chapter 39

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Somewhere in the neutral lands: Aurora POV: Fredrick, and his parents, Aunt Tara and Uncle Thomson were the only ones, who treated me like a human being in that pack. I ate one of the chocolate bars, and thought about the time when I went to say goodbye to Aunt Tara. Flashback: A few hours ago, in the Violet Moon pack: I knocked on the dark brown colored door, and waited for some one to open it. Soon I heard the sounds of the foot steps coming from behind the closed door, and as the sounds got more closer, my heart began to beat rapidly, as if it was hell bent on exposing my real intentions to the opposite person. The moment, the door was opened wide, I saw Aunt Tara’s face, and the next second, I was immediately surrounded by a peaceful atmosphere. She was like that sort of soothing medicine to me. Seeing that it was me, Aunt Tara gave me a million dollars smile, and hugged me into her embrace, surrounding me with her warm motherly love. “Hi there, honey. What a pleasant surprise. What brought you here at this hour, my dear baby? “, aunt Tara shot out several questions at the same time. “stop with your enquiry, sweet heart. Let the kid come in first, and give her a moment to breathe“, uncle Thomson said from behind his mate, while rubbing my head softly, like he would do to me usually, when I was a little kid. I gave a small smile to him gratefully, as I really wanted to get inside their house first as soon as possible. As I do not want to be spotted by the other members of the pack, and get reprimanded for this from the Alpha, aka my father. “Oh sorry, dear. I got excited seeing you here. Come inside. Come”, saying this, aunt Tara dragged me into the living room, and made me to sit on the sofa. “You ladies take your time, and enjoy talking with each other. I will go, and bring something to eat for you guys”, Uncle Thomson said, and disappeared into the kitchen. Aunt Tara released me from the hold, she had on my wrist, and looked at me eagerly. All of a sudden, the relaxed expression on her face disappeared, and instead a sad, and concerned expression took it’s place on her face. “are you okay, honey?. Did someone said, Or did something bad to you?. Are you hurt anywhere?. Do you need any medicine for the pain??. Is that why you came to our home, at this late hour? “, Aunt Tara asked in her over concerned tone, all in a single breath. The meaning behind her words hit me sharply. Her words expressed that every time I was hurt, and needed something, either some medicine, or her comfort, I always went to her. And her words were 100 percent true. All these years, whatever I had needed, and in my most critical times, I had always seeked her presence, or help. She filled the void that I had in my heart, due to the loss of my mother, Luna Lily Bentick. Thinking that I was going to lose another mother figure, again, made me even more emotional, than I already was. I tried my best to swallow my grief, as I do not want her to worry about me. I was brought out of the thoughts that were running inside my mind by a little nudge in my side. I turned to my left, and saw Aunt Tara, who was eagerly waiting for my answer. “no, aunt Tara. Nothing happened to me. No one said anything to me”, I lied through my teeth, hoping that she would not be able to see through my lie. “I was there, when you came out of your mother’s protective stomach, and I have been watching you grow up since you had your diapers on, young lady….. So tell me, what is the real reason for you to coming to see me now, and that too at this late hour. What was so important, that it can not wait till tomorrow morning??. Does anyone bother you?. Are you in trouble?. Do you need anything, dear? . Do not try to deny, and tell me the truth, dear. I am here….i am here for you”, Aunt Tara asked again, as she was not convinced by the simple excuse, which I gave to her. “no, Aunt Tara… . It is really nothing “, I stressed the last word more. “then, why are you here, out of no where, dear?. That too so late in the night??“, she asked me suspiciously. “I felt lonely.. I just missed mom, Aunt Tara. So… I… . I just”, I stuttered, and before I could come up with a full lie, she hugged me tightly, enveloping me with her warm motherly love. I just bit my lips stubbornly, as I did not want to cry out loud, and make her to be sad too, along with me. “it is okay, sweet heart. I am here. I will always be there for you, like your mother. So whenever you feel like you miss your mom, you just run to me, my dear baby girl “, she said, as if reading my inner thoughts, and hugged me even more tightly. I controlled my tears, and only the sniffling sounds could be heard from me. After a few minutes, I came out of my little comfort zone, and looked at aunt Tara who looked back at me, and smiled with crystal clear tears, that were threatening to fall down from her big doe eyes. She quickly wiped the unshed tears away from her eyes, and helped me to wipe my face with the sleeve of her shirt. “Now stop crying, my dear, Rory”, Aunt Tara cooed, and made a funny face making me to smile in a few seconds. Just then, Uncle Thomson came from the kitchen with biscuits, and two long glasses that were filled with mango juices. “Hey there, my dear lovely ladies. Here we go!!. Delicious home made juice, made by this handsome guy for these lovely ladies “, Uncle Thomson said excitedly, and bowed in front of us dramatically, like the men would do back in the olden days. I just laughed at his funny gesture, while Aunt Tara snorted, and rolled her eyes at him. “You???.... And handsome???…have you ever heard of a mirror??. You old man… . “, Aunt Tara teased her mate. “do not crack such a pathetic joke in the future. I would lose hope, and would stop believing in jokes for the rest of my life“, Aunt Tara said, making Uncle Thomson to frown unhappily. “Hmm…. You do not know. How many young girls were still admiring this piece of art”, Uncle Thomson flaunted his body figure so proudly, clearly forgetting to whom he was talking to. **** his over possessive, and over scary mate… .. My dear moon goddess …please help him!!. “Wait a minute… . What did I just hear, Tommy?. Can you kindly repeat it again? “, Aunt Tara asked, while keeping her hands on her hips, clearly daring her mate to say those words again, in front of her. But Uncle Thomson knows clearly that once he repeat those words in front of his scary little mate, then he would be a dead meat, for sure. So not wanting to get on the bad side of aunt Tara, and getting skewed alive, tactically, Uncle Thomson changed his sentence, and chose his words correctly. “I said that you are very beautiful, honey. My dear young, and gorgeous looking mate Tara”, Uncle Thomson said with a sheepish smile, and winked at me, bringing a small smile on my face too. “That is what I thought”, aunt Tara said, and flipped her hair back dramatically. Just then the person I did not expected to see, came into the living room. It is none other than Perry Pervin, aunt Tara’s daughter, and my ex best friend. Just seeing her made me to be nervous, as i felt that things might go down the South, and my gut feeling turned out to be true, as the expression on her face changed drastically when she saw me, and an annoyed frown formed on her forehead. “when did you guys started to let beggars into our home?. And more than that, you guys were treating her, like she is your precious guest. Just stop doing things like this. It is utterly Disgusting “, Perry said with an annoying facial expression, making the little smile, which I had on my face to disappear, in the next second. The harsh words, Perry said about me, hit me really hard, as I really considered her as my friend till now. I thought all these times that she used such harsh, and taunting words to hurt me emotionally, just because we were in the presence of my elder sister Andrea, and her group of minions. I thought that Perry did all those mean things to me, just so that she did not want to be left out by their group of friends, and become a target of their taunts, and mocking, like me. But now, I have realised that she did not fake those hurtful words. Instead she really did mean those harsh words, and her hatred towards me was as real as it can be. The moment her daughter finished her last words, Aunt Tara bellowed in anger, making the whole house to shook in her anger. “PERRY PERVIN!!!!!!. Shut your damn mouth. If you did not get your face, out of my sight in the next two seconds, you will feel sorry for yourself “, Aunt Tara said, while gritting her teeth fiercely. “What!!???. Are you scolding me for that worthless b***h, mom!!!!??? “, Perry asked back in a disbelieving tone, as Aunt Tara was not the one to lose her temper that easily on someone. “PERRY THOMSON PERVIN!!!!!. SHUT YOUR GOOD FOR NOTHING MOUTH, BEFORE I BREAK YOUR LEGS, AND GIVE IT IN YOUR HANDS. AND ONE MORE THING. DON’T YOU DARE TO DISRESPECT MY GUEST, THAT TOO IN MY PRESENCE. NOW, GET LOST FROM HERE!!!!”, Aunt Tara roared, making everyone present in the living room to shrink their necks, due to her sudden loud out burst. Perry left the living room in anger, and shut her room door so loudly, that I was afraid that the door would have been broken, if she had used a little more strength in closing it. “Do not take the words of that stupid brat seriously, and let it influence your mood, my dear sweet heart. That crazy brat forgot all the manners, that I had taught her, all because of this stupid man’s pampering “, Aunt Tara said, and glared at Uncle Thomson, who had an expression, that looked like he was greatly wronged. “hey, honey… .. It is unfair. Do not blame me for your daughter's behavior. She got that short temper of hers from you”, Uncle Thomson retorted, and had the most innocent looking expression on his face, making me to smile at his weird expression. “Whatever. Now shoo…. Leave us alone…off you go”, Aunt Tara waved her hand dismissingly at her mate. “you heartless woman…. okay bye, sweet heart…..good night”, Uncle Thomson said to his mate, and turned his attention on me, and said his goodbye, before going away from the living room. After we were left alone, Aunt Tara disappeared into the kitchen, and came out with a plate, that was filled with foods to the brim. Then she made a sudden announcement. “today, my dear Rory came to see me. So I am going to feed you with my own hands”, saying this Aunt Tara fed me the delicious food that she had cooked by herself. I too ate more than I would usually eat, on her insistence, as I know in my heart, that this will be the last time, I get to eat the food cooked by her, and more importantly, this might be the last time that I could eat from her hands. I will miss her motherly love, with which she would always embrace me with. After I ate, she made me sit, and we both spoke for a few minutes, in which she told me about her teenage years, and the crazy things, which she did with my mother Lily Bentick. I too listened eagerly, as it will be my most cherished memory with the two women I loved the most. One was my mom Lily, and the other was Aunt Tara, the mother figure, who was my second mom all these years. In the middle of our conversation, Aunt Tara caressed the flower pendant of the necklace chain, which she gave me on my 18th birthday, and she patted my head often too. I was too immersed in the warmth of the love, which she was showering on me, that I did not mind her warm actions at all, and enjoyed it to my heart’s content. When it was time for me to leave, I hugged her tightly, wanting to imprint this moment deeply into my heart, as I want this moment to be my ever lasting memory. Not wanting to get caught by Aunt Tara, as my tears again started flowing down my cheeks, I quickly swallowed down my sadness, and bid farewell to Aunt Tara. As soon as the door of her house was closed, I quickened my pace, and started closing the gap between the pack house, and me, by half running, and half speed walking. I dashed towards the attic as quickly, and as quietly as possible, so as to not to alert, or seem suspicious to others. Flashback ends. I suddenly came out of the thoughts, that were running in my mind, due to the noise which I heard near me. **** happy reading❤❤❤
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