not a chapter 75, Part 2

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A few hours ago, night howlers pack. Aurora pov: It’s been two weeks since I came to the Night howlers pack. I heard from Casey that this was the rumored, “the Night howlers pack “. Yes. It’s true, that I am currently living in the infamous Night howlers pack. In the following days since I came here both Casey and Zara told me everything about the night howlers pack and about them. Zion Xavier as I had predicted was the Alpha of the night howlers pack and his siblings were Zander and Zara Xavier. While Zander was the beta of the pack, Clint and Kevin were the gamma and Delta of the pack. When I heard that there was a Delta position in this pack, Casey told that it was to make it easier for them to manage such a big pack and it’s numerous pack members. Back when I was in the violet moon pack, Well this night howlers pack was said to be the most powerful pack in the Southern Region and was famous for being the cruelest pack in the region. It is said that the famous Night howlers pack was the largest pack with the highest number of pack members and have a large land area to support everyone in the pack. I have heard the gossips that the pack members of the Night howlers pack were cruel and were powerful warriors. They said that anyone or any rogue that crosses the borders of the night howlers pack then, those wolves were killed without any second thoughts and without any mercy as they said that the Alpha of the night howlers pack was a monster himself. But all those fake news turned out to be a baseless rumors as the pack members of the night howlers pack were so sweet and kind when compared to my old pack members. And more importantly, they treat me, a rogue, more friendly and even with more respect than I was treated back in my old pack. And the Alpha of the pack, Zion Xavier, well he does look intimidating with his serious look and dominating aura but he was the one who saved me from that nasty rogue and even allowed me to stay here in his pack, fully knowing that I was a rogue. And he does not know anything more than that. But what I really like about him was that he gave me the respect I deserved. I went to see him as I was summoned by him. I was scared out of my wits as I was really scared to be in the presence of an Alpha after my experience with my own Alpha aka my father. But all my fears went out of the window when I realized that he on my called me to ask about my well being. And more importantly, he gave me salary for me as I was cooking their meals saying that I earned that money and that I should take that salary to fulfill my personal needs. Well I am cooking for everyone in the private pack house since that day as every one loved my cooking and asked for more. Since I felt a little bit embarrassed to take the money as my salary, I asked The Alpha whether I can help the pack in some other way, as I was already staying here and free loading. Thus Alpha Zion suggested that I can help Casey in her duties if Casey have any work to me. And that’s how I ended my baby sitting in the play school, where I am. Currently working. Now I cook their meals and work in the play school in shifts. When I was lost in my thoughts, Zara came and dragged me outside saying that my shift was over a long time ago. Well, what can I say about this over dramatic and over excited girl. She got close to me real quick and proudly says out loud that I am her best friend. And I too feel happy as she is the first and only friend I have after a very long time. But now she was pestering me to go for shopping as she found out that the Alpha have given me my salary. But I have been refusing her saying that the clothes both she and Casey gave me were more than enough for me. And I was telling the truth too. I has owned only a few pairs of dresses in the past and that now the clothes I have were really more for me. Finally I managed to convince her today that I am not going out for shopping with her. “it’s not fair Rory “, Zara said and pouted like a five year old kid who was restricted to have a candy. Yes… she and Casey started calling me using my nickname ‘Rory'. I just shook my head and smiled looking at her.. And as usual I listened to all her chit chats while returning to the pack house. ..... happy reading ❤❤
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