not a chapter 75

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Zion Xavier pov: “when did Aurora became your matter?. Don’t kid around. I should go and plan that date well”, saying .that Casey stood up and went to open the office room door. “She became my matter when I first laid my eyes on her. She is MINE. AURORA IS MY MATE”, I yelled at Casey who only grinned from ear to ear instead of being shocked. “Well… . I knew it… .. Thank the moon goddess”, Casey said and sat on her mate Clint’s lap. I went and looked the vast green forest out of the window in the office. Flashback: On the day Zion brought Aurora to the night howlers pack. Zion’s first meeting with Aurora.… .. Suddenly the wind blew across me, making me stop in my tracks. Its not because of the night’s chilly wind but the soothing and attractive tones of scent that was mixed with it. The next minute a heavy wind blew making me shiver in delight. Due to the strong wind, I was able to catch on to the alluring smell that made me lose my footing for a second. It was the most intoxicating scent I had ever smelled. The scent was the combination of the lavender with a hint of vanilla to it. I just stood there, rooted to my spot, hell shocked as I think I knew what that intoxicated scent or whom that scent might be belonged to. And to confirm my suspicion, my inner wolf ranted the one word that I never expected to hear in this moment in a repeated mode, making my heart to beat very fast in anxiousness. “Mate…mate.. Mate!!!!. Our mate… our mate is near zion… finally… .. . We found our mate!!! “, my inner wolf almost screamed in happiness. He just ran around in circles and howled in pure joy. But I was too shocked and surprised to say the least, as I had never expected to find my mate right now. Upon my inner Wolf’s urging I followed the intoxicating scent of my mate and reached a meadow, filled with flowering small plants and filled with grasses in every inch of the land looking so beautiful. But all that stopped making sense and looking beautiful, when I smelled the scent of the rogue I was chasing back then in the air along with the intoxicating scent that made me and my wolf to go crazy. But before I could take a step, the wind blew around making me to get a hint of a scent. The next second, the wind blew strongly making me to clearly catch on to the scent in it. I quickly followed the trail of the scent and reached a meadow next to the forest which was filled with flowering plants and grasses every where. There, I was able to clearly smell the scent of the rogue who ran away from me just now. When I went further following the scent of the rogue, I saw a scene that made me angry. I fastened my pace and followed that intoxicating scent further on only to encounter the scene that made my blood boil in pure anger. There on the ground I saw a small and petite looking girl, from whom that delicious and heart tickling scent was coming from. But what made me blow my top was that she was trembling in fear and That damned rogue was ready to attack her. ***how dare that good for nothing, useless moron think of hurting her???. Not wanting to wait anymore, I growled loudly clearly warning that rogue wolf to dare to take another step towards the girl. When that rogue wolf was about to attack her, I jumped over her and stood in front of her protectively as my basic instinct of protecting what belongs to mine surfaced along with my inner wolf who was more possessive of what was his. That darn rogue was no match for me and within seconds, I killed him without any second thoughts. The moment I turned back to look at the small figure huddling on the ground, my breath hitched in me and I literally lost my footing for a second. But in the end, I gathered my bearings and finally reeled in my emotions and kept up with my pace towards that little figure huddled on the ground. There on the ground, I saw the most beautiful girl I had ever laid my eyes on even with her messy hair and tear stained face. She had a long dirty brown colored hair with the most brightest hazel colored eyes that were filled with fear and a array of tears that flowed from those fearful yet mesmerizing eyes while making a trail of it’s own like the raindrops falling on a leaf and making it’s way down to the ground due to the gravitational force. She looked so small that one can mistake her for a child or was she really an under aged girl. As she was still looking all terrified and huddled herself like a wounded little bunny and she didn’t act even like she realized that she was my mate. But all of a sudden she started behaving abnormal. She clutched her chest in pain and had troubled breathing. Before I reached her, she fainted on the spot. I careful came close to her and looked at her face which was covered by her long brown hair. the moment, I reached her, the scent of her smell, lavender with a hint of vanilla, hit my nostrils like a fast running train, making me and my wolf to go crazy in an instant. "mate.... mate..... my mate", my inner wolf screamed and howled happily while looking towards the full moon. ny inner wolf was so happy and truth to be told I was too, as we had found our mate after a long time.... after a long years of yearning..... I leaned closer to her and huffed some air near her face, trying to blow away the clusters of thick brown hair that was currently blocking me to look at our mate's face clearly. after a few attempts, I was able to successfully, blow the clusters of hair away, making our mate's beautiful face fully visible to us... her small and round face was shinning brightly with a natural glow to it, once her hair was stopped from being an obstacle, like a moon that shines brightly after coming out from the screen of clouds blocking it from our eyes. I just looked at that innocent looking baby face of my mate, without blinking my eyes for a few seconds, but soon I was brought out of my own fantasy world, from the rantings of my over excited inner wolf. "mate.... mate..... my mate", my inner wolf screamed yet again. " that's our mate, you dumb wolf.... not only YOURS....OURS!!...both mine and yours", I snapped at him playfully so that my inner wolf can stop his happy howling and concentrate on our mate who was unconscious right now. "party spoiler.... whatever.... I am just very happy that we found our mate... look at our mate. she is so beautiful and looking very innocent.... she is looking like cute little pup", my inner wolf said happily and wagged his tail constantly.. " yes... you are right.. our mate looks very beautiful and cute looking like an innocent baby", I said without thinking as I was mesmerised by the beauty of our mate... "I want to mark our mate right now, and claim her as our own. I want to proudly say that we have found our lovely luna, and want to yell so loudly so that the whole world can know that we found our mate", "Don't you dare, buddy... don't you dare to even think about marking her right now. and that too in her unconscious state... it's not right.... so hold your horses right there and sit tight", I said to my inner wolf very seriously as I don't want him to take my warning very lightly. After admiring and praising how beautiful and gorgeous our mate was looking to each other( conversation with my inner wolf), I carefully carried her on the back of my wolf body and decided to bring her back to our pack. I decided to get to know who our mate and where she was from and currently where she was going to go, when she wakes up. After I took a few steps further, I found a small worn out school bag that reeked to much of the similar scent of our mate. I leaned down carefully so as not to drop our mate from my wolf body and carefully took a few sniffs. Then I confirmed that the small bag belongs to our mate, I took it in my jaws and started the journey to my pack. I Started running as fast and as carefully as I can and swiftly I mind linked Clint that I was bring a girl back to our pack house and told him to do all the needed arrangements. I decided to wait and not to break the news to my friends and family right now. With that in mind, I ran and finally reached the pack borders of the night howlers pack. Flashback ends. ... happy reading❤❤❤ first meet..... ❤❤ *** note.. dr sweeties.... I am going to put this book under the ptr program, after I finish editing the chapters.... I'll notify when it's going to start.... tq..... take care. I am thinking of changing the chapter numbers, what do you guys think about it... (like, if I change the number on the chapter headings, chapter 70 will be renamed as chapter 50 Or something like that.( only the chapter headings will be changed with the contents remaining the same...)).... please give ur comment on this....
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