chapter 40

1603 Words
Somewhere in the neutral lands: Aurora Pov: I suddenly came out of the thoughts, that were running in my mind, due to the noise I heard near me. I was startled, and looked to the left only to find some small night creatures, running into the bushes in the dark. I released the breath I was holding till now due to the fear, and sighed heavily. Patting my heart softly, I calmed down. Even though being alone, and away from the pack without any protection over my head looked scary, I did not regret my decision of running away from that hellish place at all in the least. Not even for a second. 'Staying there, and suffering in Chance Gary’s hands would be even more scary than all these things’, I thought to myself. Just when I thought that I had enough rest, I stood up to continue my journey. I decided to find a safe place to rest tonight, and then continue my journey in the next morning. I also made plans, that I should go to the human town, and find a job, and then settle there, away from all the pack territories. After taking a few steps, I stopped moving in my tracks, as I had a gut feeling that someone was watching me so closely. Once this thought striked me, fear gripped me instantly, and I looked around me to find who, or what it was, that was following my movements. Then I ran my wandering eyes around me, and suddenly I saw the most terrifying red eyes, hidden inside a bush, watching the every moves that I make, without taking it’s eyes off me. I forced my shaky legs to move backwards, without making any fast move, but the snarl from the bushes made me to stand still in fear, and moreover, my legs really got frozen the moment I heard the deadly sounding snarl. From the bushes, emerged a brown furred wolf, with dangerous looking blood red eyes. Even though it looked weak for a male adult werewolf, but it was big, and strong enough to kill me with a single strike. And from the looks of it, I know for sure that it was a rogue wolf. Without thinking twice, in the fit of an adrenaline rush, I turned around swiftly, and ran as fast as I could to save my life. I did not think about whether I can outrun the rogue wolf, or not. All that I felt at that very moment, was the basic instinct of survival, which made me to run for my life, without having any second thoughts. With a sudden rush of adrenaline instigated by the fear of my life, I ran aimlessly, and reached a meadow, that was filled with several flowering plants, and lush green grasses. Hearing the sounds of the growl, and snapping sounds of the teeth from behind me, I made the mistake that one should never do, while running away from something, or someone. Yes. Being the stupid me, I turned back to look at the rogue wolf, who was chasing me relentlessly. Due to this stupidity of mine, I stumbled upon something, and I fell, and rolled down on the ground. But before I could get up, and start running again, the rogue wolf that was chasing me gained an upper hand, and it moved past me, and blocked me in the front. I just crawled back on the ground, without taking my eyes off the rogue wolf, with the rogue wolf advancing towards me in its slow, and steady, yet terrifying steps. Each step that the rogue wolf took towards me, made my heart to thump loudly in terror. When the rogue wolf jumped in my direction, while snapping it’s teeth, I just threw the mud, I gripped in my hands in it’s eyes, and flung the old school bag at the rogue wolf. When the rogue wolf was distracted, I ran in the opposite direction, in the same path in which I ran to here. But before I could even leave the meadow, the rogue wolf again ran faster than me, and came in front of me, blocking my escape route. I thought that I was really dead at that very moment. As I have already angered the rogue wolf by attacking it, I knew that it will not spare me today. ‘ I am dead', I thought, when I saw the rogue wolf growled, and leaped in my direction, while snapping its teeth at me angrily. I closed my eyes, and screamed in fear, while lowering myself on the ground, as my legs shook violently, and became jelly, due to the terror that gripped me. Just when I thought that I was dead today, I heard another Wolf’s angry roar, that was full of power, and dominance, from the other side of me. The angry roar was so loud enough, that it shook the ground beneath me, making all the hairs on my body to rise in terror. Even in my terrified state, my curiosity, or my inner self made me, to want to see what the other sound was, or whom it belonged to. Thus yielding to my curious self, I peeked through my eye lashes, and looked in the other direction, from where the sound came from. There stood a black wolf, in a size so big, that even if I stood in my full height, I will not be able to match it’s height. The black wolf looked more powerful, and held a dominating aura to it. I thought before, that the rogue wolf was strong. But now, this black wolf looked even more stronger than the rogue wolf in every aspect. Truth to be told, the rogue wolf can not even stand a chance, against this new black wolf at all. All of a sudden the rogue wolf growled, and lunged towards me, to attack me. Each, and every fiber of my body was filled with pure unadulterated fear, that made my heart to stop beating, and making me to freeze over. Just then, when I thought that I was in the last moments of my life, and met with death face to face, I prayed to the great moon goddess for help, and pleaded for something, or anything to happen….some so called miracle to happen. Just then, the new black wolf, that was larger than my entire body, leaped above me from my behind, and stood in front of me in a protective stance, while snarling at the rogue wolf which tried to attack me, a moment ago. The black wolf was clearly threatening the rogue wolf, and daring it to not to take a step further in the forward direction, towards us. But the rogue wolf defied the threat openly, and lunged towards the new black wolf, with the two wolves getting themselves into a nasty, and fiercely bloody fight. Within a few seconds, the black wolf that protected me, dominated the whole fight, and killed the rogue wolf mercilessly by snapping its throat. When the black wolf, and the rogue wolf were fighting each other, I slowly got up, with my legs still shaking endlessly, as it had lost all it’s power, and senses, and were like a smooth jelly stick. I stood at a distance, away from the fighting wolves, in fear of getting caught in between them. But seeing those two wolves, one brown, and the other black, fighting with each other brought back the traumatic, and the painful memories, that I had buried deep within my mind, since a long time ago. These two wolves fighting with ea h other, had brought back the memories back from the time, when my mother, Luna Lily died. The time, when I was a little child, and was happened to witness the cruel death of my dearest mom Lily, with my eyes at such a tender age. It reminded me of how helpless, and hopeless I was, when I was unable to save her. All those horrible memories from that rogue attack, began to play in front of my eyes scene by scene, making it hard for me to breathe. I panicked so much that I forgot to take a breath, making my lungs to cry out in need. I was brought out of my traumatic memory lane, when I heard the growl of a wolf before me. I looked up while pressing my chest, as it was paining terribly. The first thing, that I saw was the bright silver grey eyes that shone brightly in the dark night black back ground. Those pair of silver grey eyes looked so beautiful, yet mysterious, that it can make someone lose themselves in its mysterious glint. But the next thing, I saw made me to freak out in pure terror. When I took a closer look, I could clearly see the anger in those pair of silver grey eyes shinning brightly. And the appearance of the black wolf with blood coated teeth was so similar, to the moment from the past, where the rogue wolf that killed my mom, turned to look at me after killing my mom right in front of my eyes, with my mother’s blood dripping from its jaws. I couldn’t think clearly, and now all I could see was the rogue wolf that killed my mom, approaching me with blood dripping jaws to kill me. I screamed in terror, and the next second, black spots appeared in front of my eyes, and I fainted in panic. **** happy reading ❤❤❤
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