want to be late,’ I threw another awkward smile before walking away, but I was pulled back from my wrist. ‘Hey!’ I exclaimed, stumbling back and forced to lock eyes with him again. Those intimidating, intense eyes that just drew you in. He stood silent for a moment, looking at me so intensely, ‘Your eyes…’ My stomach flipped again, and my breathing felt heavy. Could werewolves read minds? No, of course they couldn't, and it wouldn’t be possible for him to even if he could. Thanks to E. Feeling a hollowness in my chest, ‘W-What about them?’ ‘I’ve seen them before, but I can’t recall where, and my memory is impeccable.’ Swallowing thickly, I shook my head, ‘You couldn’t have. I moved here a few days ago-‘ ‘You said that already,’ he said sharply. Holding the silence, I tried to contain my annoyance. His blunt tone was becoming too much now. What gave him the right to speak to someone as if they are beneath him? The slight smug look on his face made it harder to resist my irritation. He tugged me closer slightly, ‘What is your name, newbie?’ I huffed, ‘Why do you care?’ ‘Just tell me.’ Finally, having enough of his attitude and rudeness, I snapped, ‘Let go of my wrist.’ Yet, he didn't let go, instead he gripped tighter, not enough to seriously hurt me but enough for me to struggle to get myself out of his grip. I tried to pull my arm back, but his broad build obviously wasn’t for show. He was strong, and clearly a powerful werewolf. I couldn't take him on, even with whatever growing strength I had inside me. ‘Everett Shaw!’ Someone yelled from afar; a teacher, ‘Stop disturbing the students! You’ve had your years at Silver Divinity High, or are you hoping to return for more lessons?’ ‘Definitely not,’ he called back, not phased by the teachers' anger at all, still holding that strapping smug glare. He didn’t move, keeping his eyes on me, ‘My apologies, Miss Leanza, I was just leaving.’ ‘You.’ Miss Leanza looked at me vexed, ‘Get inside before the second bell, or you’ll get detention for a week,’ she strutted inside. I tugged my arm once again, ‘You have to let go,’ my tone was even more annoyed now. Everett released my wrist, holding his hands up with sass, and a gleam of anger in his eyes. Holding my wrist, I cracked it and took a few steps towards the school before stopping and turning to him, ‘It was a pleasure to meet you,’ I said sarcastically, then holding a smug smile, ‘Everett Shaw.’ Finally, his arrogant aura faded as his smug face dropped to displeasure. Realising he still didn't know my name yet, and I intended to keep it that way for as long as possible. I marched away without another word, increasing my speed as I entered the doors to the school. As I rushed into the building and down the hallway, I couldn’t help but turn around to see if he was still there, and he was. Watching me with that same mysteriously inquisitive look. What the hell was his problem?
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