Banished By My Mate Chapter 3

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Banished By My Mate Chapter 3 “Omg Caine! What are doing here?” I ran and jumped on him knocking us both over. “Missed me little sis?” He smiled. “Hell yeah! When did you get here? How did you get here?” “When they told me about your scar I came immediately. Why the hell didn’t you tell me?” I sighed. “I’ll tell you tomorrow its late lets go to sleep.” After making sure that he was settled in I took a shower and laid down. I was laying in my bed trying to get to sleep when something came to mind. I jumped out of my bed and ran to the room that Caine was sleeping in. “Caine....Caine!” I shook him again. “What? whats wrong?” “Did they follow you?” “Who?” he asked confused. “You know who. Damon and Damien, they are going to come here I have to go.” I was freaking out I couldn’t let them catch me. “Calm down. I snuck out, I had mom distract them and you know how she can be.” Yeah I knew all to well. Mom will talk a hole in your head and make you feel guilty when you tried to get away. That's how she got everything she wanted from dad. “You know everyone is really sorry about the way they treated you.” He sat up looking at me, I rolled my eyes. “I don’t care.” “They are your family.” “The only family I have is you and the twins. How are they anyway? I miss them so much?” “They have grown, I have pics.” OMG they got so big. I started to cry, I missed them they always made me smile and was so funny. I missed having sleepovers with them and waking up with them all over me, I even missed having Gabes smelly feet in my face. “Stop crying, I cant stand to see you so sad.” He was rubbing my back trying to get me to calm down, it wasn’t working. “I cant help it I feel so alone.” I cried. “Then come home.” “I cant.” I will not go back there they all betrayed me. “Yes you can. You aren’t banned from pack life anymore.” “What?” “They lifted it when Damien woke up. They both miss you. Damien is always talking about how you’re an angel. When he was in the coma your voice is what helped him to fight to wake up, you shouldn’t punish Damien for what Damon did. Damon is kind of a hot head but they both are great guys.” I sighed. “I was thinking the same thing but Damon scares me and I shouldn’t be scared of my own mate.” “Get some sleep sis we cant talk more tomorrow.” I woke up to my name being called. “Wake up Joy.” “No 5 more minutes.” I groaned. “No get your butt up so you can introduce me to the hunk in your living room.” I heard Faiths voice. “Who?” I asked with the pillow over my face. “The hot guy sitting on your chair, he said that his name is Caine.” “Eww that’s my brother. I don’t want to know how 'hot' he is that’s gross.” She laughed and smiled. “Get dressed, you’re coming with me to take Lilly to my parents house. She's staying the weekend.” After showering and getting dressed I went into the living room to wait for Faith to come back. “Where did your friend go?” Caine asked making a face. “She went home to pack her daughters things, we're driving her to the next town over to her grandparents house.” “I’m coming, your friend is sexy. I want her and will have her by the end of the night... You may want to sleep with the TV or radio on tonight.” “You’re so nasty! Are you sure they didn’t follow you?” He sighed. “Yes now stop worrying.” “Joy are you ready?” Faith yelled coming into the house. “Yes.” Caine hit my arm giving me a look. “Faith this is my brother Caine, Caine this is my new best friend Faith.” He lifted her hand and kissed it, I rolled my eyes he think hes smooth. He was a man w***e before he found his mate, now that she died hes back to his player ways. I am glad to see him smile again after his mate died he was depressed for years. Faith blushed and said hi. “Are you ready to go?” I asked. “Yeah my brother is putting Lilly in the car now.” “We're leaving Caine.” “Mind if I tag along?”He asked. “No I don’t mind.” I glared at him when she turned to walk out of the door. The ride was filled with my brother flirting with Faith. I practically jumped out of the car when we reached her parents house. Their house was simple and her parents were really nice. Faith looked just like her mother they both had long blonde hair cut into layers. Faith had her fathers blue eyes. After dropping Lilly off we went to lunch and of course my brother continued with his flirting. “I'll see you tonight around 8 OK.” “Alright.” “And you better have on one of those sexy dresses, no jeans.” She said while winking. “Alright alright.” “So.. Where are you guys going tonight?” Caine asked. “None of your business. We're having a ladies night and you aren’t invited.” “That’s what you think.” he said. We talked for a little while and played around like we used to. I didn’t want him to leave but I knew he had to. “So when are you leaving?” “Are you trying to get rid of me?” He asked while putting his hand over his heart. “No!” I punched his arm. “You know that I’m going to cry, I need to prepare myself.” “I’m leaving Sunday.” He answered sadly. “Aww I wish that you could stay longer.” “Me to. I have something for you.” He ran to his room and came back with a bag and a box I jumped up and down. “What is it?” I opened the bag and squealed. He bought me my favorite drink, when I turned 18 Caine wanted my first drink to be with him so he made me some special kind of drink that tasted like fruit. I haven’t had a drink since I was 18 even though I wanted one most of the time from being depressed. “Since I wont be here on your birthday I got you an early present.” I opened the box it was a gold locket there was a picture of my family on one side and picture of me and Caine on the other. I remember when that picture was taken. It was my 16th birthday and when my mom bought out the cake Caine smashed my face into it. I had icing all over my face and in my hair. I wanted to kill him but it was so funny. I couldn’t be mad, instead I picked up a hand full of cake and smashed in his face, my mother must have known what he was about to do because she had another cake in the kitchen. “Thanks Caine I love it.” He lifted my hair and put the necklace on, of course I was crying I’m a drama queen. “Alright now go and get dressed.” An hour later I was dressed and ready to go. When I tried to change Faith pushed me out of the door. “Looking good sis see you later.” my brother yelled. What the hell did he mean by that? I swear if he ruins our ladies night I’m going to kill him. When we arrived at the bar three girls flagged us down. “Hey you guys over here!” Faith introduced us. They were really nice girls. “Lets go get some shots.” “But I’m not 21.” I didn’t want to get into trouble. “Don't worry about that can I get 10 shots.” The waitress brought our shots and we downed them then went back to the bar and ordered some long island iced teas. After that we went to the dance floor and started to dance with each other. I went to the bathroom and when I came back Faith was dancing with my brother.. I’m going to kill him! “Why are you here?” I asked with an attitude. “To have fun, her brother invited me.” I walked to the table and took another shot I stumbled back to the dance floor. “Hey you want to dance?” Some guy asked while pulling me to the dance floor. “Sure.” We danced to 3 songs. “Lets get a table.” He said. “Sure OK.” We sat and talked for a little while. “I'll be right back I need to use the restroom.” He was nice but he kept touching me making me uncomfortable. I and went to find every one, Faith and Caine was in the corner making out eww. The girls were at the bar talking to some men so I decided to get some air, I shivered it was cold and my dress wasn’t helping. “Someone's cold.” No no no no no! I didn't want to look up because I knew that voice. I'm going to kill Caine he said they didn't follow him. I looked around trying to find a way to escape. “Don't do it Joy, you wont make it.” Sh*t, he's right he probably has wolves everywhere. “We need to talk.” “I don't want to talk goodnight Damon.” I tried to walk around him but he blocked the way. “Damon please.” I cried. “Just 5 minutes.” He said. “Goodnight.” “OK I guess its going to be the hard way.” He threw me over his shoulder and started to walk towards the car. I hit his back and was kicking him at the same time he just laughed. “You're only hurting yourself babe.” “Put me down now Damon... Help!” I screamed. “Don't bother, they know who i am and who you are to me you're wasting your breath.” "You have 5 minutes. I'm not going anywhere with you we can talk in the car.” He finally put me down. Damien I jumped out of the car hugging the life out of her. “Thank god you’re OK. Get in lets talk.” I opened the door got in and she got in behind me, Damon went to the other side and got in. She was trapped between us. “You need to come to the castle. You’re the Queen and its time you started acting like it.” He could have eased into the conversation but no he had to say it with authority. “Damon!” I hissed. “What? I’m not going to beat around the bush.” “I’m sorry about my brother” I apologized. “Its OK.” She said while looking around. “We need you to come with us, you’re our mate and our wolves are going crazy.” “I think my wolf left me.” She said softly that made my wolf surface. Mate! We need to call to her I can barely feel her. My wolf said. “Damon lift the shifting order now!” This is all his fault, if her wolf leaves her she'll be a human with extra strength. “You may shift whenever you want to. I’m so sorry about that, I never meant to hurt you. I was upset and instead of believing you I listened to rogues and the evidence, your word should have been enough.” Damon said apologizing, I was shocked he never apologizes even when he's wrong. “Will you work on forgiving us? We will take it as slow as you want.” I was hoping she would say yes but her next words were the words I was afraid of. “I can't forgive you. Do you know what I’ve been through because of this? I Joy Simpson rej-” I couldn’t let her finish that sentence. I would not let her reject us before I could do or say anything Damon kissed her. I think he had the same idea as me. When he pulled away we could see her eyes darkening she wanted us. “I have to go please let me out.” She said out of breath. “Joy please just 5 more minutes.” “No I cant deal with this right now.” I let her out of the car. “What the hell did you do that for?” Damon yelled. “She needs time Damon.. I guess we're staying here in Laysville for a while.” We will win her back.
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